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Return to Duty

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 3:19pm by Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 104 - A Glimmer of Hope...
Location: USS Mercy and Infirmary, SB400
Timeline: MD 01 1600 hours


=/\=Current Time=/\=

As the ships moved towards their intended point of contact Hades thought back to his last appointment on the station. With so much having happened it was odd that his mind went there but it did. He wondered how Solomon was doing. This was bound to be dangerous all around and he hadn't seen the other manifests. He thought back to his appointment with the man and could almost see the results over again.

Hades was never one to second guess himself and he hoped that he'd made the right decision letting Jack back on duty.

=/\=MD 01, earlier, prior to boarding=/\=

After spending what seemed like an eternity recovering from his injuries during the Alliance attack on the Starbase, Jack found himself sitting in the infirmary, waiting for his latest exam.

Despite enjoying his downtime, there was only one way to get back to duty and that was with the signoff from a Medical Officer. Whilst he had unofficially worked off duty during the small incident that happened in Marine Country, Jack had been keeping a low profile and following a restful and exercising routine.

Hades had just finished washing his hands from a previous exam He picked up the next PADD and read through the chart. Taking it he breezed into the room. "Mr Solomon. It's good to see you up and about."

"Thanks, its good to be up and about, to be honest," Jack admitted. "With the recovery time from my injuries & coming back from a near-death experience, getting back on duty almost seems like normality...."

With the workouts that he'd been going through of late, Jack was hopeful that he'd be fit enough for duty but knew that decision would come from Hades.

Hades gave a nod. "Why don't we let a medical exam tell me that." He motioned to the door. "If you'll follow me there will be three parts to this exam."

"No problem, lead the way," Jack insisted as he followed Hades to the examination room.

They entered a smaller room. Hades indicated a biobed. "If you'll lay down." He'd made a few alterations to the scanner giving it more power. This would tell him a lot. "While we wait for the scan tell me how you've been feeling lately."

As Jack laid himself down on the biobed to begin the tests, he was honest about how he felt. "I've felt a little out of puff lately to be clear, Doc. I've used my time of late to run through some fitness programs on the holosuite, working my way gently up through the levels to where my fitness was previous to the incident," he explained.

"I've even tried a few of my recreational holosuite programs as well, as some of them require some varying degrees of exercise. I just want to get back into the day job, so to speak. I've also been taking walks around the promenade as well, or at least the areas that have been patched up and are safe to walk through." Jack laid still as Doc Hades ran his tests.

Hades checked the tests as the results filtered through life. "I'm really happy with your progress." He studied Jack. "You had us all worried especially Admiral T'Lar."

Jack just laid still for a moment. He knew that he'd almost lost Deela and that he himself was almost lost, for reasons that he knew about. "I know," he admitted. "I'm glad that I was able to come back... I'm not sure what I would do without her at times, I'm glad that I'm around for her and that she has me around too." A small smile started to form across his lips as he thought of her.

Hades hid his own smile. "Love is pretty important. Hold onto it as much as you can." He looked at the results. "Alright, you can sit up. I think you're good to go. Slight modification to duty and listen to your body but you're ready for work."

Jack sat himself up on the biobed and made himself a little more comfortable. He was glad that he was fit for duty again, but he still had a question.

"Oh I plan too, I'm not letting go of the one good things in my life, that's good advice Doc, thanks," Jack agreed.

"May I ask, a slight modification to duty? I'm good at modifications on starships and starbases... whats the new modification for myself?" He asked with a small amount of apprehension.

"Just listen to your body. If you feel something is too much then it is. Ask for help, don't strain too far, and above all try not to smack your head...that would be bad...very bad." He winked, "I don't need T'Lar venting me into space."

Jack smiled as he listened to the Doctors advice. He nodded in agreement. "Trust me, I'll listen," he admitted. "The last thing I want is for you or I being vented into space by T'Lar." Getting down off the biobed, Jack straightened his uniform and stood for a moment. "All good for me to go? he asked.

"Yes. You are back on duty." Hades made a few notes and handed him the PADD.

=/\=Present time=/\=

Hades sighed. He'd made the right choice. The man was fit for duty. He hoped that all was well. Right now he couldn't think on it any more. He'd have to deal with the unexpected circumstances on his ship. With Fal showing up things were bound to get ... interesting.



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