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Cafe in the stars, conversations and confessions

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2017 @ 1:52pm by Tom Vercetti & Splendora Sage

471 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 95 - Helping Old Friends
Location: Promenade Observation Area at the Galaxia Cafe
Timeline: MD 02: 0600 hours


After Braxton left Splendora sat looking out at the stars. This was a unique café. Not many visited it... at least not this early but the fact that it's patio was really a long tube hall that lead to a see through bubble that was in space was a great feature. Tea amongst the stars. Darious, the owner, of the café had let her have the star bubble, as he called it, to herself until 0900 hours. She sighed and sipped her tea. She hoped the Marine found his peace.

Her parents would be on the transport out. Vito had gone to see to it earlier. He'd told her to stay in her quarters until he returned but feeling restless she'd walked and found herself here. Good thing too. The marine really needed to talk.

Something washed over her. She sensed him the moment he stepped in. She turned to find a very concerned and some what ticked off Tom. Okay, she'd left her quarters when Vito told her not to but...she needed a walk and her parents weren't a threat. Tom's friends were seeing that they got on the shuttle. She met his eyes. "Before you scold me," she said keeping her hands up, "I needed some alone time to think. I know it could have been dangerous but there was a Marine here the whole time and now...well you're here." She put on her cutest smile.

Tom stood there and just eyed her for the moment. In some ways, he felt like it had been months since he’d seen Sage. Then he glanced at the Marine again, before stepping closer. “You should have remained in your quarters.” He didn’t need to say more, he really wasn’t angry, he didn’t expect her to stay there the whole time anyway.

Splendora smiled and motioned to the free chair at the table. "Sit with me a while?" She hadn't finished her drink yet and she really wanted to. Besides she had a to thank him and make things right for pulling him into her family drama.

Tom gave a nod, then took a seat as he looked around one more time. "Something on your mind?" He asked.

"Family reunions are never my favourite events." She sipped her drink and then looked at Tom. "Thank you for what you did. I really appreciate it. I mean I know I dragged you into this and told them that you're my husband but you didn't have to play along. I owe you and Vito a lot you know."

She sipped her tea looking out the window. "Tom...I know things have been rough for you as of late in other respects. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Let' in private." He replied, taking her by the hand...


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