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A moment to breathe

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2019 @ 11:14am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell

1,193 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD02 1445 hrs

Zeke walked in with Anna, they wanted to see how Ariana was doing after the attack. The station was badly damaged, but repair teams were already starting to repair critical areas. Zeke walked in right behind Anna, as his eyes started to search for Ariana.

Ariana was residing in a quiet room in the recovery area, grateful for the chance to rest but wishing she could have her daughter with her instead of her being in special care. She wanted to spend as much time as possible to bond with her baby.

“Ariana!” Anna’s eyes lit up and she smiled though there was concern there as well. She hurried over, Zeke at her side. “We’ve been so worried about you and the baby.”

Ariana smiled as she greeted her visitors, it was good to see Zeke and Anna were okay. "'s good to see you both.” She smiled warmly. “I’m afraid the little one is in the neonatal unit but you’re welcome to go and see her if you want.”

"Would like that, have you given her a name?" Zeke asked, as he followed right behind Anna, as they walked over to Ariana. He was curious, how she was coping with it all.

"Stacie seems to have grown on me!" She offered a somewhat muted smile. " emotions are somewhat of a mess at the moment."

“That is understandable!” Anna sympathized. “What can we do to help? Zeke and I want to be here for you.”

“Actually I’ll probably be moving into family quarters with Cameron and I’d like a to decorate a nursery. I could use all the help I can get to do it!” She grinned. “That’s if you don’t mind?”

"Not at all, would love to help. Would love to meet Cameron." Zeke said, with a big grin on his face.

“It will give us practice,” Anna smiled. “For when we have children. You let me know what I can do and I am there.”

"That's very kind of you both. Once I'm fit to be up and about I'll start looking for what colors I need for the room then we can start decorating. I don't think I'm going to be up to painting walls for a while so I could use all the help I can get with that."

"I would love to help paint. As Anna said, it would be good experience for both us. We can not wait, to start a family." Zeke said with a big grin on his face, as he looked to Anna, and then over to Ariana.

Ariana couldn't help but smile. "Well once Stacie is fit to be out of special care you're quite welcome to come and spend some time with us, give you some practice as its what it's like to be a parent."

Anna’s eyes lit up at the thought of holding their own baby. She wondered which one of them the baby would favor. She hoped they had Zeke’s eyes. “I’m excited to see her.”

"I'll warn you now, she looks very....shocking with the amount of equipment she's got monitoring her but she's doing okay." Ariana offered a smile. "I just wish I had her here with me."

"Hopefully soon." Zeke said, hoping Stacie would be by Ariana's side soon.

"Hopefully!" Ariana offered a smile. "As long as she's growing I have faith that she'll be home with me soon enough.

Anna understood her concern. Being a doctor she had seen most everything by now but the first time she had seen a baby hooked up she had been shocked herself. “Before you know it, she will be in your arms and going great. She has the best care possible right now.”

“I know” Ariana sighed but offered a smile. “It’s just me worrying!”

"You probably have said this several times to your patients. That is a typical and normal response to your situation. You will be with Stacie before you know it." Zeke pointed out. He felt like, he was only stating the obvious. But he felt like, it needed to be stated.

"Since when did you become a counsellor Zeke?" Ariana grinned. "You're right and thank you. So have you decided what happens with the Falcon when you have a baby of your own?" She looked at them curiously. "Under normal mission circumstances a baby could go with you but under battle conditions you wouldn't want to be taking your child out with you and being seperated is me!"

Anna paused. “We are in the discussing stage at the moment. We will be making some hard decisions but it will be worth it.”

"Of course" Ariana smiled. "After everything I've been through with this pregnancy I'd still do it all over again." She grinned. "Just not for a while."

"We have not discussed that, but I think I would want my kids close together in age, assuming Anna wants more than one child." Zeke suggested to her, with a big wink on his face. It was his not so subtle way of asking her that question.

Ariana couldn't help but grin as she looked from Zeke to Anna. She could see them being wonderful parents.

“I would like more than one,” Anna said with a smile. She was looking forward to being a mother. “I can’t wait!”

"Anything we can get you, in the mean time?" Zeke asked Ariana. He felt like, he should be doing something to assist her. He hated seeing her cooped up in this room.

"I'd kill for some chocolate!!" Ariana grinned. "I don't care what kind of chocolate or how it comes as long as I get some!"

"From the promenade or the replicator?" Zeke asked her. He wondered if she wanted it, right this second or after they had a chance to get her some good chocolate.

"Oh I'll wait for something from the promenade. The replicators are okay but the shops on the promenade are better!" She grinned line a Cheshire Cat just thinking about it.

"Consider it done." Zeke as he looked over to Anna, to see if she wanted to add a comment. She could only image what replicated medical food they provide, was not that great.

“I know just the place,” Anna told her. “We will get you a variety.”

"Fantastic! Thank you!" Ariana did her best to stifle a yawn. "Sorry! If there's one thing having children does for you, it's make you tired. Having had a full on surgical c section doesn't help either!"

“We’ll let you get some rest,” Anna said. “Again, we are so happy for you.” She moved back to let Zeke say goodbye as well.

"Thank you for coming to see me, it's been nice seeing you both again." Ariana smiled warmly as she slowly settled herself down on her bed for a rest. "Feel free to drop by and see Stacie on your way."

"Will be back again, and with some chocolate." Zeke said, as the scene starts to fade away. Zeke held Anna close, as they walked out.


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