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Another training day on Kaleb III

Posted on Thu Feb 25th, 2016 @ 12:09am by

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Kaleb III

The armored vehicles were lined up in the desert. One platoon of Somme tanks and another of Type 2 Light Battle tanks. Marines were busy crawling over them doing systems checks and stowing extra gear. All the marines had on masks to protect them from Kaleb III's environment and the infantry had body armor in addition.

They were getting ready for a live fire exercise. The Somme tanks would provide fire support while the APCs brought up the infantry platoon for an assault. The marines finished their checks. The crews boarded their vehicles and the infantry loaded in the holds of the APCs.

Sergeant Vaal was the last of the infantry to mount. She looked at the APC and grimaced.

"Is there a problem sergeant?" Zaiya asked Vaal.

"Um...I'm a little claustrophobic." Olga admitted.

"You can sit in the vehicle commander's cupola and unbutton the hatch." Zaiya told Vaal.

"Would that be safe during a live fire?" Olga asked.

"That or you ride inside." Zaiya told her. Olga weighed her options and took the track commander's position.

After a communications check, Zaiya gave the order to move out. The tanks took up a firing position overlooking the objective while the APCs moved down into a gully to mask their movement.

Olga could feel the air against her face through the mask. She was holding on for dear life as the APC violently zig-zaged. In the distance she could her the tanks firing their micro torpedoes at the objective several kilometers away.

Four hundred yards distance to the objective the APCs stopped. The infantry dismounted and reformed to assault the objective. "Form into platoon column. First squad take lead, headquarters will follow, then second squad, and finally third squad." Olga ordered.

A beam of energy barely missed Olga's head. Olga fell to the ground from the errant phaser shot. "Who shot that?" Olga yelled.

"Sorry Sergeant." A female voice called out. "I'm not used to this safety." Olga recognized the voice that belonged to a young Andorian lance corporal.

"I'll deal with you later, Ashara." Olga called out.

The infantry hurriedly formed up and moved out. As they approached the objective, they could feel the concussion of the tank rounds landing home. Olga could tell the younger marines didn't like the closeness of the live fire. It was, however, important that they practice this way.

First squad then took up a position overlooking the objective. The other two squads stayed hunkered down and slowly moved around to assault the position. Olga pulled a flare and shot it. The tanks shifted their fire.

First squad then started shooting on the objective. Second and third squads crawled forwards with first squad shooting almost above their heads. As they two squads got within five yards, Olga ordered them to throw smoke grenades.

The smoke grenades popped and the objective was shrouded. First quad shifted their fire as the rest of the platoon charged the objective in line. Olga could now see the humaniod sized targets on the objective. Many were destroyed y tank fire.

The two squads methodically destroyed all the targets on the objective. Soon, they were finished with their task. Olga called a limit to the advance and first squad hustled to link up with the rest of the platoon.

Olga was still trying to catch her breath when she hit her com. "Soghla' Zaiya, I'm calling it done."

"Understood Sergeant." Zaiya confirmed. "We will bring the APCs with us onto the objective and pick you up."

"Roger that, Vaal out."


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