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A Promised Dinner

Posted on Sat May 16th, 2020 @ 12:08pm by Ensign Becca Bremer & Major Edward Maxwell

884 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: USS Kearsarge, Maxwell's Quarters
Timeline: MD3 1900hrs

Ed was about as put together as he was going to get, at least as far as fashion was concerned. His mental state was a bit more... all over the place for a variety of reasons. How was one supposed to dress when taking out to dinner the medical officer that had sprung you from Hell's Sickbay after a month's incarceration? Was it a thank you dinner or was it considered a date? Should he even be taking the Ensign to dinner? After he'd had some time to think in his quarters he'd realized what her name was and who she'd been talking to in Sickbay.

"What kind of idiot asks out the Fleet Admiral's daughter?" He wondered aloud as he finished buttoning his shirt. "One wrong word and he'll have my ass on the far side of the galaxy doing gods forbid it, initial pilot training."

He shuddered at the very thought. If there was a fate worse than death for a combat pilot it was teaching snot nosed kids that back meant up and forward meant down. At least his last training assignment had been ADVANCED flight and combat tactics.

The thought wriggling in the back of his head though was one he'd been avoiding as much as possible. Checking the records for the official confirmation about what he suspected of his parents, and his son's, fate. Could he even allow himself to go out and try to have a good time without looking? Sure he'd heard from secondhand sources and the fact he hadn't heard from them since before the battle at RDB-8 pointed to what he expected, but he hadn't looked it up.

Becca's head was still swimming from the latest lecture she'd just received from Doctor Hades. She paused in the corridor for a moment before tapping the chime to Maxwell's quarters.

Hearing the chime pulled Ed from the arguing thoughts in his head, and he walked, somewhat stiffly, to the door and pressed the button to open it. He was still mildly surprised to see Becca standing there, despite the fact he had been expecting her at any time, A testament to his warring emotions. "Uh, hi." He said trying not to stumble over his words or trip on his tongue. "Come on in, sorry it's rather spartan, but my stuffs still.... uh, missing."

Becca smirked, "It's okay, thank you." She walked in and gently brushed her hair from her eyes. "How are you feeling tonight? She asked.

"Mentally, much better." Ed said with a smile, "Thanks to you getting me out of there. Physically, a little sore and tired, but nothing to complain about." He shrugged as he did his best not to hobble. He didn't want anyone looking down on him of pitying him for his injuries. "Can I uh... get you a drink or anything?"

"Sure." Becca replied, "A glass of red wine would be nice."

"I hope replicated will suffice, until we get to dinner anyway." He said with an apologetic smile.

There was something.... off about the Ensign that he either hadn't noticed in Sickbay or something had happened since. Without the finer tuned abilities of a full Betazoid, he only got more vague, general reads, but he was used to that. In any case, it wasn't his place to ask, they barely knew each other after all.

"Replicated will be fine. I haven't eaten today so I'm not picky." She smiled.

"I hope that wasn't in anticipation of our dinner." He teased as he walked to the replicator and got two glasses of wine. After all, it wasn't on his medical orders he couldn't drink. Not to mention it was rude to make a lady drink alone. Ed couldn't be having that, he was among other things an officer and a gentleman despite what people thought of his green collar. "Here you are."

"Not at all, it's not anticipating having to wait til dinner to eat today." She took a sip of the wine and closed her eyes for a moment.

"I apologize if I'm being short, it's been a bad couple of days. So many people still in sick bay, and we've been helping with wounded from the Krazzle's raid on New Providence yesterday morning." Becca explained.

"Explains why you helped to push me out of Sickbay." Ed nodded, "you needed the space for people worse off than I am." He looked toward the small living room area and gestured to the couch. "Have a seat." He smiled, not wanting to make her stand, and more importantly, to get the weight off his own leg for a few minutes.

"Actually, I was reprimanded for letting you out. Doctor Hades was NOT happy about it." Becca replied.

"Well that explains what feels off." He commented and he sipped at his wine. "I apologize for getting you into trouble. What did he say about it?"

Becca roller her eyes. "I have to remain here at least overnight, or until you're able to return to duty. I've already sent Colonel Lennox a message asking if he'd allow you on limit duty, at least doing reports here until you can go back full time."

She was uncomfortable, but it wouldn't hurt to sleep on the sofa. "I'll just sleep here, after dinner."



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