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Kahless Map

Posted on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 @ 1:18pm by Korel

180 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Neutral Zone Store
Timeline: MD 10 01:00 hours


The coveted chair with the markings on it would be delayed but not for long. Vagh and Hrall had quickly dispatched to retrieve a holodeck replicator. But the nearest one for sale was several parsecs away and would take several days to return.

In the mean time Korel studied the emblems he had recorded from the holodeck viewing. Viewing the map on the side of the chair that had been etched there when Kahless had been a child.

They were in ancient Klingon script but Korel had always been a good student of history.

If he was to uncover the words he would have to think like a young Klingon boy of the era.

Kahless had loved this chair as he had built the chair himself. The years before his coming of age had actually been a clumsy time for the future warrior. His grand father had built the chair for the boy. That grand father, happened to be Korels long distance relative. If he could prove this with his chair once again his house would be recognized .



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