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Posted on Fri Jul 27th, 2018 @ 11:47pm by Camron Wayne

1,298 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Enroute to SB400
Timeline: Current

OOC note: THis is a reposting of a JP that has apparently been cought in a server hiccup


Runabout SS Dakota
Command section

"SB400 this is the runabout SS Dakota requesting permission to dock with the station for the purpose of setting up a new business out here." Said Camron firmly he was not sure exactly what the protocol was but figured it would be smart to announce himself before the station decided to blast him out of the sky or before there could be any misunderstanding about what his intentions were.

Nathaniel was at his post when he saw a runabout " Commodore Pike to OPS please "he called.
Nathaniel said "SS Dakota please standby I`m kinda new here " he waited for Commodore Pike to arrive.

"Copy that control holding position and awaiting instructions." Said Camron calmly ~ They must really be busy if they have new guys running traffic control. ~ Though Camron with a soft chuckle there were several things he could do but giving the kid a break seemed like the nice thing after all he was new to the area and being nice never hurt. " Control take your time I am not going anyplace." He added politely

Lee was in his office when he got the call "On my way." He stood up from his desk then headed out of the office, after a couple minutes he then stepped off of the lift onto Ops "What is going on?"

Nathaniel said from his station " Sir we have a runabout SS Dakota who is requesting permission to dock with SB400 " he reported.

Lee turned towards the officer "Who is on board the runabout?"

Nathaniel said "the captain's name is Camron Wayne sir, he says he wants to set up a new business on the station sir"he replied

"O'Bannon you damned Irishman you better not be tinkering with those thrusters I finally got them straightened out from your last modification." Yelled Camron firmly it was not much but he had felt the Sydney class runabout shake slightly and there was no need to start having problems now.

"Sorry boss I was not tinkering with the thruster though I was trying to improve this replicator and I think I did it. Now at least it puts solid matter just no food yet." Said O'Bannon lightly "Though maybe it will be good to land this girl so we can really fix her up." He added

"Only you Charlie only you would say that was an improvement." mutter Camron under his breath as he wandered for the 20th time if bringing the young kid along was actually a good idea instead of one of his more experienced employees.

Lee raised an eyebrow "Go ahead and give them clearance for a dock, I will meet them."

Camron saw that a light was flashing on his comms panel " What can I do for you control." Said Camron calmly

Lee then headed out of Ops for the docking bay.

"Aye sir " he said to Commodore Pike then he said to SS Dakota " SS Dakota you are cleared to dock Commodore Pike will meet you there" he said.

"Copy that control what bay are we to head to?" Asked Camron calmly he headed the runabout into the massive station if he was going to meet a commodore he wanted to be at the right place.

:standby Dakota " He then hit his combadge "Ops to Commodore Pike where will you be at to receive the Dakota's Captain? "he asked

Lee stepped off the lift then tapped his com badge "Have them go to bay 3, Ops."

Nathaniel said "aye sir " he then told the captain of the ss dakota" SS Dakota you are cleared to dock at bay 3 Commodore Pike will be waiting for your arrival "he said to camron

"Thank you control docking bay 3." Said Camron as he piloted the ship into the station and found the docking bay he was supposed to use. In the back of his mind he was wandering why on earth he was being met by a flag officer that could not be normal could it.

==10 minutes later==

With the hard seal established and the thrusters shut down Camron glided away from the command section. "Charlie you stay in here while I meet the Commodore and see what all we will have to deal with to start business here ok." Said Camron calmly

"Yah ok boss I will make sure that everything is ready when you give the word best of luck dealing with the brass." Said Charlie as he slid out from under the console he had been working on.

Camron glided to the hatch and opened the airlock looking much calmer then he felt. Especially on seeing that the commodore was waiting for him that was never a good sign. "Permission to come aboard." He asked

Lee had made his way to the docking bay and was standing there waiting when the doors opened "Permission granted, Mr. Wayne I presume?"

"I am if your Commodore Pike." Said Camron with a chuckle as he glided his chair into the station proper. "I have to ask sir why are you meeting me I would have expected security or maybe operations but not a flag officer." He added

Nathaniel explained the situation to Camron wayne when he arrived at docking bay 3 " Vice Admiral K'temoc was busy so I called Commodore Pike " he said to Camron.

"Umm kid not that I am not impressed but I am just a mechanic not someone nearly important enough to pull a vice admiral or a Commodore down for a meet and greet." Said Camron calmly "Now Commodore Pike if you would be so kind as to point me to the quartermaster's office so I can get the needed paperwork out of the way I am sure you have much more pressing matters to attend to." He added respectfully

Lee shrugged looking at the person in front of him "It's ok Mr.Wayne I don't mind." He gave a curt nod "The quartermater's office is 2 floors down, just go to the nearest lift and go down then once off the lift it will be straight ahead."

"Two floors down and straight ahead got it." Said Wayne calmly "Thank you for meeting me and welcoming me to the station Commodore and I hope once I get my shop up and running you will stop in who knows maybe I can even talk you into a tune up." Said Wayne lightly he liked both men even if he did have a rather abrupt and curt way about himself, and he hoped in time maybe they would be friends.

Nathaniel said Commodore Pike " I Im so Sorry sir" he said.

Lee nodded "Your welcome Mr. Wayne." He raised an eyebrow at the tune up comment but said nothing. He turned to Nathaniel "It's ok, now if you two will excuse me I have things to take care of." He turned on his heel and walked off.

Nathaniel said to Camron "if you will excuse me I need to get back to ops my Department head Lieutenant Young is on a mission with the SB 400 XO and CO again welcome to SB400 " he said then headed to a turbolift and headed to ops.

"Thank you for the welcome ensign and just to put yours and the commodores mind at ease I am a mechanic and the tune up I was referring to was if you wanted something special done to a shuttle or runabout. Something that was not exactly standard issue if you get my meaning." Said Camron as he headed for his lift to go and see the quartermaster.

Nathaniel headed to a nearest turbolift and headed back to ops and got back to his post.



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