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Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2016 @ 10:07pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

609 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD4, 0830hrs

OFF: I'm jumping us ahead to Mission Day 4.


Bremer's Office

Bremer sat at his desk reading reports while K'Temoc, still dressed in a robe, sat on the sofa reading another PADD.

"K'Wor and Becca should arrive back on Earth in about six hours." Mike said.

"Six?" K'Temoc asked, still speaking softly.

"The ship taking them back to the Academy had to stop at DS6 and SB565 to take on more Cadets before returning to Earth." Mike replied.

K'Temoc continued to read, "Looks like Commodore Cantos handled things well with Task Force Ninety-Nine while I was down."

Mike smirked, "You're still off duty for another few days."

Looking at another report. "General Jackson's Marines and ships will be returning from Archanis today. The Marines took heavy casualties. They lost Captain Itis and First Lieutenant Davenport among others. Doctors Hades and Thr'elanon with be busy with the wounded for a while. With Counselor Delair still on leave, maybe we can ask that civilian Psychologist, Sage, to help."

Mike continued to read, "Tirpitz took heavy damage. The Sutherland and Cairo took damage as well. The Saratoga took little. Damage control teams will have their work cut out for them for the next several weeks."

"They still working on the Pegasus?" K'Temoc asked.

"They re-purposed a nearly finished saucer section for the new USS Xenophon, and construction teams will build a new one for her, but it'll delay her commissioning about three years. Damage to the star drive is moving along well. I'm going to meet with Commander Solomon, Lieutenant Sullivan, and Commander Stark aboard her later today but I hope to have her in space again in less than a month." Mike explained.

Mike looked at the next report. "The Luna should be arriving at Nimbus III in an hour or so."

"I hope they get that bastard." K'Temoc replied.

Mike flipped to another report, this one from the USS Challenger. "Damn." He sent the data to the PADD K'Temoc was holding.

K'Temoc looked over it, "The Falcon was destroyed. She was attacked by two vessels belonging to the Opposition Forces near the Inverness system and lost with all hands."

"Commander Richardson was new, but a good officer." Mike commented. "Geordi's report said only one escape pod was launched, but no one was aboard. They were able to destroy one of the attacking ships, the other withdrew. They'll remain close to Inverness for the time being."

"I'll send a message to the Devonshire and have Commodore Cantos take over the Falcon's patrol route." K'Temoc said. He was rather upset, the Falcon had been his first command, his ship though most of the Dominion War. She was a fine ship, Defiant class, and he hated to hear about her loss."

Mike nodded. "Hopefully the New Hampshire will wrap up their mission along the Gorn border soon, we can send them up to the Inverness sector too. Once the Cairo is repaired, they'll be able to take up some of the slack in the patrol routes too. We can also adjust the route of the USS Shadow to help cover too."

K'Temoc nodded. "Didn't Starfleet send something saying they were reassigning two more ships to Starbase 400?"

"They did. The Centaur class USS Warspite and one of the new Interceptor class ships that just finished her trial runs, the USS Osprey." Mike replied. "I'm going to request Starfleet rename the Osprey to Falcon."

K'Temoc smiled, "Thank you."

Mike saved all the information on a PADD so he could update T'Lar and later on Sevlek.

"I better go lay back down before Doctor Hades comes after me." K'Temoc said as he stood.



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