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Tieing up loose ends

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2019 @ 1:57pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

729 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus, Bremer's Ready Room
Timeline: MD7 0945hrs


Freya had spent a night tossing and turning in bed before finally managing to get to sleep in Kaden's arms. She was just finishing off her breakfast when she was called to Fleet Admiral Bremer's Ready Room. She had to admit she was curious what she was being called for. Pausing at he door she straightened her uniform before pressing the chime.

"Enter." Bremer called in a calm voice.

Walking inside Freya stood smartly in front of Bremer's desk as her marine training would expect her to. "Petty Officer Ross reporting as ordered Admiral."

Mike stood and smiled, "At ease. Please, have a seat." He motioned to a chair in front of his desk then sat after Freya had.

"I apologize for called you up here so early, but with the Pegasus and the rest of our group heading back to Starbase 400 today, I wanted to talk to you before we got going." He picked up a PADD. "I was made aware of an...incident. I know this is a very serious and delicate situation." Mike paused, this wasn't something that came up often and he wanted to make sure he didn't say something wrong. "I was informed that you were assaulted. Is there anything I can do to assist you?"

Freya paused she wasn't sure whether or not word would get to the Admiral. "To be honest Admiral...what happened to me isn't recent it was a few years ago I just didn't remember until now." She sat fiddling nervously with her fingers.

Mike nodded, "I understand, still, I want you to know I am here if you need something. I also want you to speak with Lieutenant Monroe if you haven't already." He paused while he laid the PADD down, "Do you know who...?

Freya shook her head. "All I remember is someone....forcing himself on me. Doctor Corrigan has already confirmed that there is old scarring that would confirm what my dreams are telling me." She lifted her head and looked at Bremer. "I would speak to Ariana but I want to give her time to get well. I plan on speaking to Rol instead, at least for now."

Mike nodded, "Alright, as long as you speak to someone. I don't want you to feel alone, scared, or worried. If you can remember anything else about him, please let me know and I can get a Security Investigations Officer assigned."

"I'll do my best Sir but I don't see how anything can be pursued on this after all this time. I don't recall all the details....not that I really want to." She sighed. "My husband is finding this understandably difficult."

Mike nodded. "Has he spoken to anyone, on a counseling level?"

She nodded. "We're both seeking Counselling I've spoken with Lieutenant Rol and Kaden is seeing our friend Ariana. He trusts her. Lieutenant Rol has also suggested couples counselling."

Mike smiled, "Very good." This wasn't the kind of situation or discussion he was comfortable with. Command, battle, security, tactical, the galaxy's end at hand...those things Mike was comfortable and confident with. Discussing counselling matters was out of his ballpark.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Mike asked warmly. He was happy to listen, given his opinion or ideas, but he was by no means a counselor. However, Mike did want to make sure that all of his crew were taken care of and their needs met.

"There is just one thing Sir" Freya looked at Mike as she spoke. "I'd like to request family sized quarters for when we get to the station please. Counsellor Monroe has accepted our invitation to stay with us until such time as her baby is born and for as long as she feels it's necessary afterwards. Hence why we'd need an extra bedroom." She smiled warmly. "Ariana is an old friend of ours and we'd like to make sure, with everything she's been through, that she's taken care of."

Mike smirked, "Actually, that's already been brought to my attention. We'll make sure it's taken care of when we return home."

"Thank you Sir" Freya smiled and nodded. "In that case I think that's all for now."

Mike smiled, "My door is always open."

After Freya left, Mike looked over a PADD he'd been reading, getting ready for a meeting later in the day.



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