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Catching Up

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 12:04pm by Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

510 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Kearsarge
Timeline: MD3 1600hrs


Jewel had arrived to the Kearsarge after meeting with Mike and General Ross and the switch in Positions. She was surprised but yet she wasn't. She was told that Colonel Lennox was onboard so she decided to go meet with him. Once she arrived on the bridge she found him sitting in her chair. He didn't see her enter, "has anyone told you never to sit in the Captain's chair." She said with a smirk on her face, "congratulations on your promotion Colonel." Jewel added with a smile.

Lennox stood. Two of the PADDs in his lap fell to the deck, the one in his hand he held tight as he came to attention. "General! Welcome back and congratulations."

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you," Jewel replied with a smile. "Thank you Colonel, it's good to be back though I wish it was under better circumstances." She said as she walked up to him. "So, Mike told me that you would get me up to speed of what's been going on." Jewel added.

"Yes ma'am." Lennox replied.

"This is the ship's readiness report. All damage has been repaired or is in the process of. Most wounded are still aboard, however a new critical are aboard the USS Mercy." Lennox handed her a PADD. "This covers the Division's resources and equipment. We're short of almost everything right now. The Division's strength is also down to about fifty-two percent with our wounded and killed." He handed her the second PADD. "This one is my personal log, so I'll finish it later."

Sighing she took the padd and started to read through it, "Are they sending in reinforcements? Or do they think we can win this war with what we got?" Jewel asked looking at Lennox. "If they are not then we will have to pick up the training to be able to compensate for our loss." She added looking around the room for a moment before looking back at him.

Lennox looked down for a moment, "With the losses of three full divisions at the outset and early months of the war, any replacements or reinforcements are doubtful. We were thrilled to hear you alone returned to service."

"Rumor is, another big operation is being planned and launching in a week, maybe less. It's possible we might get some aid, doubtful." Lennox added.

Sighing, "lovely." Jewel replied looking at him. "Sounds like ya really need my help," Jewel added as she started to think. "Were gonna have to start training, cause we won't be able to survive with what we got now...don't get me wrong but if we want a fighting chance we got to do something." Jewel said as she sat down for a moment.

She started to think about her sister, they couldn't lose this war, or her death would be in vein. "Have any suggestions?" Jewel asked.

Lennox raised his eyebrow and shook his head. "For now, make sure the ship is ready and we have at least one Regiment ready to beam down and fight."



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