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Work to be done

Posted on Sat Aug 6th, 2016 @ 9:30am by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Major General Thomas Jackson & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 92 - More Questions than Answers
Location: Starbase 400, Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD3 1845hrs, Following 'Asylum for the Lady'


It was late in the evening, but there was work to be done. Fleet Admiral Bremer was in his Office and just finished reading a message from Janice on Earth. In a few hours, she along with their kids would be back to the Station with the Romulan threat seemingly passed.

Mike had a stack of PADDs on desk. Some were reports he was reading, some he was writing for Starfleet Command. Some were from the Romulans, their official requests for asylum in and to defect to the Federation and to join Commander Donatra's Free Romulan Forces based at Vaun'gan.

Two PADDs however had Mike's attention. One listed two new crewmembers that had been assigned to Starbase 400. Ensign Scott Byrne, a Security/Tactical Officer, and First Lieutenant Seth Davenport the new 327th Marine Regiment Commander. The other PADD also held good news, and Mike wanted to get this task done before he continued with the mountain of 'paperwork'.

Mike tapped his comm-badge. "Admiral T'Lar, General Jackson, Lieutenant Baratan, First Lieutenant Davenport, and Ensign Byrne please report to the Commanding Officer's Office."

"Jackson on the way." Jackson responded.

"Davenport on the way Admiral." Seth responded.

Mike took the PADDs and signed off on them both, then sat them beside a small box on his desk and waited.

Jackson was the first to show up to the office. "Admiral."

Mike stood and nodded, motioning for him to stand over to the side. "We'll wait til everyone arrives."

Deela showed up, acknowledged Bremer and took a seat, wondering what was going on.

Mike flashed a smile at his trusted XO.

Seth entered the CO's Office and made his way to one of the open seats, then looked around the room and nodded to his CO and those present. This first meeting of sorts with the leadership before his official report-in would have to do for first impressions.

Jackson recognized the face of the Lieutenant as soon as he walked in. The face of Seth Davenport of "Davenport's Stand" fame during the Dominion War. This was one of a small group of Marine officers who have seen comparable action in the War that Jackson has experienced. He was, however, both puzzled and alarmed at the First Lieutenant rank on Davenport's collar. For now, he would not dwell on it. He extended his hand to Seth, "Tom Jackson, a pleasure to meet you."

"General Jackson, sir, your reputation precedes you. A honor to be working with you onboard." Shaking his hand, he knew that following this meeting, the two of them would more than likely have another conversation.

"Thank you," Jax replied. He thought the same thing, and not just to report into the Division.

Next to arrive was Ensign Byrne, coming from the lower torpedo bays. He paused at the door. "There's nothing to worry about," he thought, "probably just a routine meeting." He took a deep breath and rang the chime. Byrne opened the door and took a step inside snapping to attention. "Ensign Scott Byrne reporting as ordered Admiral." Byrne said

"Have a seat Ensign." Mike replied, motioning to one beside Lieutenant Davenport.

Byrne did, wondering why they were all there.

Mike looked around the room, "As soon as Lieutenant Baratan arrives we'll get started."

Saith was the last to arrive. “My apologies,” as she nodded to Bremer. She felt like she was getting pulled all over the universe these days. Come here, go there seemed to be the constant refrain, it was frustrating, although she couldn’t figure out why. Without further acknowledgment to those assembled, she moved to the empty seat and joined them. She looked at Bremer.

Mike smiled and nodded to Saith. "Thank you all for coming. First I want to introduce Ensign Byrne, a new Security and Tactical Officer and First Lieutenant Davenport the new Three Twenty-Seventh Regiment Commander." Mike focused on the new members, "When we're finished here, Davenport please meet with General Jackson regarding Station policies, his expectations regarding the Marines, and your duty assignment. Ensign, please go with Lieutenant Baratan to discuss duty assignments, expectations, and station policies.”


Mike then focused on Jackson and Baratan. “But, before you all go, Jackson and Baratan step forward.”

Once they stepped forward Mike picked up the small box on his desk. “You’re back out of proper uniform. Saith Baratan, you’re hereby promoted to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges thereof. Thomas Jackson, you’re hereby promoted to the rank of Major General with all the rights and privileges thereof. Congratulations to you both.” Mike smiled and handed them both their new rank insignia.

Jackson was almost speechless as he accepted the two star insignia. "Thank you Sir."

Deela congratulate him and Baratan as well, "Congrats to the both of you. It is well deserved."

Mike's display on his desk beeped. He read the message and it appeared to be urgent. "I apologize to you all but something's come up. Congratulations again." Mike hurried out of his Office. He absolutely hated to do that, but it couldn't be helped.



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