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Delta Quadrant Trip-USS Lexington

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2017 @ 1:49pm by Sergeant Calthier & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Lieutenant Kate Jacobson
Edited on on Sun Jan 7th, 2018 @ 10:42pm

281 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: USS Lexington
Timeline: MD2, 1000 HRS


It was mid Morning and Deb was All over the place. Being pregnant was more of a rollercoaster than she'd thought. Her second in command was cooling more heels than getting actual work done. Deb was not one to be humble, at least in her current state.

The jumps were not affecting her that she could tell. And things were just getting started...

Calthier was in the Armory, going over the weapons. Though he was only a sergeant, he felt responsible for the marines as a whole. And with Deborah being pregnant, he'd have more responsibilities now.

Deborah felt her Alpha in the forward most armory. God's she just wanted to pound him senselessly. Her sex drive was Through the Roof!!! But that just had to wait...


Janelle was back from her break. She went back to her station. All ships reported ready for the next slipstream.

(slipstream begins)

Janelle was manning her station. The Pegasus and the Essex were on course and everything seemed fine. Halfway through the slipstreaming, the Essex was no longer there. Janelle turned to Stark as she spoke with urgency, "Sir, the Essex, it's gone."

Not being part of the engineering team, Deborah found herself with A Lot of spare. Her engineers' instincts had little to focus on SO she was kinda ease dropping. Being pregnant she found herself restless, Morning sickness haveing Not Started yet...

Calthier had been thru slipstream before. He went on a routine patrol with roving teams throughout the ship. He thought of Deborah and smiled.


For the Lexington, the trip was, so far, dull...and Commander Stark yawned. "I'll be in my ready room."


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