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From One Life to Another: Part 1

Posted on Wed Mar 2nd, 2016 @ 5:32am by

623 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Cruise Liner Demeter
Timeline: MD3

It was easy to look at Nephele Prodromou and assume she was nothing more than a dilettante socialite provided with a token job by her Papa.

The truth was a little different.

True, Nephele possessed the supreme confidence that came naturally only to fortunate individuals who have never having wanted for anything, and she truly believed that if she had been left to grow up on a street her natural determination would have allowed her to achieve everything she currently had in life. It was true also that her papa had given her the first break into the business, but in the cut-throat environment her family perpetuated, it was her own skill and resilience that kept her there and allowed her to rise.

Nephele placed her cocktail glass beside the PaDD that already lay on the surface of the chrome and plexi-glass side table. Her chair was positioned to take advantage of the double level space-scape the windows of her stateroom allowed as the cruise-liner began its two hour diversion from the main shipping lane. She curled her legs beneath her and she took a moment to read up table beside her chair. She curled her legs beneath her and reached for the PaDD.

For a time she read, browsing and digesting the profiles of the main players on the ship. In her mind she was sketching how they would interact, what their motivations would be, and how she could exploit them.

As the pinprick of light began to mushroom into an ever expanding starbase she laid the PaDD in her lap and curled her fingers around the stem of her glass, sipping the Andorian Sunset as the liner settled into synchronous orbit of Archanis IV which blossomed into a swirl of greens and blues and whites. “Come in,” she said hearing the simulated rap at the door.

"Miss Prodromou, we have established orbit. You are now able to make your transfer at your leisure. I have prepared a launch should you prefer to dock directly rather than use the transporter," the Concierge said with polished politeness.

Nephele traced her finger up her glass, picking up a bead of chilled liquid, "I think, Juno, I will take the transporter," she decided, "Have my luggage transferred in the launch," she added. For a few minutes after the transport, she could be completely anonymous – this sort of chance came along so rarely she couldn’t help but snatch it with both hands.

An hour later clad in a simple grey suit Nephele was ready. She slipped her PaDD into a soft rust coloured leather bag and her feet into matching flat shoes. In no rush, she sauntered through the tourists milling in the corridors and taking in the spectacular views from the panoramic platforms. Nobody seemed too perturbed by the unscheduled change to the itinerary made to rendezvous with Starbase 400. Arrangements for accommodation had been made in advance, so all Nephele needed to do was transport, and find her way to her new home.

The concierge was there again to meet her at the transporter room. "Miss Prodromou, this way," he said as he ushered her in to the large sterile room that was most often used for transporting tourist groups of twenty to day trip locations. "As per your request transport of your private belongings is underway. You will be met in the transporter room by the officer on duty."

"Thank you, Juno. You’ve been an absolute poppet on this journey. I’ll be sure to mention it to Papa," she said with a girlish smile as she took her place on the transporter pad. "Ready when you are!" she said and waited for the buzz of the transporter beam to take her.


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