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Posted on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 @ 12:45am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

321 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD10 - *Current*


The Pegasus, Essex, and Lexington had arrived back at Starbase 400 about an hour before. With the ships docked, Mike allowed the crews to disembark to see their families and to get some rest after the long mission to the Delta Quadrant.

Janice and Christopher had come aboard the Pegasus to see Mike and he'd spent much of the hour they had been back with them. After they had headed back to the station, Mike met with K'Temoc and was brought up to speed on not only the joint fleet maneuvers but also the loss of the Kearsarge and Vanguard. He also told Mike that he had resigned as Task Force 99's Commanding Officer, and about his expansion of the Special Operations Group with MacLeod and Bagwell now team leaders.

After K'Temoc left the ship, Mike looked over several PADDs in his Ready Room while listening to some Earth Classical Music. He also took a few minutes to get access set up for Commander Paxim. He also found there was a new Ferengi Alliance Liaison Officer, Damon Gros. He wasn't sure why Starfleet Command had approved of a handful of Ferengi military exchange officers since the Ferengi weren't apart of the Alliance, but it was something Grand Nagas Rom had asked for so as a sign of cooperation it had been approved.

Mike then looked over a few general reports from the station. An ion storm would be passing through the Kaleb system in the next few days, so preparations would be needed. The Gorn homeworld had recently suffered a few major land quakes. Romulan patrols along the Neutral Zone had increased.

After a bit, Mike had enough for now. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. He then got up, gathered the PADDs together, shut off the music, and headed for his quarters aboard the station. A sonic shower and a nap were calling his name.



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