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We have to talk

Posted on Fri May 8th, 2020 @ 7:51am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,842 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD3 1430 hrs


Freya lay in bed cuddled up with Kaden, her head resting on his shoulder and her arm draped across his chest. One of the upsides of him being on medical leave was they could lie in bed together whenever they liked. “Are you awake?” She kept her voice low just incase Kaden was sleeping.

"Tell me again you love my muscles." Kaden replied with a smile his eyes closed.

Freya smiled as she ran her hand over his chest muscles. “You bet I do! What woman wouldn’t love a muscle bound body like yours.”

Kaden opened his eyes finally watching Freya run her hand over his chest. "I am glad you see the beauty of my condition." He was not implying Ariana didn't either but that it was nice to trust someone that saw the beauty of his muscle growth condition.

“I love you, I always have and always will.” Freya smiled as she lifted her head and kissed his chest. “Tell me something? Is it true what I read on the reports? Have you given up your position as Marine C.O.?”

Kaden frowned as rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I swear to god these bulkheads have eyes and ears everywhere..." With a annoyed sigh he rolled his eyes. "I uh...did yeah."

“No one else knows, I have access to all your reports remember? I was reading over some files getting them organised practicing for when I’m your assistant after my maternity leave. Can I ask why? You have what it takes to be a great leader Imzadi.”

Kaden pulled back the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed resting his hands on his knees. "Do i?" He asked before pausing running his tongue across his upper teeth. "I can't even figure out if I want to stay or leave Starfleet or even what my purpose is anymore."

Freya looked at her husband in surprise. “Whoa...wait a minute...where did that come from?” She suddenly had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that she didn’t much like. “I thought you were happy here?”

"I am happy with you but I am still having second thoughts on what I want to do in my life now. Since my near death experience I been lost I mean joined out of love I stayed for love now..." Kaden threw his arms in the air. "Now, I don't know what my calling is in life is it still here? Is it out there?."

Freya nodded her heart was rapidly sinking at the thought of what Kaden might decide to do. “Only you can make that decision Kaden, but I can’t leave. I’m having our baby and I want to stay with what’s become home. Such as it is at the moment.” She looked at him waiting to see what he’d say.

Kaden turned to face Freya. "I know, but whatever it is I am looking for I am going to stay where I am at for now. No more bothering Corrigan on making up a excuse to get me discharged. Till then I rather take a back seat on things you know...let Dartt run things while I figure things out."

Freya breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought for a minute you were going to leave me here and go look for whatever it is you’re looking for!” She wiped away a few emotional tears.

Kaden threw his head back laughing not that he was being insensitive just that Freya seemed to get wild ideas a bit too much. "Leave you? What in the name of your diety are you talking about? I would never leave you."

Freya smiled feeling pretty silly. “Okay so you’re back to marine XO and from what I read you have a new ship!” She smiled. “Have you seen her yet?”

"I think so sorry been rather occupied as of late to notice." Kaden replied.

“Let me rephrase that” Freya smiled. “Would you like to see your ship?”

Kaden laid back down resting his head on Freya's lap. "Sure, I got to sometime right?" He replied taking a strand of her hair between his fingers and playing with it.

“But you’re not that enthusiastic about it huh?” Freya looked at Kaden, giving him that ‘I know what you’re thinking’ look. “I thought you’d find that fun.”

"You know the last time I was on a ship name Saratoga it blew up right?" Kaden replied.

Freya opened her mouth to speak but quickly shut it again. She paused then nodded. “Ohh Kaden, I’m sorry!! I wasn’t thinking.” She paused again. “If you’re not ready then it’s fine, it’ll wait.”

Kaden took Freya's hand into his kissing it as he settled in on her lap. "Nothing to be sorry about you are just excited is all...almost wish I can be. New rank and new ship but ever since my near death experience I am struggling to find my place right now. All I can do is take things a step at a time hope I can find that spark to light my fire again."

Freya nodded. “How’s about we go tour her, it’s a Sovereign Class ship so a different ship altogether from the old Saratoga. It might help you to get a feel for the ship before you end up commanding it once you’re cleared for duty.”

The idea of going on the ship seemed like a nice idea but the thought being on it right now made Kaden a bit green in the gills so to speak. "Can we not talk about it anymore?" He rolled on to his side.

“Okay” Freya smiled. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to help that’s all. It has nothing to do with the fact that there’s a whole Captain’s Quarters over there where we’d need to make love in every room just like we used to in new places! Remember that!?” She grinned. “Every time we went somewhere new we christened every room!”

Kaden smiled gently running his thumb along Freya's thigh. "Like that night of our wedding on your parents yacht?" He asked.

Freya grinned as she remembered that night. “Ohh yes! Now that is a night I’m not going to forget!!”

Kaden turned to face Freya again as he still rested his head on her lap. "Freya, do you think I will find a purpose to stay in Starfleet?" He asked feeling a bit sorry to change the subject but it was something that had been on his mind quite a bit. Perhaps talking it over with Freya could help him maybe find a little optimism that he had made the right choice staying.

“Because you joined for Ariana?” Freya sighed. “What about me? Won’t you stay for me? Though as long as we’re together it wouldn’t matter to me if you wanted to change what you do. Whatever makes you happy Imzadi.”

"Stay in Starfleet or here on the station?" Kaden asked.

“I’d like you to stay in Starfleet but that’s your decision, I’d hate to see you waste all the hard work you’ve put in getting this far.” Freya offered an understanding smile. “Of course I want you to stay on the station, Starbase 400 that is!”

Kaden understood how Freya felt on this struggle to find something to keep him in Starfleet. Dr. Corrigan felt the same too certainly hating to see him work hard as he had only to throw it all away. "I understand, trust me you aren't the only one who feels that way."

Freya nodded. “What’s important to me is that you’re happy. If that means letting you be a full time dad and me doing the work so be it!”

"I suppose you and Dr. Corrigan are both right on me quitting after all the hard work I have done. Perhaps I should take things a step at a time not make any rash decisions right now." Kaden looked at Freya. "Okay, I will stay for now maybe all this is just jitters or something but I won't quit...for you."

Freya smiled the biggest smile yet. “Thank you Imzadi. I’ll do anything I can to help you.”

Kaden stood up walking over to a plate of food nearby and popped a few grapes into his mouth. "And as always I welcome your help, my love." He smiled grabbing the plate bringing it back to the bed with him.

“My pleasure.” Freya smiled warmly. “That’s what I’m here for.”

Kaden set the plate down between him and Freya as he covered himself up again. "I always appreciate that, Freya, I need the famous Savette family wisdom."

“Nothing famous about it” Freya smiled as she picked a couple of grapes and put them in her mouth.

Kaden took a slice of cream cheese and spread it over a cracker. "Not what the Ferengi say...but they also say the women from your region of Betazed where you was born and raised are proper in the 'old ways' not wearing clothes and such or even very little." He grinned taking a bite.

“Oh really?” Freya smiled as she playfully stood up and slid out of her dress and underwear. “So you prefer me to walk around like this then?”

"If you want, just start piling up your clothes I will burn them later..." Kaden teased placing his arms behind his head enjoying the view.

“I’m sure seeing your assistant and wife walking around the station naked would certainly get plenty of attention!” Freya grinned as she sat back on the bed. Besides it would get pretty chilly don’t you think?”

Kaden's eyes widened much as HE liked the idea of her running around nude. The thought of others seeing her was a bit well something he didn't seem to like much. But Kaden was a Human after all Freya was Betazoid they both was from different worlds so they both saw things differently. "Uh, on second thought keep the clothes you made a good point." He replied watching her get back in bed.

Freya grinned. “Now how’s about we just enjoy this time we’ve been given together? Once you’re back to duty I’ll be back to being here alone, I want to enjoy your company while I’ve got it.”

Kaden couldn't help but rub his leg at that point. "Sure, why not."

“Let’s cuddle up on the bed like we used to, just rest and hold each other.” Freya smiled. “I miss that.”

Kaden patted his chest for Freya to join him. "Sure, come here beautiful." He said with a grin.

Cuddling up Freya smiled. As long as she had Kaden she knew everything would work out for them no matter what decision Kaden made about his future.



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