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Making a Friend

Posted on Thu Jan 3rd, 2019 @ 4:39pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Captain Jack Solomon

1,576 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 96 - A Visitor From the Past
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Current

Taking some time out from the office and Main Engineering after the recent "Enterprise Incident", Jack decided to get caught up with some of the Department reports in a different place for a change.

He headed down to the Promenade with several PADD's under his arm. He was trying to decide where was best to have something to eat as he left the turbolift. Picking up one of the PADD's and activating the menu to see what contents it had, Jack slowly made his way around the complex.

On the one hand, he was occupied with his work but on another hand, he was excited about the wedding that he and Deela were planning. He almost felt as if he was in another world at times with everything happening at once.

Jewel was lost in thought as she rounded the corner of the promenade and ran right into Solomon and they collided and she fell to the ground. She shook her head and looked up, "Sorry Commander...I need to learn to watch where I am going..." She said as she slowly got up off the floor.

Jack felt so bad that he'd been so lost in thought that he walked into General Hurd. "Here, please let me help you up, I'm so sorry, General," he apologized to her. As he made sure she was ok, Jack then picked up his things.

"I hope I haven't stopped you getting to anything important, I'm so sorry I was lightyears away," he explained.

She chuckled for a moment, "I should be the one apologizing as I wasn't paying much attention to where I was doing." Jewel stated. "Right now I don't have anywhere important to be..." She said with a sigh, she and David had an argument and she was just walking around lost in thought. "So how're things going Commander?" She asked with a smile.

"Well, not too bad now that things have quietened down after the recent historical visit we had," he started. "I'm just catching up with some reports and also in the middle of planning a wedding..." He ended the sentence of a note of positivity before going on further. "I asked Admiral T'Lar if she would take my hand in marriage and she agreed!"

He tried not to let on the excitement he had too much...but he was happy about the next step in their relationship.

"That is awesome, congratulations Commander," Jewel replied with a bright smile. "It's good to see Deela happy again," Jewel added. "I am about to go have some lunch care to join?" Jewel asked with a smile.

Jack nodded in agreement. "After our surprise bumping into each other, I think that sounds like a good idea," he said. Looking around the Promenade, he was a little short on ideas as he didn't know the General too well.

"I'll let you choose where to go, it's been a while since I've eaten down here," he admitted.

She smiled, "My favourite place is the Skyline Lounge." Jewel replied as they made there way over to the lounge and took their seats. The waitress walked up and smiled, "I'll have my usual." Jewel replied and the waitress turned to Soloman "What would you like?" She replied.

Jack had a quick look at the menu and soon found a meal he'd like. "I'll take the Vegetable Lasagne with some Garlic Bread on the side please and a pint of Earth Apple Cider," he ordered. As the waitress walked away with their orders Jack was curious.

"So if you have a usual meal for when you're here, can I ask what that is?" he enquired. It seemed obvious that she was a regular or at least had frequented the establishment before.

"I usually have the sirloin steak, baked potato and shrimp." Jewel replied "As well as a glass of wine," she added. "I do come here a lot as it has a good view from this table to the planet below. I come here when I need to get away and think," Jewel replied.

Jack smiled as he understood her thinking. "I can see why, there are some lovely views from here, its no wonder that you could just stare out there at the view and become lost in your thoughts," he offered. However, he was also wondering if there was something on her mind as well.

"General, I know we haven't really spoken before but if I may say so, you look like someone who has something on their mind," he began.

He sat back for a moment. "I'm no counsellor but if you wanted to talk about something in confidence or get some frustrations of your mind, I'll happily take the ear-bashing." He wondered if there was something wrong.

"Oh, nothing much just been lost in thought lately, and some spousal problems that we're trying to work out is all," Jewel replied with a sigh as she hoped they would work it out.

"I understand, there are times when a relationship can be tested by the smallest of disagreements," he explained. "Whilst I consider myself lucky that both Deela & I haven't suffered this bump in the road, I will add the word yet at the end."

Whilst he was lucky that he'd not argued with Deela yet, Jack knew of times when he'd struggled to understand or resolve previous situations in previous relationships. "Hopefully there is a way to find a solution?" He asked.

She sighed, "Unfortunately there is a solution but not the one I was hoping to take." Jewel stated as she looked down for a moment.

Jack could see that there was a difficult decision ahead of her and wondered how difficult it was. "I see... It sounds like you need to give this serious thought... There's definitely no other alternative?" He asked. He was concerned for her.

"There is no alternative, he refuses to seek help and it's been affecting myself and my children. I have already made up my mind. We're getting a divorce, going to go see Deela after lunch to have her sign the paperwork." Jewel replied as she looked at him. "But, it's for the best," Jewel added trying to smile.

Jack realised how difficult the situation was and understood why she looked both thoughtful and also pensive. "I'm sorry," he said. "A divorce is a difficult situation to deal with..." Whilst he was busy with getting prepared to be married to Deela for the first time, here was the General looking at divorce.

"I don't have to discuss our wedding if you don't want to... I don't want to bring the mood down," he offered.

She chuckled, "Just because I am getting divorced doesn't mean I don't enjoy weddings, especially my best friends wedding." Jewel replied, "things happen for a reason." Jewel replied with a smile and finished her lunch.

"Well being her best friend guarantees you a place on the guest list, which is something we still need to sort out," Jack admitted. "I'm sure Deela will fill you in on the details at some stage though." Jack took a bite out of his meal as he had a further thought.

"So can I ask how long you've known Deela?" He enquired.

She looked at him and thought back to the first time she met Deela, "Um about 15 years," Jewel replied. "We actually met when I was stationed on the USS Commanche as a Marine XO and we were docked at DS9 for some repairs. She just got promoted to Commodore and was at DS9 for some repairs as well. We just seem to have hit it off there." Jewel replied, "She's even the Godmother of my children." She added with a smile.

Jack listened on as he started to understand how long Jewel had known Deela and also where they had met each other. DS9 seemed to be a popular place for either visiting Starfleet Ships and officers or a post that many wanted to serve on.

"Wow, so you two have known each other a long time, I'll make sure not to get on your bad side if I upset her, but I'll also be coming to you for surprise birthday gift ideas," he joked, realizing somewhere in the back of his mind that she'd probably be a part of the Wedding Party.

Thinking back on when he first met Deela, he realized that it was aboard the Essex, not long after the Wildcat-B had been decommissioned at the end of the War. Back then he was longing for exploration and the Essex had offered that opportunity to him.

She nodded and smiled, they talked for awhile longer as she finished her meal. She looked at the time and sighed, "Well I enjoyed our talk and am sure that we will talk again. But, right now I have to go talk to Deela." She said as she sighed and stood up..

Jack put down his drink as he stood up with Jewel. "I understand, thank you once again for spending lunch with me and for the talk," he said. "If you want a friend to talk to anytime, please feel free to give me a shout." Jack had enjoyed his talked with Jewel and felt that he had made a new friend today.

"Thanks Jack I will," Jewel replied with a smile and took a deep breath and headed out of the Skyline lounge and off the Promenade.


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