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The Twins

Posted on Fri Jun 5th, 2015 @ 8:44am by Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo

1,182 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Docking Port 8
Timeline: MD3, 1100hrs

Previous Day, 2100hrs

Gaius sat on his couch reading his Group Roster. As usual, there was no one out for medical, or any other reason. The 1st MARSOC Group was at full strength. No CO could ask for anything better. Then his thoughts wet to Holly. Their relationship can now be counted in months, and they have been the best months of his life. He still wondered how someone like her would be in love with someone like him. His thoughts were interrupted by the Comm...

=/\="Chief Aquila, you have an incoming message from Magna Roma."=/\=

=/\="Pipe it to my quarters"=/\=

The view screen came up on his desk. The familiar face of his father, Flavius Arturius Aquila appeared. It has been a long time since he spoke to his father.
He stood up. "Senator."

His father smiled. "Why the formality Son? Have you gotten too used to Marine life?"

Gaius felt like a fool, but managed to smile. "Patre, my apologies."

"None needed Son. Classes ended for the summer a week ago, and I remembered that you wanted the boys to come see you, so I made the arrangement."


"Yes. The twins should be arriving to you early tomorrow."

Gaius sat back down, or more like, his buckling knees forced him to sit down. He wanted to see the boys, and his excitement was overcoming him. "My gratitude Patre. Are you well?"

"Nothing too different since you have left. The Senate regrets nothing regarding Federation membership. Of course, they are also unforgiving to our "allies", the Romulans for the stunt they pulled 70 years ago. Oh, there is talk that the Proconsul might retire this year. I pity the man who they elect in his place."

Gaius had a funny thought. "Proconsul Aquila?"

"You bite your tongue Son, right this instant."

"Sorry Patre, I could not resist. I hope all is well."

"It is. We will speak again my Son. Live well!" The Senator gave a Roman salute as his image disappeared from the screen. Gaius remained seated to gather his thoughts, until he realized something.

He opened a channel to Holly's quarters, hoping that she would pick up...

Holly was not one to go out unless she had a reason to. That was just the way she had become over the years of being away from home. Naturally she didn't fit the normal Betazoid behavior patterns but most would tell her it was because she was around humans so much. The thought of it was funny considering most of the people she worked with and got to know personally were not human to begin with.

Hearing the comm come in she got herself presentable enough to work with the auto part of it and then turned it on knowing that there was only one person in the station that would contact her when off duty, but this wasn't his normal as he normally would just show up.

=/\= This is Holly go ahead Gaius. =/\=

=/\=Sorry to bother you at such a late hour my Love, but is it possible for you to meet me at Docking Port 8, around 1100 hrs tomorrow? I want you to meet someone.=/\=

=/\= Yes I can. Thought there was something wrong since normally you just show up to ask me questions like that =/\=

=/\=Sorry, but I got excited. There is someone I need you to meet tomorrow. It is a surprise. =/\=

=/\= Will see you tomorrow then. =/\=

Docking Port 8, 1100 hrs on the following day

Gaius stood in front of the gangway doors. He was understandably nervous, as he awaited for both Holly, and his boys.

Holly got there at the time that Gaius told him to meet him there. She knew that there was a shuttle coming in at the time so made the jump that whoever he was excited about would be on that shuttle. Dressed presentable and nicely she made sure to look like a lady and not just an off duty soldier. It was rare for her but she was doing it for him. Standing next to him she waited to see what would happen.

The doors opened, and people could be seen departing the gangway into the station. Gaius' eyes lit up when a brawny, yet familiar man exited the doors, with two teenaged human males in tow. The Romans, Gaius included, maintained their composure. The man bowed his head, and spoke. "Dominus."

"Relax Marcellus. You are not in Capua." He gave the man an embrace. Then he looked at the identical twin boys. They both spoke in unison, "Patre." He embraced them both in a group hug. "By the gods, have you both grown." He looked at Holly. "Oh, how rude of me. This is my Love, Holly. Holly, this is Marcellus, and these are my sons, Titus, and Octavian."

Holly just observed the reunion as it was very clear that they were anything but human. The responses just as unique as when she was at home. That made her just smiled and wait. Once she was introduced she bowed to them all, "Nice to meet the three of you. I've not seen Gaius light up quite and brightly as he has with your presence."

Titus walked right up to Holly, and took her hand. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Holly. My father sure has good tastes." He seemed friendly, and warm.

Holly smiled and when her hand was taken bowed slightly to him. He looked so much like Gaius in the eyes, "Thank you. It is a pleasure to meet you as well Titus."

Octavian had a more serious look on his face as she walked up to her, and he too took her hand. "Pleased to meet you. It is about time my father found someone. You will do."

Still keeping her naturally warm nature about her she nodded when hearing Octavian, "I'm glad you approve. I don't think that your Father would have it any other way."

Finally, the man Gaius called Marcellus walked up to her. Instead of taking her hand, he bowed his head, "Domina".

Not accustomed to being bowed to but have had it happen before when on her home world she made a gesture with her hand and spoke to Marcellus, "Rise. No need to bow to me. But I thank you for the honor."

Gaius then spoke. "You have had a long trip. I am sure you are hungry. How about lunch at the Promenade?"

The boys, along with Marcellus nodded in approval.

That was when Holly piped up, "Sounds wonderful Gaius. Will give everyone an opportunity to settle in and get comfortable for a bit. Not that I was prying or anything...because I wasn't..." She then sighed knowing that her nerves got the best of her and that she probably just made herself look a fool.

Gaius looked at Holly for a moment. "Would you like to join us?"

"Sure." She smiled at Gaius, "I am honored to have been introduced to your family."

Gaius looked Holly in the eye, "The honor is all mine my Love."


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