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On the Job Injury

Posted on Wed Sep 4th, 2019 @ 6:40pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 99 - Exordium / Epilogue
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD3, 0945


Croesus quickly dashed in the sick bay door with his wounded right hand, but quickly lost interest when seeing the physician before him. Now ashamed he had allowed the viper to bite him.

"I hate to drop in but there is a viper fang still lodged in my right hand. And now it's numb. " Croesus greeted.

Handing off the medical chart she had been reviewing with Mendez, Carolyn gestured towards the nearest bio bed. Following behind the new arrival she let him seat himself before she reached for the injured hand. “May I?” She asked. Inspecting the wound was hardly negotiable but it was usually preferable to give some warning.

Beside them one of the nurses set down a surgical tray, in case said fang was too deeply embedded to be easily removed.

Mindful to keep her touch light, she studied the wound. “You win most interesting ailment of the day,” she complimented, opening a tricorder to scan the injury in more detail. “I’m Doctor Corrigan. I don’t think we’ve met?”

" I would shake your hand but as you can see...Croesus Rivers, new Chief of Operations. My bite came as a result of cleaning up someone else's mess. If you can clean this up I can return to duty. "

“Sure we can manage that. Sounds like there is an interesting story behind it all,” Carolyn guesses as she worked, numbing the area around the site as she unsealed the equipment tray. Not once did she have to look to confirm what she was picking up, her actions borne from lots of practice aided by perfect recall.

“How did you come across a viper?” She asked as she made a tint incision to allow her to easily remove the offending fang, dropping it on to the metal tray as she then began to sterilise and close the wound.

Croesus chuckled.

" Someone parked a freighter in the wrong docking port. I decided to move it, being cocky. Its Captain had a pet viper that didn't want me sitting at the helm. It caught me off guard. Is it poisonous? " Croesus chuckled.

“Nope, just nasty bite,” she assured him, “you were fortunate. A little more to the right and you’d have had some nerve damage. You’ll be back on duty in no time.”

" I am,,, relieved. My hands are my work. As yours are to you Doctor. If you ever need anything from my department remember me. " Croesus smiled cheshirely. "On second thought Doctor do you like Klingon quisine? I also make a great southern fried chicken. My father is human. "

“I’ve never been fond of food still moving, but I can’t say no to food so maybe I’ll take you up on that sometime,” she said as she let go of his hand, “good as new. Any more pain from it?”

"No good as new...Dr Corrigan I am forever in your debt. Klingon has no appropriate word for thank you, but my human side does, so Thank you. " Croesus replied.

“All part of the service, just watch out for snakes, okay?” She grinned. “You can keep the fang if you’d like?”

"You keep it, to remember me by. It's a big station you might forget your favorite patient today. " Croesus again smiled as he exited.

“I won’t,” she promised, watching him go.

Croesus flexed his now healed hand which still tingled a bit but felt much better. Any day you could nake a new friend was a good day.



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