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making money (The easy way)

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2020 @ 4:05pm by Camron Wayne
Edited on on Thu Apr 30th, 2020 @ 4:25pm

1,047 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 106 – Stalemate
Location: Ritz casino and hotel freecloud
Timeline: MD2

Cameron rolled into the Ritz casino. He looked around and just had a feeling that this would be where he would find the game he was looking for. Rolling up to the cage he spoke to the teller "I would like to open a line of credit for a couple days." Said Cameron calmly as he lifted up the briefcase he was carrying. "Sir we do not do lines of credit for patrons here you play with what you have or you do not play." Said the cashier without looking up from his work.

"Sir I think you misunderstood me I am not asking for the casino to give me credit I am saying I want to store what is in that briefcase with the casino and draw against it until it is either gone or I leave." Said Cameron a little more firmly. This got the cashier to actually look up there were only two kinds of players who had that kind of request rich playboys or really rich whales. The man in front of him did not look yound enough to be a playboy so that left a whale and the cashiers whole demeanor changed. "Sorry about that sir how much are you wanting to leave with us at this time." Asked the cashier as he eyed the case.

Cameron opened the case "I think this will do for a start." Said cameron as he opened the case and displayed 6 bars of gold pressed latnium. The cashier just stared. "Alright sir what name would you have me put on the account." Asked the cashier as he pulled the case behind the counter. "Wayne Cameron Wayne." Said Cameron he noticed the cashier blanch. "Yes sir mister Wayne and may I say it is a pleasure to have you with us again. Now how much would you like to start the night out with." Asked the cashier softly "Around 200K in chips, and some information I am looking for a high stakes game I know there is usually one here and would like an introduction." Said Cameron calmly he took the chips that the cashier handed him and then followed the man back to a series of rooms.

The cashier knocked and walked into one room. "ladies and gentlemen there is a Mister Wayne who is asking to join in your game if you have a seat open that is." Asked the cashier firmly "Sure we always have room for a new player let him come in and join us." Said one of the players.

"Thank you I will call you if I need anything else." Said Cameron as he rolled into the room. "Alright folks what is the game and what is the buy?" Asked cameron as he took a seat.

"The game is texas hold'em and the buy is 25K." Said the dealer calmly, cameron smirked that was a game he knew very well it was time to see if these sharks were pigions or actual players. The cards were delt out and already he could see this would be an easy hand if things went his way. The first round of betting saw cameron betting 10K on what was nothing but a king and queen. the first card dropped an ace and then another round of betting this time he just raised the other players but still put out 15 large on that single card.

The dealer dropped the next cards and cameron had to play it cool he could not believe his luck this first round. There on the table in front of him was the makings for the best poker hand he could get. the Jack and ten spot fell to the table. A round of betting this time saw a couple of the players going all in. Cameron matched them and put 100K in the pot. The game had now gone from 7 players to 3 as the other four had folded out saying it was to rich for them. The player to his right looked like he was ready to crack either thinking he had an unbeatable hand or was just ready to fold under the presure. "I call read'em and weep boys." He flipped over his cards showing three of a kind. The next player then flipped over his cards showing two pairs with jacks high. Finally it was camerons turn and he decided to wipe the smug grin off the other players face. "I know you think you got this but I am sorry friend." Said Cameron as he flipped his cards to show a royal flush. The pot was his. "Anyone up for another round." Asked cameron with a grin as he ranked in his winnings

Twelve rounds later and Cameron was the undisputed winner of the night. He walked away with 4 million in chips and three deeds. He was now the proud owner of sarian brandy brewery, a Romulan shuttle and a apparently highly profitable vineyard in france on earth. All in all it was a great way to kill seven hours but he still did not have what he was looking for though the Romulan shuttle was a start in the right direction. He rolled back out to the cage and talked to the same cashier again. "I want you to put all but half a million back in my account and secure the deeds in the casino vault." Said Cameron firmly. The cashier could not believe what he was seeing. "I guess what they said about the Wayne family is true you are some of the luckiest people around that room should have cleaned you out." Said the cashier. "I know I knew it the second that I rolled in the room." Said Cameron with a grin. "Now though I need a room and a meal so I will be back in a few hours see if you can line up another high stakes game for me." He added lightly as he took the card and headed up to have a shower and change before his meal and a few hours of sleep. Thinks were looking up and if nothing else at least now he had a ride home so if he needed to he could stay a little longer then when vox was ready to leave.


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