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Checking Nooks & Cranny's...

Posted on Sun Nov 20th, 2016 @ 6:59am by Captain Jack Solomon

1,139 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Location: Battle Bridge, USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD4 0900

Having been aware of the USS Luna leaving the Starbase whilst he was on board the Pegasus, Jack had made his way from Main Engineering, where he was overseeing the final lockdown of the Environmental Control systems, up to the Battle Bridge of the Stardrive section of the ship.

Having been on the Battle Bridge during the ship's last mission, Jack was acutely aware of how much damage had been done and was happier and relieved to see that this area of the ship was looking much better with the upgrades and new consoles fitted. He took a seat at the Ops station and began running a level one diagnostic. As he did this Jack tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Commander Solomon to Lt Sullivan, would you meet me on the Battle Bridge of the Pegasus please?"=/\= he asked as he continued his work. Jack saw this as a good oppurtunity to get to know one of the newest officers on his team whilst re-calibrations of the Bridge consoles were needed.

Sullivan acknowledged Commander Solomon and handed a coil spanner to one of the enlisted crew members.
"Finish this up and get started on the EPS conduits on deck 36. I will be back later to check on you".

He caught the only working turbolift all the way up the neck section of the ship to the Battle Bridge. Once the doors opened he saw Commander Solomon sitting at the Ops Station.

"Lieutenant Sullivan reporting as ordered Commander".

Jack looked up from the Ops console as Sullivan arrived on the Battle Bridge. "Ah, Mr Sullivan, I hope I didn't pull you away from anything too important," he began as the Ops Console signalled it had finished its programme. He moved over to the rear tactical console and began a second diagnostic run.

"I was hoping you could assist me with making sure that the Bridge consoles were fully up to specs and it gives a chance to get to know each other a bit more," he explained.

"No sir, nothing too important".

He took a seat at one of the Engineering consoles and ran a diagnostic. He ran his fingers over the keypad.
"Repairs are proceeding smoothly. I think we can be full mission capable in a day or two bearing any unforeseen circumstances."

Jack smiled at the lieutenants update on the refit situation for the Pegasus. With Admiral Bremer getting a virtually new Saucer section sent over to the Starbase, that had helped to speed thing s up no end. "Thats good to hear, Admiortal Bremer will be glad to see his flagship up and running again," Jack explained. "I think deep down he's missed not having her out in the field after the pounding she took." Jack continued working on the Tactical console as the diagnostic ran its course.

However he could senser that Mr Sullivan had moree questions to ask...
"By all means Mr Sullivan, if you have questions, please ask away, I don't bite..."

"How long have you been on board Commander?".

"Me? Hell, almost 3 years now although it seems a bit longer to me in some respects with everything thats happenmed whilst I've been here," Jack revealed. "I used to serve under Admiral T'Lar back when she was in command of the USS Essex A, the predecessor to the current starship assigned here and we seemed to have found each other again...its funny how life has its ways of getting others back together again..." he mused. Jack reminded himself to pop Deela a visit after finshing up for the day with a bunch of flowers in hand...

"How long have you been in Starfleet?" he heard Sullivan ask and thought back to his first day out of the Academy as a junior officer, reporting to the USS Wildcat A...

"Oh, at least 20 years and maybe a few more than that I dare say," he began to explain. "I signed on with the USS Wildcat back in 2368 as a young Ensign, assigned to her as the Chief Operations Officer under Captain Wolfe back the adventures we had during her voyages were many of merit." Jack left it there as the Tactical console signalled completion. He headed over to the Science console and began a re-alignment of the lateral sensors from the station.

"How about you Mr Sullivan? what's brough you to Starbase 400? whats happened in your career to date to bring you to one of the most exciting posts in the Federation?" Jack asked, eager to learn more.

Sullivan smiled at the Commander as the Engineering console updated. He stood and strolled towards the conn. He begun to run a Nav systems check. It was a few moments until he spoke again.
"I have just under 18 years Commander. I started out as a common enlisted crewmen on the USS Chancellorsville, an old Miranda class, right as the Dominion War started." He gazed toward the now inactive viewscreen and tapped his fingers against the console.

"I was on the Belknap. We were jumped by a Breen cruiser a few months ago. She took a lot of damage and was sent to the yards. I wanted a challenge and knew how busy Starbase 400 so I recieved orders here." He gave Commander Solomon a wink. "I like being where the action is", giving the other officer a cagey grin.

Jack listened to his previous career that led to Sullivan signing up to Starbase 400 and let out a little chuckle when he said about being where the action is. That reminded Jack of himself in many ways. "Aha, you have certainly chosen the best assignment for being in the thick of it," answered Jack, " Its never boring!"

Jack headed from the Tactical console over to the helm and began a systems alignment program. "Well I have to say, your sure to enjoy this assignment and your a fine asset to the Engineering team. I can't wait to see this ship back out there again..." He confirmed.

"Thank you sir. I won't let you down," He broke off as a chime caught his attention. "Nav systems online and calibrated. He stood and went back to the Engineering console. He entered a few keys and brought up a status display. "Engineering systems aligned with Main Bridge and the MSD in Main Engineering. "
He gave his department head a wolfish grin. "I think we are in business Commander".

Jack smiled as he read a message on the console before him. "Ah, it looks like the Admiral wants an update on the refit. We've been requested to join Commader Wayne and Commander Stark in Main Engineering," Jack explained. "Shall we?" he asked looking over at Sullivan.

"Yes sir".

The two officers finished up their work and left the Battle Bridge via the only working turbolift at that time and headed to Main Engineering.


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