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First Impressions-Part 1

Posted on Fri Mar 4th, 2016 @ 8:43pm by Major General Thomas Jackson

1,518 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 90 - The Great Relink
Location: Promenade Pub
Timeline: MD2, 1932 hrs

Since the next morning was going to be a busy one for Jax, he decided to relax the night before. He found this to help his focus in an important task. Relaxing meant being dressed in anything but his uniform, and sipping on some drinks at his favorite Pub. The only distraction so far was a loud group of privateers on the other end of the bar, who seemed determined that everyone needed to hear them talk.

It was early evening already on the station. Her first half day on what seemed like contained chaos.. She and Amir were exploring. The promenade promised all manor of wishes fulfilled. Her Phase, her reproductive cycle, was on with a vengeance.. All males were being ranked as she passed, most failing. She heard loud mouthed stupidity but was drawn in anyway..
She came around a tight corner and something came at her shoulder. Amir was hit. She flipped from Deb's left shoulder. Deb responded instantly. Turning and catching Amir in her right arm. "That's the last mistake you'll Ever make F$#@&!!! She hissed, a look of Death on her face.
The man wielding and extendable baton Stood and chuckled. "Look pretty Lady, I thought you were being jumped by that thing.." He said.
She shouldn't have done it, but, her left hand snapped out and hit the inner arm of the assailant. He nearly dropped the baton, stepped back and two others got to their feet. Deb assumed a southpaw stance as the men moved to surround her.. It was almost even, the odds spoke..

Jax was enjoying another "red death" when he heard a commotion from the direction of the annoying group. He noticed the privateers surrounding a young woman and an unidentifiable being. Jax was not exactly the white knight type, but the odds, as well as the privateers annoyed him. He sprung into action. The man with the baton was swooped out of the group, and rendered unconscious on top of a table. Jax tossed the baton aside. "Gentlemen, you might want to leave this establishment."

The privateers were now split into two groups, one facing Jax, and the other facing Deb.

The arrival of the gorgeous Alpha male turned the situation on it's head. The odds decidedly against this bunch. The leader stood and pulled what was likely a stolen D'k Tagh. She reacted to her assailants in lightning quick moves. She jammed her left fist into the shorter ones throat on her left, using the temporary brace she kicked right, her 3 inch stilleto entering the second mans abdomen. One gshged andbfell back the second screamed and fell to the floor. Blood started from a point around his naval...

One opponent attempted a bad frontal attack on Jax, who quickly fish hooked the privateer, spinning him around just to get punched by his own comrade. Standing there in shock, after dispatching his own crewmate, he met the same fate from a well placed blow by Jax. A third privateer make a wild swing at Jackson's face, but Jax avoided the punch, and rewarded him with an elbow strike directly to the nose. Jax was now out of opponents.

All she saw was blood, felt uncontrollable fear and rage.. Amir adding to it through her pain. Deb leaped with both knees forward. Their first attacker. Just coming awake, took the full power and weight of her leap. The table kicked over into the others and the man hit the floor square on hismaddeninger gaged and awoke as air escaped him.. Defenceless, he felt the women's left hand come down on his neck. Deb started swinging her right fist, pendulum, front back.. Screaming.. YOU'LL... NEVER... TOUCH.. HER.. AGAIN......!!!!!!!!!! IN Deb's mind Amir echoed.. KILL IT!! KILL IT!! KILL IT..!!!?!!!

Jackson might have been a little drunk, but he knew a bar room homicide would have complicated things, not to mention the cleanup involved. "It's OVER, they are done...

The Alpha male spoke.. His power penetrated her rage.. He'd commanded her to withdraw.. Confusion, need. Rage, the Alpha.. Her mind was lost.. She followed his wishes, wrenching away from the broken lesser male.. She huddled her broken Amir to her bosom, moving just behind the Alphas right shoulder.. She waited obediently for his command, hoping to please him.. She glared in utter contempt at the other lesser males...
Amir's instinct screamed.. RUN!!! WHILE YOU CAN RUN!!!!!! Deb's confusion kept her in place, she realised she was unable to speak. At least she thought so.. When she spoke a tongue she did not know she knew came through her voice... " Geshrea Viba Didona,, Alspha..."
(Translation:: I am here what do you wish of me?? Alpha...)

Jax heard her words, but did not understand them at all. However, he did know that it would not take long for Security to arrive to break up the already concluded fight. He took her by the hand, and started to guide her towards the pub enterence...

More persons arrived, a tribe she did not know, in garments she did not know carrying what she believed were weapons.. FEAR like she'd never known caused her to push into the Alpha's back, begging him.. ENDA PSTHRAI NOS ZEXA ALSPHA!!!!!! (DON'T leave me to them it will be my end.. ALPHA!!!)

Jax recognized the NCO supervising the scene. "Petty Officer McGuinness."

The startled Security Officer was startled by Jackson's presence in the scene. He snapped to attention, "Sir!"

"These men assaulted this young lady, and her companion. I assisted her in defending them."

The Petty Officer motioned to the Security Team, and they started to apprehend the privateers. Jackson added, "It was probably liquid courage. I SUGGEST that you just place them into Security until they are sobered up in the morning."

McGuinness took the hint, and the Security Team escorted the battered men out of the Pub. "You might want Medical to do a house call to the brig. ", Jax said with a wink.

Looking at her, he asked, "Where are your quarters?

His lips were perfect strong, she did not understand his words, But when he spoke the other tribe OBEYED HIM.. It was maddening to not be able to reply.. What to do!?!? Thankfully, despite her pain, Amir had calmed now that the threat was gone. She choose to speak for them both...
"Thank you for helping us,," Amir said in standard.. Fearfully Amir would be rejected but unable to turn or move out of his shadow.. Deb awaited the Alphas reply...

Jackson was puzzled by the lack of response. He tried again, "Where do you live???

Her heart broke.. Why couldn't she understand him!!!??? "Amir-is Bantu Helsp Aslpha"" she begged.
(Amir help speak with Alpha) Amir felt her owner companions fear.. "Try your translator it might help?" Amir suggested.. Deb didn't even know her name, All that matters is the Alpha. If he rejected her she would run and never allow another to come close,, she would protect Amir-is with her dieing breath...
So she watched him, fearful by needing him so completely.. "Alspha shusana bearsa.." she said under her breath.. (Alpha carry me..) Amir was barely moving, she knew she was in trouble, with Deb lost in a backward time in her mind, Amir clung to her young companion pain, fear and uncertainty all that seemed to exist.

Jackson was running out of ideas. He pulled out his combadge, thinking seriously about calling Giaus for help. The shine from the badge flashed into her eyes...

Was he rewarding her!!! The object was beautiful, she didn't know what it was but it captivated her.. "Forsa Isa Aslpha" she said in wonder (For me Alpha..) it said back to her.. She leaped back but than crept forward, was this?? "Namsa aslpha?" The piece seemed to stop a moment (name Alpha?) She smiled It was trying to speak for her!!! She opened her right hand looking at the Alpha for the right to hold it...

He did not understand the language that she was speaking during what appeared to be a trance. She was reaching out for his combadge, as if it would help her. He placed it in her hand, and waited for a reaction.

She shivered, his touch was.... Indescribable.... More than she'd even hoped for.... But than than a fear gripped her?? What-if she seemed to simple? Or stupid?!?! He'd never select her, sure maybe protect her, guide her, but make her HIS??? "Wachu ISA namsa Alspha?" ( what is your name alpha?) "Mir ISA.." ( my name is...) She froze... What was her name!?!?!?!?! Tears began as she stumbled... It was to much... She tripped over herself and collapsed to the floor. Somehow she fell so as to not crush Amir. She blacked out......

Jax caught her before she hit the floor. He took back his combadge, =/\=Medical Emergency, Promenade Deck, Section C=/\=

It did not take long for Medical to show up, evaluate her, and take her to the Medical Department, with her companion in tow. Jax did not even get to know her name. But he felt that things would be interesting.


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