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Together Again

Posted on Wed May 13th, 2020 @ 4:03pm by Captain Jack Solomon & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,865 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: SB23 Docking
Timeline: MD3

"Thank you for letting me know. I'm on my way,"

As soon as Deela had got word that Jack was arriving at Starbase 23, she was so excited. She missed him so much and had been longing for this time. She dropped everything and hurried to where the Ark Royal was docking and waited.

Once docking for the Ark Royal was completed, Jack made sure that the various assignments were handed out and then let Rhae get on with her job.

Knowing that he was due to check in soon with the other ships from SB400 and with the rest of the Senior staff to also find out what was in store for him on Starbase 23, Jack made his way towards the docking port

What he also knew was that he'd be able to see Deela again...and that made him very happy. As he arrived at the port, it seemed like there were hundreds of bodies walking around assigned to there various tasks.

And then he saw her waiting there, for him. Jack ran through the bodies as if a sea were parted and ran into her with open arms.

"Deela, baby..." he whispered as he immediately went to hold her. "Did you miss me?" he asked.

Smiling from ear to ear, "Do you really need to ask?" She hugged him tightly, "I heard that they diverted yours and the other ships to here. As soon as I was informed that you arrived, I wasted no time to get here. So to answer your question, damn straight I did."

"Good," he said as he held her for a moment longer. "How long have you been here? and have you heard from the kids since we last spoke?" he was glad to see Deela again and glad to be back amongst familiar faces, but he also knew that she was missing the children as much as he was whilst they were safe with her parents.

"Not long." She could give him the precise time but didn't, "And no, I haven't talked to them. I have managed to get a place for us to stay. I have no idea when we will get word what we are going to do about Starbase 400."

"Look, I need to get checked in now that we've arrived, but whilst we're based here, we are going to spend some time alone together and make sure we get caught up... properly," he explained, making sure that she understood where he was headed with this idea.

"Thus why I acquired us a place to stay." It seemed like a lifetime since they got to spend any alone time.

Jak paused for a moment, remain that Deela had already arranged things. "Besides, we'll need something to keep our hopes up as we wait for the brass to figure out a way to get our real home back," he said. Jack was more intent than ever about getting back to 400 and knew that somewhere, plans were being drawn up.

"I have already sent my things to our temporary quarters. I have taken care of my affairs on my ship so that leaves me free." Still smiling, "You?"

Jack looked down at the two bags he had with him. "Well, I didn't know that quarters were already arranged...and I'll need to know where they are so that I don't get lost along the way," he said gently.

"And besides...I can check in later... Starship docking procedures can take such a long time to get completed..." he said. Jack had an idea and he was hoping that he was right in thinking that Deela was on the same wavelength.

She was, "I was hoping you would say that." Deela picked up one of the bags, "Right this way." She was confident that he'd like the one they got as it was one of the bigger ones, the perks of being an admiral.

Jack picked up the remaining bag and followed Deela out of the crowded airlock and down the corridor towards the nearest turbolift. Once they got in, he heard Deela call the deck name and made a note of where they were going. Seeing as they would be based here on SB23 for a while, it was a good idea to know where he lived.

After the short turbolift ride, Jack noticed that Deela's pace seemed to have increased as they made their way towards their temporary quarters on board. He managed to keep up with her and they both arrived at their new if temporary home. As they walked in, Jack looked around and was indeed impressed with the size of their quarters.

"Wow, this is indeed did you swing this one?" he asked as he dropped his bag in the bedroom.

When Deela walked into the bedroom, she shook her head and spoke under her breath, "Alexandra." In the bedroom, there were flameless candles on both sides, two robes on the bed and two little chocolate hearts on the pillows. Although she didn't arrange this, she ran with it. Deela smirked a little, "I have my ways."

Jack walked over to Deela and smiled as he took her in his arms. "Your ways never fail to amaze me, you did all this? I'm really impressed," he admitted. Holding her close to him, Jack gently placed a kiss upon her lips and pulled back to look into her eyes.

"I meant it when I said I'd missed you, I only just got you back and then we were sent our separate ways. Right now, All I want to do is be with you and show you the attention and affection you deserve from me," he said to her.

"Me too." Deela, being part Vulcan, she had to fess up, "But I have a confession, I cannot take all the credit for this. I understand now why Alex was asking me my idea of a romantic evening." Deela could be sometimes clueless.

Jack smiled. "Well, let's look on the bright side of this," he started. "Lets enjoy what your idea of a romantic evening together is and we'll thank Alex for this later." Knowing how close Alex and Deela were, it was clear her friend was trying to be helpful at a time when the two of them needed some time together.

Jack looked on the bed, seeing the robes and candles and the chocolate hearts. He leaned over and picked one of them up, before tempting Deela with it. "So, Candles, Robes and Chocolates...any clues or ideas you want to tell me about?" He asked.

Deela smiled, something that she was doing a lot of, "It involves a massage, a hot tub and," Deela walked up to him, took the chocolate from his hand, unwrapped it and this time, tempted him with it, "a night of passion."

"In that case, we'd better get out of these clothes, so that we can enjoy a hot tub together and I can give you a long-overdue massage," he said, before taking a bite of the chocolate. As soon as he'd done that, Jack headed to the bathroom to run the taps in the tub. When he came back, he made one last point.

"Oh, and the night of passion...that's a given. By the time you've been in the hot tub and melted from my hands massaging you, I know you'll be ready for the passion," he said. He looked at Deela in a way he'd missed doing.

"I love you, my beloved," he said. "But you'll wreck your uniform in the tub..."

She had already shedded the footwear, "Hmm, so will you. I guess we had better remedy this situation." She got an impish grin on her face as she took off her top. Then she walked up to him, kissed him and proceeded to help him off with his top as well.

Jack helped Deela undress as she helped him undress until they were both natural to each other. He then took her hand and led Deela to the hot tub, helping her into the tub and then getting in behind her. Once they were both inside, he turned off the taps and then ran a gentle bubble cycle. As the bubbles began to create, Jack poured some soap into his hands and started to wash Deela's back and shoulders.

"See, isn't this better already?" he asked as he began washing her shoulders gently, allowing the soap to flow freely.

"Mmm, much, much better." She hadn't a moments rest since she arrived. This was just what she needed, "I could get spoiled very easily."

Jack smiled as he continued to wash her, letting his hands gently roam whilst covered in bubbles, making sure that he continued to tease and wash at the same time. He could feel Deela relaxing and at the same time, he was also starting to relax as well. There was something wonderful about the two of them being alone together, with no form of interruption on the horizon.

"Maybe we need Alexandra to do this more often," he whispered as he leaned in to kiss her neck, letting her response to his touch give away how Deela was feeling.

Deela closed her eyes and softly sighed in response. She caressed his legs as they sat in the warm water, "Maybe. I promise that once we get back to Starbase 400, we will do this more often."

Jack pulled his arms up to gently cuddle Deela as he leaned his head upon her shoulders. "I'm holding you to that promise," he said gently. "We need to make more time for each other and this is the best way to start."

After he stopped talking for a moment, Jack unclasped his hands and moved them so that he touched Deela more intimately. "I've missed this, my love," he said as he began to tease and stimulate her body, making his intentions clear.

Deela positioned herself back and off to the side slightly, then turned her face, kissing him. She spoke with a breathy voice, "Me too. Shall we continue this in the bedroom?"

"I like that idea," Jack whispered as he moved to allow Deela to rise up from the hot tub and then stood up himself. As they stood there before each other, Jack reached out and pulled her to him, holding her naked form against his and kissing her deeply as the water bubbled around them. He then pulled back from their kiss and helped Deela out of the tub, leading her to the bedroom.

Once there, he picked up a towel to start drying her down, admiring every aspect of the woman he loved and the woman who one day soon, would be his wife.

Deela enjoyed being pampered by her soon to be husband. She, in turn, did the same for him. To her satisfaction, she tossed the towel over a chair as they again held each other, their kiss becoming more passionate.

As they kissed passionately, Jack slowly led Deela to the bed where she joined him under the covers. Before continuing their evening, Jack looked up and smiled. "Computer, Lights," he said.



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