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Can't Say Much

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2015 @ 3:44pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain R'nard Lokran & Commander Tressa Brislan & Lieutenant Saith i-Ki Baratan

460 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD1, 1835hrs, Following 'Unexpected Guest'


Once everyone arrived, he led them into the new Officer’s Lounge within Ops and closed the door.

“Doctor.” Bremer said looking at Brislan, wanting her medical report on their

Tressa tapped on her padd and a three dimensional image of a humanoid brain appeared above it.

"The patient has a traumatic brain injury here," she said, using her pen to point to a region of the brain. "You can see there is some pooled blood and spinal fluid in the prefrontal region."

Mike nodded, “We can confirm the head injury. According to logs aboard his
shuttle, he suffered a Grade Three Concussion about a month ago following an encounter with an ion storm.”

Tressa nodded. "He has some common symptoms, including confusion, dizziness, impaired vision, and memory gaps. There is also some scar tissue..." she said, pointing to a different area on the image.

Mike took a breath, he didn't want to address the medical procedure years
ago yet, not until Worf arrived. “I can't discuss that at this time.” Mike
said, kind of coldly even though it wasn’t meant that way. Mike then looked
around at the others, “R’nard, Saith, once the Doctor says he’s not a danger, after he sleeps off his drunken stupor, I don't want him leaving the station. Post guards at his shuttle’s airlock and have at least one guard shadow him. I'll talk to him about that.”

"It will be done." said R'nard. His confidence was somewhat shaken after losing the terrorist. He hadn't had such a setback in his career in Special Forces or Starfleet.

Saith nodded, "Yes sir" she said although there was a hard edge to her voice. Knowing by the sound of his voice that they had been dismissed she stood and strode purposefully (stomped?) from the room. As she walked down the corridor she slammed her fist against the wall not caring that R'nard would see it.

“Dismissed.” He knew he sounded cold, but couldn't explain anything else
to them at the time. Once Brislan, Lokran, and Baratan walked off Mike
then looked at T’Lar and K’Temoc, “I wish I could tell you more, but I
can't at this time. I'm expecting a priority message from DS9 and the USS
Warrior is en-route, please let me know when both arrive.”

T’Lar nodded, "Understood. I will let you know immediately." T'Lar wasn't
a curious person so being on a need to know basis was fine with her. She
new that he'd tell her when it was necessary.

K’Temoc gave his brother a curious look. He wasn’t happy about being kept
in the dark, but he understand that there were somethings Mike couldn’t talk with him about.



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