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The new Regimental Commander

Posted on Tue Sep 15th, 2015 @ 3:18pm by
Edited on on Wed Sep 16th, 2015 @ 10:40am

2,161 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 89 - Futility's Return
Location: Multiple places
Timeline: Present

Walking out of the shuttlecraft that had brought over 20-30 new ships personnel; Hondo had already straightened out her uniform, making sure her custom form fitted uniform was straight. With her ram-rod straight posture, Her female hair cut, that was styled to Marine Corps standards for women.

Wearing a minimal amount of makeup, clear nail polish, and a pair of small gold studded earrings in both ears, she cut a figure that seemed like she came out of a Marine recruiting poster, she looked impeccable, and with over 18 years of service to the Corps as an infantry officer; she was no pushover, and had no time for any foolishness.


For the 10 Marines who normally worked alongside the civilian employees in the Divisions personnel office, they were all gone, having been told by their NCOIC to report to the Phaser range for their six month Phaser rifle qualifications, and afterwards they were given the weekend off, with the exception of their NCOIC, a veteran Staff Sergeant who had been with the personnel section for the past 8 years of his 20 year career.

Inside the office were 14 brand new Marine replacements whose fates would be decided by the NCOIC. With the 327th,14th, and the 4th Infantry Regiment all crying for replacements, and their commanders calling his office practically every day asking for the status of the new replacements, and every day Staff Sergeant Mahoney would tell them none had been sent to the 1st MARDIV.

Now in front of him were the 14 Marines personnel records now completely finished, and waiting for his signature to send the Marines to one of the regiments. He was suddenly interrupted by the grab-assing of the new Marines who were now anxious, and wanting to join their new unit, and hoping to get the weekend to themselves before they would have to physically in-process into their individual regiments.

With the noise getting louder, the Staff Sergeant was about to dress down the Marines, when a female Marine officer with the air of authority, walked into his office, and presented to him, a set of orders posting her as the 327th Infantry Regiments Commanding Officer.

She had this aura around her that said command authority, and then he saw the Operation Return Medal, and the Marine Marksmanship medal, he told the 14 Marines to sit down and keep quite; then he back to his desk. Barely having time to get behind his diesk, he stood there as the woman said "Staff Sergeant.

Expecting to hear her talk like the other female Marines that had a knack to try and impress him and his staff with how tough the where when they signed in; it was surprising to hear the Captain say in a soft but authoritative voice that was non-threatening said "Staff Sergeant Mahoney, my name is Captain Milagros Hondo Magbangan, and I have orders posting me to report to you as the new commander for the 327th Infantry regiment" Taking the packet of orders Sergeant Mahoney said "Ma'am would you please take a chair and wait while I get you started in-processing into the Division.

As Sergeant Mahoney took her orders from her and began the short in-processing procedure, Hondo turned and walked to a chair at the back, and waited; not like the other officers who seemed to want to sit in the front. Sitting there, she just sat and looked around, and as she sat there in the chair; the 14 Marines who were also amazed at the woman, began to slowly get louder.

As the noise got louder, Staff Sergeant Mahoney was about to get up out of his chair, when she signaled him to stop; then she got up, and now watching the Marines who were not paying attention, suddenly from out of the blue they heard "MARINES, FALL IN".

Suddenly they all turned around and saw Hondo standing there waiting, they all dropped everything, and got into two ranks, and stood at attention. Hondo said "My name is Captain Hondo Magbangan". Then in a soft but authoritative voice she said "from the looks of your appearance at this time, you folks must think you're Marines, am I correct? In a chorus they all said at one time "YES", we're Marines!"

Replying, "well Marines; let' see how good you really are". Group "Attention-Shun". At close ranks intervals.... Dress Righttt Dress!"

Suddenly the Marines exploded into action as they scrambled to remember how to prepare for inspection, and finally when they were all in the proper formation, Hondo said "FRONT!", and all you could hear was the words "dress and cover" several times. Now with each Marine spaced out in a close area for inspection, and everyone was dressed and covered, she looked at their faces, and saw a look of fear on their faces. Now she said "Staff Sergeant Mahoney, if you please". Taking his place next to her, after making sure he was properly dressed, Hondo said "Staff Sergant" you're fine, "Let's see if these Marines have the guts to stand a full ranks inspection.

Starting with the first Marine, she destroyed him starting with his un Marine haircut, to his uniform having gigs, slight peach fuzz on his face, to his shoes not spit-shined, his medal not worn correctly, metal brass not shine; then she began to ask him questions, and as she watched him sweating, she moved on to the other, and at the same time, she mentioned to Sergeant Mahoney all of the gigs she found on each Marines.

Then she began to ask him basic Marine Questions, grilling him for a few minutes, and as she went to each Marine she did the same thing, inspecting their uniform and bombarding them with questions. Walking around to the back of the first line, she was noting their hair cuts, and their uniforms with with Sergeant Mahoney writing down the gigs she found.

If the first line though their grilling was tough, she destroyed the second line, first it was the uniform; then she bombarded them with questions on the history of the US Marine Corp of the 18th-22nd century. From the use of Phasers, to Sniper weapons, and other weapons in the Marines Inventory. One Marine she asked "What is the maximum distance of a Type-1 phase pistol, What is a Type-3 Klingon Disruptor, and so on. When he couldn't come up with the correct answers Sergeant Mahoney wrote this down on his sheet.

Finally she was finished, and now as she stood in front of the Marines, she began to talk softly and said, Marines; you have a half-hour to get your discrepancies taken care of. By the time you folks return, I will be gone, but don't think you're free, if you happen to sneak out because Staff Sergeant Mahoney is Busy, He'll let me know that you skipped out. Then she said Marines "As you were...

Returning to Staff Sergeant Mahoney's desk, Hondo asked which regiment will the 14 Marines be sent to. Well Ma'am, I wasn't really sure, where to send them. What what all of the other Regiments crying for replacements and such. Then Hondo said; "you know I can't very well force you to send me Marine Replacements, but don't you think those 14 Marines could use some more instructions on how to stand an inspection?"

Suddenly a spark of brilliance went off Sergeant Mahoney's mind, and he said in a wicked laugh, You know Ma'am many times I get some Senior NCO sitting her to grab a group of Marines that we've cleared through the Division, once they pass my station, I don't really care whey they go, but it has to be a Unit, and since you're the ranking officer her; "They're all yours".... Sergeant Mahoney, replied Hondo, "You're a dear", thank you. When those Marines get the word to where thy're going, just tell them they can talk to the Regiments Commander..

It took another ten minutes before Staff Sergeant Mahoney said "Ma'am" your wanted upstairs to see the General, his office is in "A1 Level 10". You can take the nearest turbolift to his office, and good luck Ma'am, it was fun to see a few Marines get their teeth knocked in".

Walking to the Turbolift Hondo said "A1 Level 10" The trip took less than 30 seconds. Now getting out she saw several Lieutenant Colonels, and full Colonels conferring in small groups. From the looks of these officers many wondered what a Captain was doing in General's country. But for Hondo, she had seen this whenever she had younger Colonels in her office who were trying to impress her with their knowledge.

But for Major Frank Richardson, he had a penchant for making the life of a company grade offices life hard. He had the reputation of raking over the coals an officer who could not answer his questions, so just as he was about to ask Hondo a question, the voice of Colonel Isidaro Carmichael, Chief of Military Intelligence said "I think you should really think twice before you ask this Captain any of your questions. Shrugging off the suggestions, he began to question Hondo.

First he asked her some easy ones, and then she gave him the proper answer. Now seeing that she wasn't playing his game he tried to ask questions that a Marine with a lot of years and having gone to the Command War College would know, and she still beat him, then she began to ask even harder questions from tactics, and how certain battles were fought and lost by imbecile Majors like him.

Remembering his rank, Hondo replied with no hint of superority, or giving out any hint she was better than him, she merely pointed out that the correct answer was in the various Marine Technical Manuals, and Field Manuals, pointing out where he was wrong.

Finally Colonel Carmichael said "Frank the next time you want to trade Marine Corp regulations at 40 feet with Captain Magbangan, do it in private, please; I hate to see a grown Marine cry"

Then Hondo whispered into Col Carmichael's ear... Smiling, Col. Carmichael said Frank, you better take a look at your haircut, your uniform has a bit of lint, plus your gig line is not straight, and your ribbon rack is not centered.... Turning red, with the other officers laughing; Frank just sputtered, and cursing to himself as walked away.

Finding that Hondo was formerly a Colonel, and the commander of the 47th SFMCU at Galahad Marine Corp Base, and had taken a voluntary reduction in rank to Captain, they all left, leaving the two good friends alone. Isadaro said what brings you up to the Generals office, telling her story, Isadaro said, I'm sorry to have kept you past your appointment with the General.

As for General Jackson, I've known him for the last five years, he's gruff in a sort of male way, but he's also fair. So don't worry, he'll probably blow up at you, but you've seen how general officers act, so I wouldn't worry about his rantings on being late to see him. Seeing that you're a former commander, he may tap into your skillsJ, so be nice, and you'll be fine... "Got to go", so see you in the Officers club tonight, we have a lot to talk about....Then Colonel Carmichael left, leaving Hondo now to enter the office of General Johnson.

With that in mind, Hondo walked into General Jacksons outer office and when she reported into Lieutenant Granderson, he said "Captain Magbangan I'm sorry, just as you took the turbolift to come to the generals office, he had to suddenly leave for what I think is a meeting, but then there have been many meetings the General has to attend.

What I'll do is keep your Isolinear Chip and put it on the generals PADD, and when he come back he can have me call you for your in-procssing briefing. But for now, you're welcome to go to your new command, I've already notified your command of your appearance, and both the Command Sergeant Major and your senior commanders will want to see you .

Thank you Captain, and hopeflly the general will see you shortly....

Turning around, Hondo first thought was finding her command, and then going out to the Officers Club, she didn't think a few hours would not hurt, because tomorrow morning she was going to have a surprise for her command, and from what she's done in the past, there were going to be a lot of hurt feelings; but she didn't care, she had a mission, and that was getting the 327th off its soft ass and into a fighting machine....

Looking at the wall chronometer, it was now 1730 hrs, and didn't Isadaro say she wanted to see me at the O'Club?


Captain, Aartemisia Hondo Mabgangan
327th Infantry Regiment
Starbase 400


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