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Delta Quadrant Trip -USS Pegasus

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2017 @ 1:46pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Private Kerri Knight & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Becca Bremer & First Ramata`tar
Edited on on Sun Jan 7th, 2018 @ 10:39pm

890 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD2, 1000 HRS

OOC: Continuing JP for the USS Pegasus MD2.


The Pegasus had blasted off at Slipstream with the Lexington and Intrepid and the trip to the Delta Quadrant seemed to start off as planned.

=== Sickbay ===

William was unaccustomed to slipstream. He looked over his roster. A Pvt Knight was do for her physical. William laughed. "This should be interesting " he murmured. =^= Lt Matthews to Pvt Knight. Would you report to Sickbay, please =^=

Kerri rolled her eyes but made sure her annoyance was not reflected in her voice, =^= On my way. =^= She wasn't crazy about going to sickbay but she had no choice. She made her way to sickbay, "Pvt Knight reporting as ordered."

William waited as Kerri entered. When she arrived, he realized this exam would be a bit more difficult than he'd expected. "Thank you for showing for promptly, Pvt Knight. I do apologize for the inconvenience though" he said, trying to hide his interest.

"I'd say it's an inconvenience. If you haven't noticed, we are at slipstream." After she said that, she apologised, "Sorry. I'm mad at someone else and I'm taking it out on you." She looked around, "Where do you want me?"

William smiled back at Kerri. "Its ok, Pvt. Just lay down on the bed there. I'll try to be quick " he said. He wondered who she was mad at. He grabbed his tricorder and began his scan as she relaxed. "If I may ask though, who pissed in your Wheaties?" he questioned.

She looked at him strangely for a brief moment, "Wheaties?" She shrugged, then let it pass, "It's not a someone. I just don't want to be on this mission."

William chuckled. "I meant, whats bugging you, Private? Is there something you want to talk about? I may not be a Betazoid but I do know how to listen " he said as he finished his scan.

Kerri gave in, "Okay. Here's my problem. I requested leave for a week but then they denied it and assigned me to this Delta Quadrant mission. I've never asked for anything. Who knows how long this mission will take."

William smiled at Kerri. "When duty calls, we must answer. Sometimes life just throws us into the mix. It's a learning experience. Even if we wish not to learn what we're being taught, Private" he said as he finished his exam.

Tag: Kerri


Octceann, had been monitoring the bridge since the Essex dropped from Slipstream. On his first post he learned from his Chief to keep an alarm on certain ship status changes. Back then on the USS Shran the Chief would just broadcast the bridge feeds in engineering. That was fine and good, until one time a ship dropped out of warp and threatened to open fire if the first officer didn’t catch up on child support from a “diplomatic” mission a few years back. With that in mind Octceann kept the comm feeds private. He used a small ear piece replicated for Caitian ears that let him hear the bridge. It only slightly impacted his ability to hear around him, but it was worth it to keep tabs on a situation.

There was unfortunately nothing he could do to help the Essex. However, he had the Engineering staff looking over all sensor readings to see if they could find anything that might have caused them to drop from slipstream. They hadn’t found anything yet. A level 3 diagnostic of the Pegasus didn’t show any abnormalities in her slipstream drive either.

“Ensign”, he said turning to the engineer monitoring the drive system console, “I’ll be in my office, I need to send a report off to the bridge about our slipstream status. Keep me informed of any, and I mean any, variations in our slipstream profile in excess of 45 decacochranes.”

“Aye Lt” She stated.

With that he headed off to the Engineering office to start his morning report on the situation.

Bridge, two hours later

It had been some time since the Essex had fallen out of the Slipstream tunnel and Mike was concerned...but he also knew there was no way the Pegasus and Lexington could drop out of Slipsteam and find them. Even if they tried, and we back to to the same point, there was no telling if the Essex had been thrown clear from slipstream, had formed another tunnel, or had been completely destroyed from the forced exit.

Mike had ordered Roebuck to drop a communications's buoy. While the Pegasus and Lexington might not get word that the Essex was okay, the Essex would get the message to continue on to the Talaxian colony if able or to turn and make their way back toward Starbase 400.

At least the Essex at made it passed the Raeyan Expansion area and out into open space, so if they were adrift they wouldn't be drifting into Romulan or Krazzle territory.

"What's our status Chief?" Mike asked.

"On course Admiral, we'll make our next exit from Slipstream for cool-down in three hours." Branson replied.

"Lexington is reporting their board is all green still too and they are in formation." Draven added from the Intelligence position.

Mike glanced at Robeuck sitting in the XO's chair and nodded. "You have the Bridge, I'll be in my Ready Room."



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