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Getting reacquainted

Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2019 @ 5:22am by

558 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Ross Quarters
Timeline: MD6 1000 hrs

Freya was resting getting over her Vulcan flu, feet up on the sofa with a small stack of PADDs beside her going over reports and personnel files ready for her role as Counsellor when they got back to Starbase 400. She was just reading the latest PADD when the door chime rang. “Come in!”

Walking inside the tall dark figure smiled as he looked at Freya. “Hi stranger! Long time no see!”

“What on Earth!!” Freya grinned as she saw her old friend Andrew walk into the room. “Andy! What are you doing here?”

“I’m transferring to my new post, I work aboard Starbase 400 now!” He grinned as he looked her over. If anything she was even more attractive than before and the best part was she had no idea that he was the man she’d been attacked by all those years ago.

“Seriously? That’s great!” She motioned for him to take a seat. “It’s been years Andy, how have you been?”

“Okay I guess” he smiled. “So do you have my file amongst that lot somewhere?”

“I don’t know” she shrugged her shoulders. “Why are you worried I’ll find something I don’t like?”

“Something like that” he nodded. “I don’t have the best record. According to my last Counsellor I’m a borderline sociopath, who has aggression towards women who needs careful monitoring by my new Counsellor and Commanding Officers.”

“Oh” Freya sighed. “So what did you do to earn that label?”

“I was...shall we say verbally abusive to a female senior officer. She got me wound up and I lashed out. I know I shouldn’t have but now here I am. I was busted down a rank for that too!”

“Oh Andy! I always said that temper of yours would get you into trouble one day didn’t I?” She shook her head. “Right I can’t see Starfleet assigning you a female Counsellor so you’ll probably get Lieutenant Rol. If needs be I can have a word with him for you?”

“Nah!” He waved off her concerns “I’ll be good and attend like a good little officer and do my Counselling sessions. Are you sure you don’t mind being around me?”

“You kidding?! Hell no!” She smiled. “Not sure how Kaden will feel about you being around me though.”

“You two still together?” Andy smiled .

“We are indeed. Didn’t you realise from my name? I’m Freya Ross not Simmons now actually I was thinking going double barrelled but I didn’t get round to it.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“Congratulations!!” He smiled warmly. “Anyway I should be getting along and leaving you to your pile of PADDs there.” He motioned to the pile.

“Well thanks for stopping by Andy. Why don’t you come by and have dinner with us sometime? Maybe when we get back to the station?”

“Sure I’d love to!” He nodded. “Give you time to warn your husband that I’m here too.”

“Indeed” Freya nodded.

With that he nodded and headed on his way, he was starting to plan just how he was going to enjoy Freya’s company again. He was looking forward to getting his hands on her again but not before he’d made a few other conquests aboard the station.



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