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"I've wanted to do this for a while..."

Posted on Mon Dec 18th, 2017 @ 3:52am by Captain Jack Solomon & Admiral Deela T'Lar

1,452 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Deela's Quarters
Timeline: MD2, 1900 HRS

Having gotten off shift early on purpose, Jack headed off to Deela's quarters to get started on having dinner ready.

Fortunately for him there were two things that were keeping him sane whilst getting all of this ready for his love. The first being that Engineering was in safe hands with both Quan and Sullivan in charge down there. If anything were to happen, they would be on it. Jack had faith in that having served with the both of them for a while.

The second? The fact that being a senior officer on board gave him the chance to use his own security override to access Deela's quarters and get started on this whole endeavour. With the kids safely being looked after back on 400, Jack knew that the trip to the Delta Quadrant was an ideal time for them to catch up on lost time.

Once he'd made it inside her quarters, Jack went over to the dining room and started arranging the table. He set the replicator to create some candles and also set the lighting in the room to an appropriate level. Knowing that she wouldn't be too long, Jack made sure to replicate her favourite meal as well as his own.

Then he checked his pocket and smiled as he realised he hadn't forgotten.

Deela gave Lokran the bridge so she could take a much needed break before another slipstream. She walked up to her door and opened it to reveal Solomon in her quarters which made her smile, "You know that I could have you arrested for breaking into a superior officer's quarters." She chuckled a little.

Jack smiled as he walked slowly over to her with his wrists together in a mock handcuff move. "Yes you could, that's very true..." he answered as he reached her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "However, I would plead insanity at my court martial for the undying love I have for you as the reason for my break in," Jack added.

Deela smiled, "You could."

He then moved back a little to show the fully laid dining table with candles and drinks waiting. "To further add to the charges, I decided that we deserved a long over dinner together... Insanity with Organised intent?" He offered as he showed Deela the spread before them.

"Sounds good to me." She looked at what he prepared for them, "You certainly went all out, didn't you. Looks great."

"One aims to please, my love," Jack answered as he helped her to a seat. Once she was comfortable, he poured a glass of wine for her before dishing up some food on a plate and placing it before her. "Hopefully, you approve?" He asked.

Deela took a bite of the food, "Mmm, I approve." She took another bite, "This almost feels like old times, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does...and that's the reason why I did it," Jack explained. "I'm sorry that things have been busy of late with recent missions getting in the way... It just seems like there's always something getting in the way of me spending time with you and the kids."

Jack took a sip of his drink and then paused for a moment before carrying on. "I take it your happy this is almost like old times...I wanted to do this for a while now and this seemed like the perfect opportunity," he admitted before taking Deela's hand for a moment.

"I've missed you my love."

Deela smiled, "I have missed you too. We do not get to spend nearly enough time together. We need to somehow remedy this."

That was when Jack glanced at his pockets and then looked up again. "Well, I did hve an idea about that...and no it doesn't involve me getting re-assigned because there is now way that's going to happen...or at least I'm not doing anything to let it happen," he replied before pulling out a small black box from his pocket.

At that moment, Jack then moved from his chair to a kneeling position beside Deela and took her hand gently. " idea was...maybe...possibly... oh hell with it..." he said getting nervous.

"Deela, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

Deela's eyes widened with surprised which was a rarity for her. She tried to answer but was choked up. She had to take a moment to compose herself, "Oh Jack, yes. Yes, I would love to be your wife."

Jack couldn't hold back the smile as he placed the engagement ring on her finger and then gently kissed Deela on the cheek. "I'm so happy you said yes, I've wanted to do this for some time now..." He admitted to her.

Taking the bottle of wine on the table, Jack poured them both a new glass. "So...does this mean that you become Mrs Solomon or do I become Mr T'Lar?" He asked jokingly asked he passed the glass to his fiance.

Deela chuckled a little, "Oh, please no. Been there, done it. It is too weird. Mrs. Solomon is fine except when I am on duty. Keeps down the confusion on the ship." She looked at Jack, "If that is okay with you."

Jack smiled as Deela expressed to what she was happy with being known as. "That sounds absolutely fine to me too," he answered before raising his glass to hers for a small toast. "To my bride to be... To you Mrs Solomon... My love," he said softly and happily, touching his glass to hers.

Deela was very awkward when it came to toasts. Her Vulcan dad never made them and mom, well, she didn't either. Deela did blush though and this was one of those times, "Aww. That's so sweet."

"My pleasure," Jack responded. He looked over the table and the meal and wondered for a moment. "So, that's my big surprise all handled quite well... We have some time before we're due back on duty...." He offered.

"What would you like for Dessert?"

Deela smiled, "Anything chocolate. Have you ever had Molten Lava Cake?" It was her favorite dessert besides an Ice Cream Sundae, "Unless you can think of something better."

Jack smiled as he allowed Deela to read his mind for a moment before answering her. His mind admitted "I can think of something better to do that does make you smile" before answering aloud, "Chocolate, mmm now there's a good idea," he started, getting up to head over to the Replicator.

"In fact I love the idea of Molten Lava Cake... Cake for two?" He offered, leaving the choice to his love.

Deela smiled brightly, "Most definitely." She watch Jack for a moment, "They say that chocolate is an aphrodisiac? In the name of science, I really think that we should test it out." Her eyes glistened.

Jack returned with two portions of Molten Lava Cake and sat down next to Deela. He carefully separated some onto a fork and then slowly went to feed some to her. "So, how much chocolate does it take before the aphrodisiac kicks in?" He asked before thinking out aloud how good she would look out of uniform.

Deela gave him an impish grin as she took the bite off his fork, "Mmm, a few more bites and I will let you know." She wanted to enjoy this moment a little bit more before entertaining his thought.

Jack smiled as he watched his beloved enjoy her chocolate cake. Right now, he was the happiest man in the Universe having had Deela accept his marriage proposal and all he wanted was for that happiness to continue...especially as right now chocolate was involved...

Deela kept looking at him and smiling flirtatiously. After the last bite was eaten, Deela made the first move and went in for a long awaited kiss.

Jack pulled her to him and kissed her gently, with his emotions building inside himself after having missed the intimacy and the closeness with his beloved. Recent missions had kept them apart for too long and he wanted to enjoy this time they had together.

After breaking away from the kiss, Jack took a glance at the bedroom before looking back at Deela, making his next thought very clear. There was plenty of time before they were both due back on duty and he knew it. "Come with me," he thought clearly to her.

Taking his hand, Deela wholeheartedly followed him. It had been a while since she didn't have to worry about kids barging in. Hopefully, there'd be no other interruptions. Jack calmly led her to the bedroom and smiled as he said "Computer...Lights out."


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