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Unplaned Meeting

Posted on Mon Jul 10th, 2017 @ 11:45pm by Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commander Dalenna Coolidge - DaSilvor

919 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 94 - Return to Rashanar
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD4, 1230 hrs

Deela was doing some reading of reports when her stomach growled. She looked at the time and realized that it was past lunchtime. She left her office and went to the promenade. She looked around, trying to figure out what she was hungry for. She stood in line, waiting for her turn. She was bumped by someone. She turned around to see who it was.

Once Dalenna realized who it was she bumped into, she was quite embarrassed, "Admiral T'Lar, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."

Deela smiled, "Commander Coolidge, it is quite okay. Are you alone or is your husband here?"

Dalenna shook her head, "No, I'm alone. Thought I'd take a break from the Conqueror's replicators and enjoy some real food."

"I understand. Would you care to join me?" Deela waited for an answer.

Dalenna nodded, "Sure."

They both ordered their food and found a quiet area to sit down in so they could talk. Deela picked up the chopsticks to eat, "So, tell me about yourself. Got any kids?" Deela only knew her name, that she was married and was security on the Conqueror. She had also seen her once when she arrived on the base.

"No, no kids. It's just been Andre and me for 15 years. We actually met on the Conqueror." Dalenna took a bite of her food.

"I hear an accent. Where is your birthplace?" Deela had always loved accents as long as she remembered.

Dalenna took a sip of her drink, "Earth, New Zealand. The accent isn't as strong as it used to be though. I haven't been back there since I was 18 when I went to Starfleet Academy."

Deela nodded, "What did you major in? The reason I asked is because I went there for a science major but ended up becoming a counselor."

Dalenna chuckled, "Funny you should say that. I really didn't have a major in mind when I went. My first love was Temporal investigations but since there were no openings, I also became an assistant counselor. Eventually, I got a job in temporal but after certain events, I went back to being a counselor. I decided that wasn't for me either so I became a security officer." Dalenna took a sip of her drink as well.

"I did not mind being a counselor but then I felt that I wanted to command a ship so that is what I did. It is a decision that I am glad I took." She continued to eat.

"I've thought about it but I really don't want to command a ship of my own. I'm very content with where I'm at. I enjoy being on the ship with Andre and I get to keep the position I am in." She couldn't think of a day not serving along side with her husband. "What about you? Married?"

"I have been engaged once to a guy but he died while I was commanding the Essex. Then I married a man named Jim McNamara but he was also killed. Then I married another man, Vincent Hainey but he lost his life in a shuttle accident." She sipped her drink, "For a while after that, I thought that I was just bad luck and I was not meant to be happy and in love. But now I have a wonderful man in my life who has helped me through it."

Dalenna shook her head, "Wow, I would feel that way too but I'm glad that you didn't give up on happiness."

"People think that just because we were counselors, that we do not get crazy ideas in our heads. In my case, when it happens three times, who wouldn't think the same thing?"

Dalenna agreed, "So true. When I was in FDTI, I had a situation where people close to me were dying and I started to think that it was me. That it was my fault. Of course, later on, I found out later that someone was after me and it was part of a plan to get rid of me." She felt a lump form in her throat so she took a gulp of tea, "Unfortunately, my parents went missing and they were never found. I know that they did it but I could never prove it."

Deela thought that she had it bad but Dalenna's story was heartbreaking as well, "Sorry about your parents."

The conversation stalled for a few minutes while they continued to eat and drink. Deela's mind was still on the upcoming mission, "I was thinking, your ship isn't assigned to anything, right?"

Dalenna nodded, "As far as I know, why?"

"In seven days, I'll be going to the Delta Quadrant and we are delivering supplies to the Talaxian Colony. I was wondering if you could help me gather the supplies and set them up in Cargo Bay two.?

Dalenna was happy, "I'd be glad to help in any way I can. Just let me know exactly when and I will be there."

Deela smiled, "Good. I will let you know." They finished their meal. "I guess I had better get back to OPS. I still need to recruit more people."

"If you need more help I can get some of the crew from my ship if you need it." Dalenna liked helping.

"Perfect, I could use some people to get the supplies on the three ships that we are sending." They both stood up, "We will have to do this again."

"Definitely." They parted.


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