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Second and Third Chances

Posted on Tue Feb 23rd, 2016 @ 10:38pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo & Lieutenant Commander Croesus

637 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Starbase 400, Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD3 0800hrs, Following 'Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast'


The transporter pad seemed to all be alive on 400 and Croesus knew it well, as he had visited a bunch of times while his. old ship awaited refit.

Now with it gone to its new fleet, Croesus was settling in with the choice to remain behind. Remain behind while his home and former Captain and friends evolved to what they would become. For him setting up roots would be in his best interest ifbhebwas to be successful. If he was to find the one thing he had been searching for.

Accepting a demotion in rank was unsettling but as a station only had so many open slots, he had to be improvising and accepting. The beauty of the Universe was there always was possibilities.

Following protocol Croesus arrived and introduced himself to the Admirals yeoman. Awaiting audience, he prepared for his job interview.

Mike was in his Office looking over the requested supply list from the USS Ashalla when his Yeoman, Petty Officer de Luca came in.

“Sorry to interrupt, but there’s a Lieutenant Commander Croesus asking to speak with you.” She handed a PADD to Mike.

“Thank you.” Mike replied as he took a look at the PADD. ‘XO, USS Tikal, requesting transfer to Starbase 400, Assistant Operations Officer.’ The PADD also had Croesus’s Starfleet records and other information, including a recommendation from the CO of the Tikal. “Send him in.”

While waiting, Mike tapped his commbadge, “Lieutenant Commander Gillo, report to my office.”

Holly was one to be at her post so when the comm. went off she was quick to answer it, "Aye, sir." She closed the comm. and yielded the station to a waiting officer before going to the Admiral's office to report in as requested.

Once everyone arrive, Mike motioned to the chairs opposite his at the desk. “Mister Croesus, I see you’re requesting a transfer from the Tikal to Starbase 400. That’s quite a step down from Executive Officer to Assistant Chief Operations Offer.”

Croesus had been to the ends of the universe as former XO on his previous ship and was not one for butterflies. Looking to the Admiral in anticipation.

"I certainly do appreciate the transfer. Sir I'm not here to stir up anyone's Apple cart. It is beneficial to stay close as my son Tamoth has gone missing. Working here will avail me to find him in my off duty. At some point I hope to return to a ship either as Captain or First Officer. But for now Assistant Operations Officer looks good." Croesus small talked to his new Admiral and CO.

Mike nodded, he could certainly understand the reasons, and SB400 could defiantly use another experienced Operations Officer. “Transfer approved. I’ll send the approved orders to your previous CO and update your Starfleet records.”

Mike tapped a few buttons on the PADD, then realized he’d missed something. “Oh, Mister Croesus, this is Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo, our Chief Operations Officer and your new Department Head.”

Croesus extended his hand to greet the Commander. He was not aware of her record but would most certainly aquaint himself with it.

" Commander Gillo I look forward to serving with you. " Croesus greeted.

Holly took his hand because she knew it was a human way of greeting and one she was use to shaking it she then let go and returned her hand to her side. A smile on her face she spoke, "As I look forward to serving with you. Service records only tell part of the story of an officer I think." Her way of letting him know that service record aside it will be field work she looks at to see what he really is good at.

Mike then stood and extended his hand to the new Officer. “Welcome to Starbase 400.”



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