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Investigation Findings

Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2011 @ 5:45pm by Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Vice Admiral James K`Temoc Bremer & Ensign Dar Vox & Chief Petty Officer Hugh O'Reily Jr.

1,357 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 76 - Home comings
Location: USS Pegasus, Admiral's Ready Room
Timeline: Following Bremer's last post


Alex walked to the ready room and stood at the door and rang the chime. When Bremer told them to enter, they all stepped in.

"Sir, we were able to get the information about Clark and the others. Do you have time?"

Mike nodded. Harrison and K`Temoc took the open chairs at Mike' desk, Dar and O`Reily stood beside.

Harrison sat down, "I know that you are aware that Jon Westmoreland had a twin brother, James Westmoreland because you were both held captive back in 2374 together. Anyway, James Westmoreland had been falsely accused of a crime and was sent to the Cetus III penal colony the same time Clark was. Being that they arrived the same time, they became friends. Now Jon, who seemed to be the only one who believed James innocence, visited his brother several times. After a few weeks, Jon found evidence proving James was falsely accused and went to the penal colony to pick up James. Blaming Starfleet for putting his brother there while waiting for the appeal to go through, he left Starfleet.

Now Hawkings, he seemed to have anger issues which escalated after he punch his XO out. It didn't help when he was given a desk job. He came to resent Starfleet. After he resigned his commission, he cleared out his stuff and left Archer IV. Admiral T'Lar's XO used his Marine connections to find some additional information on Hawkings. He was able to locate one of Hawkings Marine buddies and found out that Hawkings told him that he was leaving Starfleet to find someone to marry. That was the last time he ever heard from Hawkings until two weeks ago when he contacted him. Hawkings told him that he had found the perfect wife, the perfect place to live and that nothing would get in the way of it. He said that Hawkings sounded upset, not like a man who was happy. More like a man who was about to lose everything. Then Hawkings proceeded to ask him about another ex Marine, if he knew where he could find him.

Clark, I can't find anything about him except what we know now. I figure that Hawkings was living on one of those colonies near the zone, somehow hooked up with one of the Triangle members and is helping them out. I also think Hawkings is looking for more recruits. And Westmoreland met Clark at the penal colony via his brother."

Bremer nodded, "Certainly ties them all together. Ensign, Chief, what did you find?"

Chief Petty Officer O'Reily and Ensign Vox looked at each other for a moment. Hugh nodded, and looked back at the Admiral. "I went to ask some questions at Starfleet Intelligence in San Francisco. Basic things really. I just wanted to know if there was anything out of the ordinary regarding Clark's arsenal. One of the head analysts...Commander Tanaga I believe, directed me to an agent in Rio named Commander Gunther Vander." Hugh cleared his throat. He wasn't quite sure how to describe to odd behavior of Vander, and why Hugh didn't quite trust him. "Commander Vander provided me with information regarding the theft of a weapon that can bring plenty of havoc should it be employed in any future disputed space."

Hugh handed the Admiral the PADD with the intelligence and specs of the modified Sydney class transports. "Twelve Sydney class transports, modified to carry weapons grade replicators with the specific function of producing cloaked photon mines, disappeared some time ago. Those ships were supposed to have the mine replicators removed before they left and used for the colonists in the old neutral zone area. The weapons grade replicators were to be stored at the Olympus Mons Armory on Mars. Fifteen in all. One for each ship, and three spares. According to Vander, the replicators were never removed, and the ships stolen by Clark. Since my contact was an odd sort of a fellow, I notified Ensign Vox of the situation. ..."

Hugh looked at Ensign Vox, and nodded for him to continue.

Dar thought back to their 'field trip' before adding. "CPO Hugh apprized me of his dilemma and informed me he had arranged for transport to the Armory. He asked me to help him look into the matter as I'm a weapon expert. We entered the facility under the ruse we where conducting a surprise inspection for you sir. They let us in with escorts of course. The two guards where easy to pay off for some alone time to find the crates in question.

I found 3 all registered perfectly when scanned as if nothing was wrong. But when I opened them with a clearance card all that was in their was a small signature generator to mimic the replicators scan signature. Believing that it was either an inside job or the work of a master thief I suggested we talk to a few friend of mine who where transferred there from my last Security post.

Working with them we found that all the crates where signed for by the Armory's current CO and never by the Master-at-Arms of the facility. In all my old posts sir the Master-at-Arms had to check and sign for any and all arms being transferred then the paperwork makes it to the CO's desk for final approval not the only approval without checking the equipment first. My friends are still looking into the matter and awaiting word from me or you sir for what to do next. I felt it better not to spook the CO in case he is guilty of helping Clark and his men." Dar looked at Hugh for affermation that he remembered everything right while ADM. Bremer took in the information.

K`Temoc looked at his brother as he processed the information.

"This brings up additional questions. Who removed the replicators and and when. My guess would be before they arrived at Olympus Mons. To do so there would be too risky, and there are no reports of a transport ship being attacked. We also need to find out who was responsible for creating them up in the first place and where. We should also find out where those Sydney class runabouts were scheduled to be mothballed and why they didn't report them missing."

He looked back at Admiral Bremer, "I think this investigation is right up the alley for the new Special Operations Team."

Mike leaned back in his char. "Good work, all of you. It defiantly means we could possibly have our hands full if the situation goes south. If I were Clark, and had this technology, I'd mine the hell out of the Colonies' systems. Even if the Romulans...or Starfleet attacked, having the systems mined would boost their defenses ten fold."

Mike looked over at Harrison, "Captain, I want you contact the Station, have them advise civilian traffic nearing the proposed limits of the new Neutral Zone to remain in Federation space, or enter the area at their own risk. If they ask why, say it's due to possibly Romulan incursions. Don't mention the mines, or even a possible rebellion, we don't want to tip Clark and the others off that we might be onto them."

Mike then looked over to K`Temoc. "I agree, this would be something the S.O.T. was created to handle. Pick your team, you'll go once we're back to SB400."

K`Temoc nodded, "I'd like Ensign Dar, Chief O'Reily, Lieutenant Commander Smith, and Colonel Sosuki assigned for this operation."

Bremer nodded, "Done." He stood from his chair, "For now, keep digging, see if you can find where and when those creates were `loaded`. I'm going to make a few calls of my own regarding the Sydneys. Dismissed."

As everyone left the Ready Room, Mike leaned against his desk, palms down on the desk top to support him. He tapped his monitor to activate it, then pulled up the list of all current Starfleet shipyards and Starbases that were used to store mothballed ships. Aside from SB400, there were over twenty facilities. This was going to take a little time...


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