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The Rules

Posted on Fri Apr 12th, 2019 @ 6:01pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Admiral Bremer's Office, SB 400
Timeline: MD8 - 0900Hrs


The Pegasus, Essex, Sutherland, and Cutlass had returned from Cardassia about only a few hours before. Bremer had got to his Office in Ops to look over a few reports. He'd slept during the twelve hour trip back.

Michael Aviel Nivar had been on the station for a day now. He'd arrived prior to the ships and after dropping off his a sense to Starfleet. At least he knew that Delvar would not be bothering Sage or any of his people again. He was disturbed by his last communication with Section 31. He didn't like putting trust in Bremer but if this was to work he would have to.

He rang the chime at the door waiting for Bremer to respond.

"Enter." Mike said. He had just picked up his second mug of raktijno from the food slot.

Nivar entered, "Admiral. Hello. I believe you were told to expect me."

Mike took a deep breath. "I was. Please, have a seat." Mike tried to be cordial, but he really wasn't happy to see Nivar.

Nivar sat. He studied the Admiral. "You don't like me do you... or rather you don't like Section."

"I don't like either." Mike replied. "You've given me no reason to trust you, and I've seen the dark side of Section 31 myself over the years." Mike took a sip of his raktijno then took a seat. "Trust is earned."

"Excellent! Wise man." He sighed, "I take it Florance gave you orders signed by all with respect to Splendora and how I am here to help her....etcetera." He rolled his hand in a graceful loop.

"He did." Mike replied, wondering where the questions were leading. "Why?"

Nivar studied him for a long while. "If you send the document to your experts you will find it is missing items." He pulled out a PADD. "I have the original one."

Mike reached out his hand. "Let me see." His tone was calm, with a touch of concern, but he was also skeptical...of both.

Nivar handed him the PADD. "You'll find that my orders were a bit less civil." He looked at Mike. "An old friend told me I could trust you. If he trusts you so do I." Suddenly the Vulcan seemed to age before his eyes. "I am trying to save my people Admiral. We are .... altered genetic sequencing that was forbidden because of the Eugenics wars. We are not monsters."

Mike narrowed his eyes and he wanted Nivar 'age'. It wasn't a look of disgust, more of a look of concern. "Who told you that you could trust me?" Mike wanted a name, something he could use to try to find the truth or at least something solid and real in this whole mess.

"One like Splendora and I." He sighed, "You are wondering if I am on the level. You don't know who to trust. You can trust me Admiral. I promise you that but I trust in time you will learn that." He motioned to the PADD. If you read that you will find that Florance had agreed for me to train, assess, and report on Splendora's sequencing and when she comes out of it complete. But what you won't find on the one you were given by Florance is that if she shows worrisome signs I am ordered to bring her in. The last thing they want is another Kahn. That is why they assess us. Do you know of Doctor Bashier?"

"I do, served with him on DS9 before the Dominion War." Mike was surprised Nivar didn't know that, or would even asked. With a history as colorful as Mike's was from that time period. "I also served as the Executive Officer to Fleet Admiral Mark Casey when I was first posted to the Pegasus after leaving DS9. He took was genetically enhanced by the same people that re-sequenced Julian's DNA." Mike explained all that so Nivar knew Mike had history with genetically enhanced individuals.

"So you see we are not all like Khan," He looked at the Admiral, "What do you know about Project Rebirth?"

"Neither of them were from that era. They had been kids that, for lack of better terms were clumsy and their parents wanted to do something to help them in the extreme." Mike paused, then added. "Did I mention I killed Casey in battle a few years later? So, no, Project Rebirth doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."

"I can understand that. I do have a goal Admiral. There were 300 subjects for the Rebirth and currently only 97 have survived. I wish to make my motives clear to you. My orders are to assess your Ms. Sage, I have the authority, to make a judgement as to her future. Those are my orders." he pointed to the PADD. "Now my goal is to make sure she gets through the sequencing activation and lives a long life. As you say we were all once .... defective and 'fixed' without our consent. Now we are an endangered species and I want my people to survive. Splendora is a of a particular interest to Florence and I warn you he might just decide to try and take her."

Mike stood. "I have no problem with you monitoring and assessing Miss Sage. I'd like to see her live a long life too. However, she is a resident of this station and is therefore under my jurisdiction. Her future is entirely up to her. If she doesn't wish to leave then by God she won't leave. And nothing you or Florence can say or do will change that. Furthermore, I promise you, Starfleet Command won't interfere with the well being of, or attempt to forceably remove a civilian from their home. We can ask them about the Bak'u if they need a sudden reminder." Mike locked eyes with Nivar.

Nivar have a nod. "I see Armand's faith in you was not misplaced. I do have one more thing to speak with you about." He motioned to Mike's chair. "Please sit. You might want to look into an incident I came across this morning."

Mike eyed Nivar for another moment before sitting. "What incident?"

This morning I came across three Bajorans. Two were aggressors and one was injured by them. The aggressors are in your brig and the injured I took to sickbay. I believe his name is...Rol." Nivar sighed. "It appears that your trip to Cardassia opened old wounds Admiral." He tilted his head. "I just thought you should be aware." He stood. " At your permission I will take leave and go see Doctor Sage."

Mike hadn't been made aware of the incident or the injuries to a member of his crew. He typed in a few commands on his desk panel, asking Security for a update on the incident and for Lieutenant Commander Roebuck to increase patrols across the station...since Lieutenant Commander Garabaldi wasn't back on duty yet. He also sent a message to Doctor Hades for an update on Rol's condition.

Mike then looked back at Nivar. "Any communications you send, regarding this station or Miss Sage, will need to have my approval first. Communications will be notified. Trust is earned."

Nivar gave a nod. "Trust me on this I have her best interest at heart." He stood. "With your permission I will take my leave."

Mike then motioned to the door, giving his permission for Nivar to leave.

Just as Nivar left the com chirped signaling that Hades was on the line.



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