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Posted on Sat Feb 27th, 2016 @ 11:04pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Captain Jack Solomon

648 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Starbase 400, Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD3 0930 hrs, Following 'Second and Third Chances'


Following his meeting with Gillo and Croesus, Mike sent a message to T'Lar and Solomon. While waiting for them to arrive, he read over a message he wasn't happy to receive.

During the night, his longtime friend and Chief Engineering Officer, Commander Coleman had been called away from Starbase 400. There wasn't much reason given by Starfleet Command, just that is was necessary. Mike hoped Jonathan would return someday, but for now changes needed to be made.

Deela was enjoying breakfast with her kids when she received Bremer's message. She dropped off the kids and made her way to Bremer's office. She rang the chime before entering. She stood before him, observing him for a moment before speaking, "Is there something wrong?"

Mike motioned for her to have a seat. “A Dominion ship will be here later today with Odo aboard to meet with Kratz. They’re not due for hours.” He handed her a PADD with the information he had. “Also, our new Assistant Chief Operations Officer came aboard, transferred from the USS Tikal, Lieutenant Commander Croesus.” Mike handed her another PADD with that information, Croesus’s Starfleet Records, and transfer orders. “Finally, Mister Coleman has been transferred, I don’t know the reason behind it at this time, but the orders came down from the Personnel Officer at Starfleet Command. I think Solomon would make an excellent Chief of Engineering, but I wanted your input first. You’ve known him longer than I have.”

"That explains your expression when I walked in. Sorry about Coleman. He will be missed. I think that Solomon would be the perfect choice. He will not disappoint." Of course, she was a little bias when it came to Solomon.

Jack was on board the USS Ashalla working with Lt. Cmdr Sito when he received a message to meet with Admiral Bremer in his office. He looked across at Sito ans smiled. "Do you mind? I have to get up to Ops, Admiral Bremer wants me," he explained.

Sito smiled and shrugged, "Orders are Orders. Just make sure you get back here asap," she said. Jack made his way off the Ashalla and double timed it to the nearest turbolift and made his way to the Admiral's office. Once he arrived, he pressed the door chime. Seeing the Admiral wave him in, Jack saw Deela already there and waiting. He suppressed a small smile as he nodded to her, thinking of the surprise he had planned for her later that day.

"Admiral, you asked to see me?" Jack inquired.

Deela glanced over at Solomon, keeping her Vulcan demeanor. She nodded back before turning her attention back to Bremer.

“Please, have a seat.” Mike replied motioning toward an empty chair beside T’Lar.

Once Solomon was seated, Mike began. “We’ve learned today that Commander Coleman has been transferred, by the Starfleet Office of Personnel. We’re in need of a new Chief Engineering Officer, and both Admiral T’Lar and I feel you’re the best choice.”

Jack was a little surprised at the news but he was also pleased to hear that both Deela and the Admiral considered him the best person to step up. "Thank you sir, I'm feel honoured that you both feel I can take on these duties. I would be happy to take on the position of Chief Engineer," Jack said. He felt prepared and ready to step up and become a department head again.

Deela smiled proudly at Solomon, "Great! Congratulations." She put her hand out to shake his hand.

Mike then smiled and shook Solomon's hand. "Congratulations, it's well earned Jack. We're also going to promoted Lieutenant Boone to be the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, I suggest meeting with him to go over expectations, et cetera."

Mike glanced at the time, he had a meeting with Captain Ro soon. He flashed another smile, "Dismissed."



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