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Recovery is a BITCH...

Posted on Wed Nov 16th, 2016 @ 2:46am by Commander Hades,MD

604 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 93 - Warrior VS Warrior
Timeline: MD3 moring

It was early, Deb and Amir were both awake, restless. Deborah's awakening Telepathy was giving her a mild headache.. She was ready to go!! Poor Amir, Dedicated to Deb to the point of being a little basket case.. She was crawling across the windows overhead, chittering incessantly. She wanted OUT.. But she refused to leave without Deborah.. She was suffering an odd form of claustrophobia.
Deb had to actually "take over" her mind for a minute to get her down.. Deb didn't like having to do it, had only done it twice before in all there years together..
Amir clambered up the back of the bed, up Deb's back and huddled against the left side of Deb's neck.. Amir squirmed, chittered and locked onto Deb's neck... [It's ok girl, were almost free..] Deb ate a "Normal" meal, enjoying it, She hoped it would be enough for Doctor Hades. Deb was hurting for information, The 3rd had been deployed and she was Completely left out of the loop.. She had every intention of breaking into the com system if No one told her something...

Hades walked into the room and smiled at Deb and Amir. "Hello my friends. How are you both doing?"

Despite the fact the Amir Liked doc Hades, she leaped out from her hiding place in Deb's hair into her chest. Raised multiple legs at him and Hissed violently.. Deb placed her right hand over Amir, pressing her firmly into her chest. Deb could feel AMIR becoming Feral from her entrapment.
"Forgive her, she won't leave without me, but she's losing her mind, the environmental systems are a strain on her too." Amir chittered angrily.. " Can we leave soon? Please?

Hades smiled. "I know the feeling." He set his doctor's bag down. "Well almost. I'm going to check you over and your little friend too. Once I'm sure both of you are fine I don't see why I can't release you but no duty."

Deb sighed. " It's going to be a week at least till I'm close to fighting trim.." She said. " I'm still malnourished, and tire to easily.." "We can't afford to stay vulnerable like this." She pauses. "I want you to know, once I'm back NO ONE TOUCHES YOU.. Unless they Want to become your patient.." It wasn't exactly what she meant, but... Amir retreated to her hiding place, chittering incessantly, both needed the comfort and security of their own space...

Hades smiled. "It will be okay, I promise you both, and I don't break my promises." He rand the tricorder over one and then the other. He smiled. "Not quite there but better. I say let's give it one more night and then in the morning you both can go home."

Amir growled in complaint from her hiding place.. Deb gave Doc an apologetic smile.. "We'll deal with it.." She had a thought.. "I know the 3rd deployed, can you get me ANY News?? I'm being kept in the dark??" It was a long shot..

He sighed. "It's not been easy." Hades wouldn't get her upset. "Just rest now." He gave his little spider friend a look. "You rest too."

Amir growled again, but she was already half asleep.. Deb gave up and just closed her eyes.. Her gut still hurt, but it was manageable.. "Ok Doc, we'll do what you want..." She closed her eyes again..

Hades waited a bit to make sure they were sleeping well and then headed out to his office. He looked down and noticed that his hands were shaking. The symptoms were getting worse. He sighed as he sat down in his chair.


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