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Message From Beyond

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2019 @ 5:58pm by Commander Hades,MD & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,896 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Essex, Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 05 0900


Hades walked the long walk between the transporter room and the bridge. He had a lot on his mind and a lot of pain both physical and emotional. His world was in a storm and he didn't know if he'd make it out on the other end without....scars or possible still alive.

Entering the bridge walked down the ramp and to the right. Ringing the bell he waited to be called in.

Deela had been meditating as her emotional state was taxing on her. The death of Lai'lira was just as difficult as when three of her loved ones died. Lai'lira considered her a friend but to Deela, Lai'lira was more like a daughter than a friend. Not even her Vulcan half could save her from the pain she was feeling.

Spock was half human and half Vulcan and he was able for the most part to keep that under control most of the time, except for a few occasions when his human half showed. Deela, like Spock, was also part human and Vulcan but she was also Betazoid and embraced her Betazoid side too. Her dad wanted her to embrace her Vulcan side as well. He trained her in the Vulcan way partly so she could control her emotions instead of her emotions controlling her. She did very well or so she thought. Then, when the first person she fell in love with and was engaged to died, her emotions became overwhelming to the point that she had to use constant meditation to deal with them. She also had a ship to command and she needed to be strong, not show any weaknesses.

Now Lai'lira was dead and once again, those feeling that she experienced then, were back. She was startled when the chime went off. Usually, she could sense someone coming but not this time. She called out, "Enter."

Hades entered, his hands clasped behind his back, "Admiral. Thank you for seeing me. I think there is something you should see."

With shaking hands he held up a little flat memory chip. "Please interface this with your computer." He tried to steady his hands but the more he did the worse the shaking got.

"Okay." Deela, being an empath, could feel his emotions adding to hers. She took it from him and did as she was asked without question.

There was a shimmer and then a form. Lai'lira stood in holographic finery. "Hello my friends."

Hades stared slack jawed.

Deela had seen one of these before and it was unnerving. Her stomach dropped when she saw her. A tear formed at the edge of her eye as she listened.

"If you are viewing this then I am dead and I am so sorry to put you all through this. I knew that this trip would be the end for me....I even thought about not going but some things are bigger then just one person." She seemed to look at each person before continuing.

"About a week before we left I started having dreams....Vulcans, Romulans, Bajorans, Cardassians that I didn't know talking to me telling me things I thought were impossible about my gifts, about being an empath. It appeared that what my family told me was wrong I was not a product of a Romulan Vulcan mix. I was so much more and they were in the wrong. I was taken from who my true family was. I was never....meant to be your world, that is."

Deela was confused. What did she mean...your world? Who was her true family? She looked over at Dr. Hades with a quizzical look. Then looked back at the holographic image of Lai'lira.

"I have left a few things for you Hades and you Deela on the station. There are things there for Braxton and Splendora but I address this to the both of you because I feel that you are most a part of me." Her program shimmered and she turned to Hades. "Take care of Earl....he is my friend and he loved me and I loved him. There are some toys and goodies for him."

The holo shimmered again and this time Deela. "You were the mother I always wanted and my friend I loved you more then you know." She seemed to look out into the distance. "The closer we drew to Bajor the stronger the visions got. You call them wormhole aliens but....they are so much more. Beings that have knowledge beyond anything this world has. They spoke to me more and more and as I got to know them I knew that I wanted to be home...with them."

"Wormhole aliens" was a name given by non-Bajorans to the Prophets whom exist within the wormhole connecting the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants. Was she saying that her true parents were from the Celestial Temple? Deela wasn't aware of the visions that she spoke of just now. She sat there with so many questions in mind.

Lai'lira smiled, "I know you must have questions and when you are ready and when the pain fades seek the Orb of is yet to be found but it will and there, there you will find one who loves you." Her face turned serious. "There is much to tell you, over the coming time you will all be tested and face much but your strength will get you through." She turned to Hades. "You, my friend, will soon be faced with the choice with confronting a fear. If you do not I fear you will be lost." She sighed.

"Hades Splendora is about to face the fires of hell and you must strengthen her so you must survive your condition...Just remember the greatest force you have in your world is love. For Splendora love will either save her or destroy her....I know that I sound cryptic but it's a rule." She turned to Deela, "Deela you will have trails ahead but your courage, strength must never waver. I will, in a since, always protect you as much as is allowed but I cannot do much until my orb is found. I have but one regret and that is not living amongst you longer. Just remember I love you both, very much. I will always be a part of you and you a huge part of me." The holo shimmered and brightened and in a flash of pink and red it disappeared. In its place two little crystals were left on the floor a florescent pink colour like the break of dawn.

Deela just sat in silence, almost frozen and stared at the crystals. She had heard of such things but never aw it hherself. She looked over at Hades but didn't know what to say. What do you say after something like that? She asked, "Did you know about these visions that Lai'lira was having?"

He shook his head. The shock of it all was clearly listed on his face. Because of his condition, the very one that Lai'lira had mentioned it had been harder and harder to hide his emotions. He walked over to the crystals and picked one up. He quickly put them on the Admiral's desk. "To wear out a tired Vulcan line, Fascinating."

Deela nodded, "You took the words out of my mouth. I know the story of The Prophets of Bajor but I have never heard of these crystals or seen one." She wasn't sure what she was sensing from Hades but it wasn't fascination.

"The Crystals....I have a theory. I touched them just now one felt comfortable the other.....extremely hot. My theory is that you will feel the will be comfortable and one hot...." He motioned for her to test the theory and for the first time his hands could clearly be seen as shaking and the strain to control his frustration and anger got too much. He sat down on the sofa a bit hard.

Deela picked them both up and felt the same as he did. But the one he felt was hot was comfortable and visa versa.

He sighed, "I guess one is meant for you and one for me." He thought a moment. Lai'lira's words playing in his mind. "Admiral there is something I wish to speak with you about."

Deela picked up the crystal meant for her and held onto it, "Please do." She leaned back into her chair as she ran her finger over it.

"Lai'lira was right about one she knew I will not know. Admiral I am ill and I require a few days of leave. I am asking for that ..." He started.

Deela nodded, "I understand." It explained what she was sensing from him.

"Since you are Vulcan I will not mince words. I am in the second stage of Pon'farr. I have been since shortly we left the station and I am approaching Blood Fever, Plak'to. I have not been bonded thus far so the traditional methods have not worked. I had been able to meditate away the symptoms years ago but it has not been working thus far and I am concerned that it might not work again. I would like a few days away to try again if that does not work...I fear that you may loose a medical officer." It was like ripping off a bandage. The quicker he said it the better I would be.

"I too have had that fire that burns. I thought that I would be spared but I was not. I will allow you to take your leave. Dr. Corrigan can take over and Dr. Romaine can help." Some Vulcans still liked this to be kept quiet as it was a personal thing.

He gave a nod. "I have a few things to tidy and the I shall leave." He looked down at the crystal. "I wish she had talked to me about this. Doctor Sage will be picking up her body tomorrow when decontamination is complete. If you are alright with it I will have her bring her here. She would loved if you escorted her home."

"I would love that." She looked again at the cryatal in her hand, "I wish she would have too. I will hold onto this. If it is important, I am sure that the purpose of this crystal will be revealed."

He gave a nod. "In the words of our people. I grieve with thee. She was ... very special." He looked down at the crystal. "The orb of love she said. She was that. A ball of love. I don't think that she met someone she didn't love. She had an innocent way about her and a sharp intellect. I will miss her."

Deela sighed, "I miss her too. I now know what it feels like to lose a daughter and that is something I hope I never will experience again."

He gave a nod. "Perhaps a memorial service back at the station?"

"Yes. I think she deserves one, a nice one. When you get back, we will arrange it." She stood up, "As for you, take care."

He gave a nod and headed out. He had a quick to do list to finish and then he was off. Would he survive the Pon'farr? Time would tell.



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