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Green Meets Red

Posted on Tue May 26th, 2015 @ 10:27am by Major Percival 'Percy' Morris & Admiral Deela T'Lar

633 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Main Operations, Level 1
Timeline: Misssion 87, MD2, 2040 hrs

The turbolift doors hissed open and the giant operations center came into view. It had been a long day as the new Marine explored the Starbase. The marine areas on the lower levels were extremely well-outfitted - it only made sense, being the HQ of an entire division. But this room at the head of the station was impressive.

Morris had served on many naval vessels and had been in starbase operations rooms, but this was different. He was in a new and exciting role, and he was in a fascinating and historic base. The only problem was that many of the figures with whom he wanted to speak were gone or in sickbay. That said, the base executive officer was purportedly in operations or her ready room.

Percy approached an operations officer which was right by the turbolift he had used. "Pardon me," he said calmly, yet evidently abruptly.

"Sir!" exclaimed the enlisted naval crewman. Even across navy and marines, they respected the appropriate chains of command and rank structures. The crewman saluted.

"At ease," Morris said in a stern tone, but with a smile. "I'm Major Morris of the Marine 1st. Can you tell me where Admiral T'Lar is at the moment?"

The crewman pointed towards the center of the room and, from what he recalled from reading dossiers, the executive officer of this station was there with a few others.

Admiral T'Lar was attending to some ship business while Bremer was in Sickbay. It was very quiet in OPS now that all the drama had ceased. With PADD in hand, she began to discuss a few things with a crewman.

Morris strode past the marine area - a couple marine officers were on duty and stood and gave salutes as they recognized him, and he returned the salutes while keeping pace. He approached the woman and came to a halt, saluting firmly. "Admiral T'Lar," he said in typical marine fashion.

"Yes?" T'Lar turned to see who spoke to her. She immediately knew who he was as they were expecting him, "Major Morris I assume." She observed him for a moment.

"Yes, ma'am." He released his salute and stood at ease. "Reporting for duty." He took a PADD out and handed it to her. She probably already had his orders, but it was tradition and protocol to bring a copy yourself. "I believe you are my superior on this station, at this time, ma'am."

T'Lar took the PADD and looked at it, "Yes, I am. Unfortunately, Admiral Bremer was injured and I have no idea how long he will be out of commission." She turned her full attention to him, "Also, Colonel Jackson is off the base. He's off on an assignment so I guess that makes you in charge until he returns."

Percy nodded firmly. He was aware of Jackson's whereabouts - just wished he could be there with the man. "I understand. Anything you need done in particular? Otherwise I can check in down on the marine decks and make sure everything is in order."

T'Lar shook her head, "No. nothing in particular. Make your way over to the marine decks and introduce yourself to the other marines. That should keep you busy until he gets back."

Morris chortled a bit. "Aye, admiral. That will indeed keep me busy." He came to attention again. "If I am needed, I am but a comm away." He saluted and waited for her response.

"I will remember that. And if I did not say it, welcome aboard Starbase 400." She smiled slightly at him.

"Thank you, ma'am," said Percy, completing his salute and turning swiftly on one foot to take his leave. He would give another return salute to the marines off to the side before heading down to levels 10 and 11.


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