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Posted on Sun Oct 20th, 2019 @ 9:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

377 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Runabout Iconia
Timeline: MD3, 1100 hrs

Working the controls of his Runabout, Coleman input several commands into the Conn before putting it back into autopilot and letting the computer complete the last leg of the journey from Starbase 316 to Starbase 400 for him. The journey from the two starbases was a several day trek, but it gave Coleman time to complete several important research proposals to the Vulcan Science Academy.

While the term had yet to begin when Coleman accepted the position of Chief Science Officer for Starbase 400, he had several proposals in the work and wished to complete before beginning his new position. The Vulcan Science Academy was very strict on their proposals and anyone who didn't complete them in a certain time frame would be rejected from ever proposing anything in the future. So, Coleman used his spare time to complete them before arriving to Starbase 400.

The proposals were on archeological digs throughout the Delta Quadrant that were being completed by various starships, including the USS Voyager. Looking over a recent communique from Project Full Circle, Coleman was excited to hear that they finally completed a part of a dig that he needed to finish his proposal. As he began writing, he looked out the main view port and daydreamed for what felt like a few moments.

However, beeping from a nearby console brought Coleman back to reality. It was an incoming from Starbase 400 and Coleman realized that approximately two hours had elapsed. Hitting the communication button on his console, he heard a voice say, "Starbase 400 to Runabout Iconia. Please respond."

"This is the Runabout Iconia. Lt Commander Coleman in command," Coleman said, feeling a bit embarrassed as he let the time slip away from him so readily. The voice over the comm system said, "This is Crewman Nelson. Please take your Runabout to landing pad F in Shuttlebay Four. After completing docking procedures, report to sickbay for full medical and psychological evaluations. Do you understand?"

Coleman confirmed and within minutes, his Runabout was docked in the proper bay. The flight deck officer made sure he wasn't contaminated with any sort of biological organism before allowing him further onto the Starbase. He let Coleman know where to head before reporting to the bridge.

Coleman headed towards sickbay and the future within Starfleet.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Hades,MD on Mon Oct 21st, 2019 @ 9:57am

Most excellent opening post! Welcome again!