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Fitting The Shoes

Posted on Fri Mar 25th, 2016 @ 5:48pm by

477 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Flight Control
Timeline: MD3

Willam took a while to look around the room he was in and was aghast at how official and shiny everything looked. The window faced the interior of the expanse inside the star base which housed many of the docked ships that had been arranged to arrive with many work bees scurrying around and making their repairs.

A large display at the back of the room situated the master situations screen which had details of ships docked, their location and any other ships planned to be in the area at the time. Details of which came up on a small graphic next to the insignia of the owners.

The USS Ashalla had docked and could been seen from the window, Willam took a moment to stare at the stature of the ship. Nacelles down and powered off it looks almost dormant but there was a steady flow of activity already around the vessel.

"Well this will take some getting used to" Willam said out loud to himself.

He had a habit of talking to himself, a habit he was not to keen to admit incase he found himself under inspection by the star bases medical team.

Willam's patience for prodding a poking has run thin since his time in training, every opportunity a trainee doctor needed to 'practise' was aimed at Willam. He put it down to his large group of friends back at the academy. That was what he was lacking now, a group of friends to talk to.

It was a lonely time for him, he needed to find his feet and find them fast. He had only managed to bump into a few people on the star base and those were only by accident. No striking up of conversation had been had yet. It would soon be time for a briefing of some sorts, a meeting, a schedule planning session. Let alone meeting his team. That would give his mind some time to think about something else rather than the impending fact of living the rest of his days on the station as a recluse.

He laughed at himself for a second as he caught glimpse of his reflection in the window.

"If I do meet anyone, its a doubt I would see them again considering the size of this place."

He sat at his desk and began his work, something which he should have done about 10 minutes ago but his mind had a tendency to wonder away with him. Down below his fingers was a console of buttons and tactile interfaces. Willam ran his hand over the shiny surface and activated his computer screen.

It beeped and flashed with various incoming information from all areas of the facility he literally did not know where to begin. He scanned through some deployment rotas and then began checking in with the personnel in the department.


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