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New--ish to the crew

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 2:00pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

703 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD7 1200hrs


Kalani decided to walk around the Pegasus for a while. It had been a long trip and she was anxious to get back to the Station. She had been at the Station a good three weeks but nothing had been unpacked. She smiled at the fact that her department head had added her name to the roster and seemed to not even acknowledge that she was new...not that she cared. She liked the background.

She had yet to meet any brass and was both a little scared and excited to. This last year had been a big one for her and this new home was a new start. It had already brought so many blessings.

She walked looking around but not in front of her. She bumped into something big and solid. As her butt bounced off the floor she looked up noting the pips. "OH!"

Mike looked down at the woman on the floor for a moment. "Are you okay Lieutenant?" He offered a hand to help her stand up.

She scrambled to her feet. "Sir?!" She saluted. "I'm sorry." Of course she'd have to have smacked into an Admiral. "I am so sorry. I was looking around...I should have been watching where I was going." Her face turned a deeper green as she blushed. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Kalani Liora....Sir....I dig up dead things.. I mean old things...I mean I'm the Archaeologist and Anthropologist."

Mike smirked. "Lieutenant, you're not the first person in Starfleet to not look where they are going or bump into someone else." Mike tapped a button on the PADD he was holding to secure and log out. "You're new to the crew?"

"New...ish. I actually started three weeks ago on the station but kind of haven't been fully processed in....I kind of got straight to work...there was a backlog in the department." She smiled sheepishly.

"Well, we have been busy over the last few weeks." Mike replied with a smile. He couldn't mention the Enterprise's unexpected visit.

Mike motioned down the corridor for Liora to walk with him. "Did you enjoy your time on Cardassia?"

"It was great. I didn't see much, just the seminars and the negotiations with the museums. I am happy to say we got a lot of artifacts to display." She smiled proudly. "We'll have a joint Starfleet and Cardassian exhibit when we get back." As they walked she talked animatedly about her work and the artifacts and her plans for the Archaeological exchange. After a while she paused. "I'm....I'm sorry I know I talk too much. Just haven't met many friendly people who see past the green." She said truthfully.

Mike smirked. 'If K'Temoc wasn't engaged, he'd be more than happy to meet her.'

"You know, you might want to seek out Mister Vox. He's a civilian living aboard Starbase 400. He's aboard the Pegasus and he's come into position of several manuscripts. I know he was going to try to get them back to the Cardassian but something changed those plans. I think he wants to learn more about them and that's right up your Archaeologist ally." Mike explained. "Tell him I sent you."

"Actual manuscripts!" She just about jumped for joy. "I will look him up for sure!" As they continued to walk the images of manuscripts kept coming to her mind. "Real manuscripts!" She was grinning from ear to ear. "Admiral I won't let you down, I promise." She launched into the do and don't list of handling manuscripts.

It was several minutes down that she noted the Admiral's eyes were glazed over. She blushed a deep green. "I'm sorry I get caught up when I talk about artifacts." Smiling she said. "Oh! I forgot. Official permission to come aboard the station sir?"

"Granted." Mike said. 'Oh boy' he thought to himself.

"Well Lieutenant, it was nice to meet you, but I need to get to Tactical Operations." Mike said pleasantly the quickly found the nearest turbolift.

She stared at him as he was retreating. "It was great to meet you sir!" She waved enthusiastically. What a nice man, she thought. She hoped everyone was as nice.



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