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Posted on Fri May 8th, 2020 @ 7:52am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Korel

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: the SS Roane
Timeline: MD3 1400 hrs


Kah’lyn had spent most of her morning visiting the ship’s of the Starbase 400 fleet, with the Ops staff of 400 spaced out across the fleet and their hosting Starbase the Ops crew were being stretched to their max.

Arriving at the docking port of the SS Roane, Kah’lyn was looking forward to spending time working with Croesus. They’d spent an enjoyable night together and she wanted to spend more time with him, she absentmindedly rubbed her neck rubbing off the concealer covering her love bite from the previous evening.

She was also unaware if a mysterious Caitian helmsman named H'rall who sensed her upon board.

" Arrre you lostt Lieutenant?" he yowled.

Kah'lyn turned to look at the Caitian offering a smile. "Actually...I'm looking for Commander Croesus."

The voices of two Klingons joking could be heard up ahead as Croesus had beaten Kay'lyn aboard. Croesus smiled upon, seeing her but quickly wiped it away so as not to be too zealous.

" This is Lt Chiara from operations. She will be conducting your inspection. Chiara this is Korel, former Klingon gunner turned entrepreneur and scoundrel. He is also a cousin. Which is why you will do the inspection." Croesus introduced.

Kah'lyn had to resist the temptation to smile as she saw Croesus." Yes Sir" She looked at Korel and nodded politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you Korel."

" My reputation hasn't made it to Starbase 23 yet. I aquired this ship and assisted in the evacuation. She has been out of service for a while. I had some work done but not sure if it meets Star Fleet regs. My partner Skye,has installed new gadgets so be prepared for anything." warned Korel. " You must be quite an officer for Croesus to ....anyways feel free to inspect. The dining hall has an automated menu."

Kah’lyn looked at Croesus as Korel mentioned him and her in the same sentence, she wondered if Croesus had been talking about her. “Thank you Korel, I’ll have a full report made for you as I go along so that you can see what, if anything, needs doing.” She looked at Croesus. “Will you be joining me Sir?”

" Yes Lieutenant. Korel you and H'rall can go to the station and enjoy yourselves." Croesus urged.

" No joy ridesss," H'rall hissed.

Kah’lyn grinned. “I see no reason to be taking your ship out so I wouldn’t worry about that.”

When they had exited Croesus looked to Kah'lyn. " Look over the computers. I'll be in the reactor room. When your done call me."

“Yes Sir” Kah’lyn nodded, smiled and started for the bridge, she wanted to go over the computers there.

~ A while later ~

Inspection on the computer system done Kah’lyn had headed for engineering to check out the computers there. =/\= Chiara to Croesus, I’m enroute to engineering to check the last of the computer system Sir. Main computers all check out to specs but I want to be sure engineering does too. =/\=

=/\= Copy that. Find deck 2 first. There is something down here you need to see. =/\=

Croesus had found a holosuite and had installed one of the programs the previous owner had installed.

=/\= Aye Sir, on my way. =/\= Making her way to Deck 2 Kah’lyn smiled as she saw Croesus waiting for her. “Reporting as ordered.” She couldn’t wait until they were off duty and able to drop the professional air between them.

" I found the holo suite running a program you've got to see." Croesus introduced. Violet colors and greenery filled the room along with a slight mist that tickled their noses.

Kah’lyn’s eyes widened as she looked around, there was a secluded path leading to a gorgeous forest. “Are you a true romantic at heart?” Her smile beamed as she looked at Croesus.

" Maybe it's age but I think you have placed a spell on me Ms Kay'lyn. The pixels need aligning but it is a sight to behold, as are you." Croesus said as the doors closed.

Kah’lyn could feel herself blush as she looked at Croesus. “Thank you, I have to admit I am looking forward to spending more time with you.”

" Computer play Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley.," Croesus orderd as he took Kay'lyn into his arms to dance. " Dance with me until the sunset."

Kah’lyn nodded. “I would love to!” She looked up into his eyes as they slowly danced to the legendary song. “Under any other circumstance I would feel dwarfed by you, but for some reason I feel more protected.”

" You are in grave danger my Dear. You now have me where I wanted you." Croesus said again nibbling gently on her ear and neck pressing flesh to flesh.

Kah’lyn sighed as her fingers gently dug into his skin at the base of his neck. “Hmmm if this is danger....long may it continue.”

Croesus lifted Kah'lyn up and held her in place with a tree at her back and continued there . Later laying her on the ground behind foliage as he administered sweet passion to her. Passion he had never given to any woman before.

Kah’lyn let inhibitions free, she’d never made love in a holodeck before but she would be with Croesus no matter where they ended up. She encouraged him with loving vocal and touch queues, her hands revelling in touching his skin as they enjoyed each other.

The adventure continued for well over an hour as they again created a bond together. Both half human and aliennesses meant nothing as Croesus allowed himself the pleasure he had never shared before. Stopping only when a summons from Korel revealed his return from the station.

" Kah'lyn we need to give him back his ship. Don't worry I am a silent partner and I can get a room on board anytime." he said picking her up from ground.

" Korel we are almost done with the inspection." Croesus replied.

Kah’lyn smiled. “We’ve inspected alright!” She gave Croesus a wry look. “Am I right in saying that you have marked me as your mate?” She motioned to the mark on her neck from the previous evening. “I don’t really know as much about Klingon culture as I’d like.”

" I am also half human. I am Croesus, son of Deke Rivers. But you do stir my Klingon soul. Do you wish to become my mate?"

Kah’lyn paused walking to stand and look at Croesus. “Tell me Croesus, do I stir just your Klingon soul or do I stir your Human one as well?”

" At the Academy I had great feelings for Shael, mother to my son Tamoth. But it was not love. With you I feel less than complete. I will not be complete until you and I are one." Croesus admitted.

Kah’lyn’s eyes filled with happy tears, she’d never found anyone who made her feel as happy as Croesus had in the short time they’d been together. “Then I would like to try to make you complete.” She smiled the biggest smile yet. “You make me feel special in ways no other ever has.”

" Always leave them wanting more." Croesus whispered.

“Oh I want more!” Kah’lyn smiled as she wiped her eyes. “I want to make you happy, as happy as you make me.”

" You are Kah’lyn”

Kah’lyn smiled and nodded. She was very glad to have met Croesus, very glad indeed.



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