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Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2015 @ 4:04pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Captain Worf Son of Mogh

1,724 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD3 1830 hrs, Following 'Getting Discharged'


It had been nearly two days since Rodek had arrived on Starbase 400, but
his memories still had not returned.

For the most part, Rodek had been a well behaved guest. Mike had tried to
talk to him a few times, but nothing came of it, and Rodek couldn't
remember anything. Bremer hadn’t pushed, hadn't told Rodek who he was...or
who he used to be...but it was clear Rodek couldn't remember any of it.

Right now, Rodek was in Sick Bay. While the concussion was healed, Doctor
Brislan insisted that until his memories returned, Rodek remain there for
observations. While the Klingon had been allowed to move around the
station, eat in the promenade, and even was lead on a tour of places like
Ops, at night Rodek had to return to Sick Bay.

Bremer was on his way to Docking Bay Thirty where the Defiant Class USS
Warrior had just docked. While her crew would get a little R&R, her
Captain, Worf, had more personal matters to attend to.

The airlock opened and Mike stood waiting. A moment later, Worf stepped
through, followed by another Klingon Mike hadn’t expected to see again.

“Malor?” Mike said, almost questioning the fact that he was standing here,
but he was. Malor, Son of Rus’ar. Former Governor of the Klingon planet
Toran before that a General in the Klingon Defense Force, and a friend of
Mike’s father ma’gh. Mike and K’Temoc had spent several summers at Malor’s
home on QonoS in their youth, and K’Temoc and Malor’s son had been close
friends as kids. Later, in 2380, Malor had allied himself with the House of
Duras, and Toral. It was later learned that Malor had been loyal to the
Sword of Kahless (which Toral had finally recovered adrift in space in the
Gamma Quadrant), not Toral himself. In the end, Malor regained his honor
by helping to stop Toral and his plans, but was still sentenced to spend
fifteen years on Rura Pente.

Malor was always someone whom believed in the old stories...who ever
controlled the Sword was the rightful ruler of the Empire, so in some
ways, his actions were seen as honorable.

Rodek had been there too, he was Malor’s Military Advisor on Toran, and
after the incident with Toral Rodek had been tossed out of the Klingon
Defense Force and his honor further tarnished. Like Malor, Rodek had
helped the Pegasus crew in stopping Toral and his plans, but the damage to
his Honor was done.

“Yes K’Wor, it’s I.” Malor replied, rather formally.

Mike looked at Worf who looked at Malor for a moment, then back to Bremer,
“Malor was released from Rure Pente by order of Chancellor Martok to help
mediate a dispute between the new Governor of Toran and several of the
Klingon Houses that call Toran home. We were taking Malor back to QonoS
when you hailed.

“Where is Rodek now?” Malor asked.

“Sick Bay.” Bremer replied. “He has total memory loss, remembers nothing
of his life as Kurn or Rodek.”

“Can your Doctor not perform neurosurgery?” Malor asked.

“Of course Doctor Brislan can, she’s quite skilled, however both she and
Doctor Bashir advise against it. Rodek has had too many surgeries and
trauma to the brain to risk another surgery, if it can be helped.” Bremer

“I want to see him.” Malor replied.

Bremer gave a respectful nod before turning to Worf. “You’re crew is
welcome to enjoy some R&R aboard the Station. Crusher, Daniels, Perim, and
the rest of your Senior Staff are also welcome to join my Staff tonight
for dinner, informal. Malor, you're also welcome.”

Worf nodded, “I will tell them.” Worf wasn't trying to be short or rude,
but he was concerned for Rodek...even if he didn't want to say so.

Several minutes later, the three arrived in Sick Bay. Malor paused, then
looked at Worf, “Maybe you should wait outside. The last time Rodek saw
you, he said he would kill you if he saw you again.”

Worf looked at Mike, then back to Malor. “No, I will take my chances.”

As they rounded the corner into the area of Sick Bay Rodek was in, they
saw he was awake laying on a bed. He then sat up upon seeing Bremer and
two Klingons enter.

“Who, are you?” Rodek asked.

“You do not recognize us?” Malor asked.

“Should I?” Rodek replied, sounding a little defensive.

Malor motioned toward Worf, “This is Worf, Son of Mogh. I’m Malor, Son of
Rus’ar. You've know the both of us, the majority of your life.”

“I, do not remember you.” Rodek replied. After a moment, he stood and took
a step toward Worf. He looked over at Malor, then back to Worf...studying
his face for a moment. “You, you do look familiar to me.”

Worf looked back into Rodek’s...Kurn’s eyes for a moment. He could ‘see’
his brother in there, but he wasn't sure how to reach him.

“What is the last thing you remember, before coming here.” Malor asked.

Rodek paused a moment, before taking a step back and turning away for a
moment as he thought. “I don't remember anything prior to coming here. I
was told I was injured aboard my shuttle. It was found adrift by the IKS
Has’sta. Their Doctor treated me, and then I flew to Deep Space Nine, then
I came here, but I do not remember being hurt or going to this, Deep space

Malor watched Rodek for a moment, “I will advise the Chancellor of Rodek’s
condition and that he has no memory of who he is.” Malor gave a respectful
nod, then left Sick Bay.

Mike then looked back at Rodek, “Thank you Rodek. Get some rest.”

Rodek was clearly frustrated, but he'd given his word he would listen to
Admiral Bremer’s instructions and something within himself ‘told’ him to
honor his word, so Rodek climbed back onto the bio bed and laid down.

Bremer and Worf left Sick Bay and walked down the corridor. “What do you

Worf left out a breath, “I do not know. It is clear he doesn't have any
memories, but why did he go to DS9 and then here? The last I'd heard,
Rodek was on the Homeworld again. He'd spent two years aboard a Nyberrite
Alliance Cruiser as a Security Officer and was looking to restore his

Mike tapped his commbadge, “Bremer to Roebuck. I want you to log into the
Klingon Central Datanet, see if you can find anything about Rodek, Son of
Noggra after his return to the Klingon Homeworld following his service
aboard a Nyberrite Alliance Cruiser”

“Yes sir” Roebuck replied, then the channel closed.

“Have you told anyone about Rodek’s true identity?” Worf asked.

“No, I haven't even told K’Temoc.” Mike replied.

Worf nodded, “Perhaps you should.”

Several minutes later, Bremer and Worf were in the Briefing Room as T'Lar
and K'Temoc entered. Mike motioned for everyone to take a seat.

"I'm sure you both have been wanting to know more about our guest, Rodek,
and why I asked Worf here on such a short notice." Mike looked at both his
trusted XO and his Brother for a moment before continuing. "Before 2372,
Rodek didn't exist. His real identity is...Kurn, Son of Mogh."

Mike paused for a moment, letting the info sink in. While it might not
have been anything of major concern to T'Lar, Mike knew K'Temoc would have
something to say. He tapped a few commands on the table, and a holographic
image appeared with a picture of Kurn on one side, then him as Rodek on
the other. Between was information regarding his procedure aboard DS9
nineteen years ago to erase his memories of his life as Kurn.

Bremer was correct. Without knowing who this Kurn was or why he needed to
change his identity, it didn't mean much to her. T'Lar was more concerned
about K'Temoc and his emotional state upon hearing the news.

Before his brother could say anything else, K'Temoc asked, "Why didn't you
tell me Kurn was still alive!"

"I didn't even know at the time, I didn't find out until three years
later, when I received a report from Worf and Chancellor Martok." Mike

Worf then added, "At the time, the only people that knew of the deception
were Doctor Bashir, Dax, Noggra, and myself. I didn't tell Captain Sisko
or General Martok."

K'Temoc didn't like the answer, "You should have told me when you found
out, Mike."

Mike nodded, "Perhaps, but I gave my word I wouldn't. To anyone."

T'Lar looked over at K'Temoc, "There is an old Scottish Proverb that says
an honest man's word is his bond. He would have told you if he could but
he was bounded by his promise." She didn't know if that would make a
difference to him but she put it out there anyway.

T'Lar turned to Bremer, "Concerning Kurn, what is the plan?"

"Now, we wait. Doctors Brislan and Bashir both recommend against another
surgery, he's suffered too many surgeries, concussions, and other brain
trauma over the years. It's hoped, in time, his brain will heal itself and
the synaptic pathways will repair themselves." Mike replied.

"I'm going to take him back to the Homeworld aboard the Warrior when we
take Malor back. Perhaps, between his time here and his interactions with
Malor and myself it will help his memories return." Worf added.

"No offense to Klingon medicine, but in his condition, Rodek will be seen
as inferior, and without his memories he'll be helpless in many ways.
Shouldn't he remain here or sent to a Federation medical facility that's
better suited for this type of problem?" K'Temoc asked.

Worf didn't really have an answer, while K'Temoc's logic made sense, he'd
hoped the time around other Klingons would help Rodek.

After a few moments, Mike spoke up again.

"For tonight, we're not going to worry about it. I've invited the
Warrior's Senior Staff, Malor, and I'll invite Rodek too to dine with the
Station's Senior Staff. I think we all can use a little relaxation.
Informal of course."

T'Lar grinned slightly, "Of course.”



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