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Beloved - Part 2

Posted on Sun Mar 31st, 2019 @ 9:37am by Commander Hades,MD

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Cardassia Prime, Town of Gotemay
Timeline: MD 06, 1300 hours


Hades turned onto his side looking at his beloved. “K’diwa. It is time to get up.”

A moan told him that his beloved was waking. “Morning Hades.”

“You wake with a smile.”

His beloved laughed. “Yes. I do. What is K’diwa. I’m unfamiliar with that Vulcan term.”

Hades smiled, “That you will figure out in time. How do you feel?”

“I have this buzzing in the back of my skull but I am absolutely amazing.”

Hades smiled. He reached out stroking the cheek of his beloved. “That is normal. The bond is solidifying. I can give you something to help make it more comfortable.”

“No, I want to feel it all, besides I don’t like medication. So what do we do now? Will you go through Pon’farr again?”

Hade sighed taking his beloveds hand in his, “Yes. Every seven years and if we stay bonded you will feel it too but only in the blood fever.” He watched a smile spread on his beloved’s face.

“We will stay bonded. I told you I will love for the both of us until you are ready to fully give me your heart.”

He smiled leaning over to kiss the sweet lips of his beloved. “You are a rare gift and I do not deserve it.”

“Oh Hades you put yourself down so much. If you could see how wonderful you are and if you could believe that you deserve to be happy.”

Hades enjoyed the feeling of his beloved’s hand on his cheek. He cupped the hand with his own. “How will we handle this on the station? In the eyes of Vulcan and Starfleet, who has accepted the Vulcan way of marriage, we are married.”

“That we are. So do with update our records?”

Hades sighed, “I…”

“How about this. We say nothing for now. We don’t live together but we’ll date and we’ll take time to get to know one another. We don’t have to be intimate again for as long as it takes you to be sure this is what you want.”

Hades’ brow scrunched up. “As long as it takes us to be sure.”

“I am sure my love. You know that. Shan’hal’lak love at first sight.”

Hades sighed. He just opened his mouth to say something when his beloved placed a finger across his mouth.

“Shhhh. A secret marriage might be fun. Just between us for now. Now the big question.”

Hades looked at this beloved in confusion. “Big question?”

“Why mathra. Why butterfly?”

He smiled, “Well you have gone through so much in your life so much and you have locked yourself inside a cocoon of isolation and now you have transformed into a beautiful soul, a butterfly.”

“That is so sweet.”

Hades sighed, “We need to get dressed go back and shower, change and get to work. You are supposed to be on the shift are you not?”

“No, I have taken a few days off to look around Cardassia. Come with me today?”

Hades shook his head. He needed time to process and work would give him that.

“Alright, you process and I will look around.”

Startled he looked at his beloved.

“Link remember… you cannot lie to me Hades. Except for that word you used k’diwa… you blocked that pretty good. What does it mean?”

Hades smiled. “You will find out as we go.” He kissed his beloved’s forehead. “Let us get back.”



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