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An unexpected visitor

Posted on Wed Mar 27th, 2019 @ 6:09pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

680 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD5 1100 hrs


Ariana was glad to be feeling better, she offered a smile as Freya walked into her room. "Hey how are you?

"Getting better" Freya smiled. "I don't think I made a very good impression whe things were at their worst here though" she shrugged her shoulders.

"I heard about that" Ariana nodded. "You tried to relieve a tense situation, you did what you felt you had to and I'll support that." She fidgeted uncomfortably. "Could you adjust these pillows please?"

"Sure!" Freya smiled as she moved across to the bed to adjust the pillows behind Ariana. She gently rearranged the pillows and leant back. "How's that?"

"That's better thank you." Ariana smiled warmly as she looked towards the door. "Admiral Bremer! Visiting those in recovery Sir?"

Mike walked in with a smile, then covered his nose and mouth with his hand. "Not contagious anymore are you?" He joked as he lowered his hand" How are you feeling?"

“Apart from bored?” Ariana grinned. “Just a bit stiff from sitting around in here all the time but Doctor Hades says I can be released soon so that’ll be better. Have you had a chance to meet our newest Counsellor on staff Sir? This is Freya Ross, she and I are old friends.”

"I'm glad you're feeling better." Mike replied before turning to Freya. "No, I haven't had the chance to meet her or Marine Captain Ross."

Mike turned toward Freya, "Welcome to the Starbase 400 family." He gave a warm smile. "I know you've had your hands busy helping with the medical emergency but did you have a chance to get settled aboard the Pegasus first?"

“Yes thank you Sir” Freya smiled warmly. “Our Quarters aboard the Pegasus are quite comfortable. I’ve been trying to help out as much as I can but all credit goes to Doctor Hades and the rest of the rest of the medical staff. It’s been a stressful time for all of them.”

"And I'm sure Doctor Hades would say he couldn't have done it without you and everyone else that assisted." Mike replied. "Once we return to Starbase 400 check with Operations to make sure quarters are assigned to y'all aboard the Station."

He looked back at Monroe. "Is there anything you need?"

"I don't think so at the moment" Ariana smiled warmly, "except to request quarters with a spare room for Freya & Kaden, they've been kind enough to ask me to move in with them for the next few months so that I'm not alone. I would be requesting family quarters for after the baby is born is anyway so moving out of my current quarters would be required anyway."

Mike nodded. "Alright. When we get back to the Station we can have a residential apartment requisitioned for you with four bedrooms." He paused a moment, "So it's safe to assume everything is safe with our soon to be newest crewmember?"

"So far so good" Ariana grinned. "Given all the drama the medical staff have had with me so far I'm aiming to make the next few months as peaceful as I can before this little one decides to make an appearance."

"I think that's a plan for the entire Alliance right now, keep things peaceful." Mike smiled.

"I do need to drop by to see a few more people, are you sure there's nothing else you need?" Mike asked.

"Apart from recommendations that the medical staff be awarded for their actions in this outbreak? I don't think so at the minute Sir but if I think of anything I'll let you know!" Ariana grinned.

"I already have something written up." Mike replied with a smile, hold up the PADD he was carrying. "And everyone that helped is listed." Mike glanced at Freya.

"Me?" Freya looked at Mike surprised. "It's not like I did that much compared to everyone else."

"You helped save lives and care for those that were ill. That's enough." Mike replied. "It was also a pleasure to meet you." He gave a respectful nod and left the room.



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