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A Meeting of Minds...

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2016 @ 8:40am by Captain Jack Solomon

719 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: USS Ashalla Docking Bay
Timeline: MD3 0900hrs

Jack made his way to Main Engineering to pick up his tool kit before the long shift ahead. Admiral Bremer had given orders to begin work on overhauling the impulse engines on the USS Ashalla that had arrived earlier this morning. Once he arrived in Engineering office, Jack pressed the comm button at his station.

"Cmdr Solomon to Repair Teams 1 & 2, please report to the USS Ashalla for new assignment, orders will be presented once I arrive. Solomon out," Jack explained. He grabbed his tool kit and made his way to the nearest turbolift.

Minutes later, Jack arrived at the docking port for the USS Ashalla and requested to see Lieutenant Commander Sito Jaxa, the ships Chief Engineer. He spotted the Bajoran engineer handing out work assignments to her engineering teams and made his way over to her. Jack also spotted his requested repair teams for the Ashalla engine overhaul.

"Lieutenant Sito? I'm Lieutenant Commander Jack Solomon, Assistant Chief Engineer here on Starbase 400. I understand your having problems with the Impulse Engines on the Ashalla?" Jack asked after introducing himself. Sito smiled as she shook his hand.

"A pleasure to meet you, Commander. Its good to know we've got the best on the job. We've had some issues recently that can only be solved with an overhaul at best," she explained. "We're due to begin patrolling the Krazzle border soon and Captain Ro will no doubt expect more speed than one quarter impulse should things start getting...interesting."

Jack smiled. "Oh, I don't doubt it. I have two repair teams here with me now to assist...should you need anymore, please feel free to ask, we always have a few on hand, just in case," he offered. Sito nodded back to him.

"Thats extremely helpful, Commander, put them to work right away," Sito confirmed. Jack signalled to both of the repair teams before giving his orders.

"All right, listen up people. Heron, you'll lead Repair Team One, begin work on overhauling the portside Impulse Engine. Shrok, you'll lead Repair Team Two, begin work on overhauling the Starboard Impulse Engine. Both teams are to work in tandom with the Engineering team on board the Ashalla," Jack expressed his orders to both teams as they made their way aboard the Intrepid Class Starship.

Jack smiled. "Its been a while since I've worked on an Intrepid Class Starship, I can't wait to get to work on this one. The last time I worked on them was being part of the Engineering crew at Utopia Planitia, working on the Bacchus. Any ideas where you would like me to start?" He asked.

Sito pulled up a schematic on her Engineering PADD. "The secondary powerflow regulator on the auxliary Impulse drives need looking at. Shall we begin there?"

"That sounds like a plan, ladies first, Commander," Jack offered. Sito smiled as she made her way aboard the Ashalla with Jack in tow. They headed towards the necessary work area and Jack couldn't but smile like a kid at Christmas. Although he was happy on the station, he still loved being on starships and Sito seemed to pick up on this. "How long has it been?" she asked him as she opened an engineering hatch.

Jack didn't understand her at first. "I'm sorry , long has it been... for what?" he asked. He didn't deny the Bajoran woman was attractive, she was good looking indeed but his heart belonged to Deela.

Sito secured the hatch and smiled. "How long has it been since you served on a Starship? You look like a kid in a candy store," she explained.

"Ah, I see. My apologies. I'm attached to the USS Essex, one of the stations support starships, she's an Intrepid Class too," he explained as they continued to the maitenance area, "I'm the Chief Operations Officer on board, we saw some action about a month or so ago against the Borg so its not been long."

Sito stopped for a second. "The Borg? Wow, I haven't heard anything about them in a while. That must have been tense," she said.

Jack smiled for a second. "Tense is one way to put it, don't worry Commander, you're in good hands here," Jack explained. He opened up his tool kit and pulled out his
tri-corder. "Now, shall we begin?"


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