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Calming Down

Posted on Fri Aug 5th, 2016 @ 9:09pm by Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Major General Thomas Jackson

1,043 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Holodeck, Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3, 2140hrs
Tags: Hurd

After the fight with Jewel, David was angry, and knew that he needed to work that anger out before it consumed him. With Axe at his side, he had mad the walk to one of the Starbase's Holodecks. Stopping at the wall mounted panel beside the door, David started scanning through the programs available, noting each one as he scrolled down. Near the bottom was a program titled ''Protection Dog Bite Work and Apprehension Training''. David was puzzled for a moment, as he did not know of anyone else aboard base that had a Dog like his. Shaking his head, he selected it, and said aloud, ''Computer begin program''. A split second later, the doors opened and he and Axe entered and walked onto what appeared to be a wide open field, the sun shineing brightly. David walked Axe up, and stared down the field where a hologram dressed in full body bite suit started making noise, jumping around, and agitated for Axe, who began to bark thunderously and strain against his leash. David was just about to let him go when he heard the doors behind him hiss open.

Jackson was uncomfortable as hell. David is his friend, and he would just like to make the situation go away. This was not going to be easy with his tenacious XO. "Got a minute David?"

''Yes sir, one moment'', David said. Reaching down, he unleashed Axr, who bu this point was very exited, and with a command of ''Graf!'', He shout down the field towards the hologram in the bite suit. turning, he said, ''What do you need, sir?''

"First off, how are you?" Tom knew the answer to that question already, but he would be less of a friend if he did not ask.

''Royally pissed off, sir''.

"I am not going to bet that you aren't. What the hell happened over there?" Jackson asked.

''That paper pushing desk jockey is what happend''

"Details my friend, I need details. How did this all come about?" Jackson had his run in with POGS, but nothing like getting the hell choked out of him by one.

''I brought home a Dog'', he pointed down the field at axe who was engaged in bite training, ''Jewel took offense to it, and then Axe attacked that nanny of hers, which he would not have done unless he percived a threat, because he is a very highly trained protection dog.'' ''Then things spiraled out of control from there.''

Jackson blinked a couple of times, "You mean to tell me that this brawl was over a puppy? There has to be more than that, because she knows that in this day and age, dog bites can be treated well, and dog behaviors can be changed as needed. I am curious as to what the nanny did though. Besides all of that, are you sure this dog situation is not the bomb, but a spark that set off a pre-existing bomb?"

"Maybe a spark, i do not know, but as far as im concerned right now, she can go to Hell''.

Jackson knew this was going to take a while. At least both of them would have time to cool off. "Okay David. The Old Man is giving you off tonight, as well as restricting you to your quarters on the Tripitz. Then you have the next two days off. This is non-negotiable. The Admiral also suggests booking an appointment with that civilian councilor, BUT not at the same time as Jewel, since you both cannot be within 300 feet of each other. Personally, this sounds a lot better than the Admiral's first impulse.

''Bullshit, no way in hell will i be restricted for something i did not do, nor will i talk to some damn psychobabbler''. ''Jewel started it and i will not be punished for it at all''.

"You are not getting punished as of now," Jackson was now trying to stay calm, "The Base Commander has given you and order to be restricted to your ship for the rest of the night. She is restricted to quarters. He has also placed both of you on leave for the next two days. The head shrinker is a suggestion he made. This is a break David, and I strongly suggest taking it."

''Or what?'', David said his temper flaring up. ''What is he going to do, and as a matter of fact, why in the hell is he not down here?''

"Probably back with his family by now. They just arrived back to the base when all of this crap went down. He only had enough time to say hello to them then Deela informed him of the incident. 'Or what?' Come on David, you know the alternative as plain as day. Personally, I need you to be a free man in four days. Between all of these new officers, and the division as a whole, I really don't feel like eating my phaser. Now please, I am begging you, take the eight measly hours of restriction, and enjoy the next two days off to relax, even break things in the holodeck. This is all just a bad dream." Jackson said, praying to himself that Hurd would find some reason through his anger.

''If i am forced to do this, Jewel will not be the only one i file complaints against, and furthermore you will have my resignation on you desk by 8:00 am'', David said, so mad by this point he slammed his fist into a nearby wall mounted display, shattering it and throwing sparks all over himself''. ''So get the Old man down here.''

"Not happening. You have your orders, the choice is either to follow them, or not to. You seem to be forgetting our places in the food chain. Mike gives me orders, I give you orders." Jackson's patience was starting to run out.

''You tell Mike, as of 8:00 am tommorrow, i am out, but before i do that, there will be a backlash for this load of crap that i am being forced to do, being punished for something i did not start!!''

Jackson bowed his head down in defeat, "I will Colonel, I will."



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