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Unexpected Guest

Posted on Mon May 25th, 2015 @ 10:26pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Lieutenant Nick Archer

1,161 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Starbase 400, Ops
Timeline: MD1, 1820hrs

OFF: I've decided to get a jump on Episode 88 tonight. Most everyone with pending JPs have either posted them, asked to hold them over to Episode 88, deleted them, or don't have time at the moment...and since all of the JPs are character development and 88 is a development Episode, why not get to it! We also have a few new members ready to get going, and a few returning from ELOA that are also ready to get going too. This post will start off the main plot of the Episode (which I have planned out), so all of you are welcome to either post development of your characters or just join along with the main plot.


It was early evening on Starbase 400. The day had been one of those
normal, nothing out of the ordinary type of days. It had been just over a week since the Krazzle left the station and the Hunster II relief force had returned to the Station, and it had been good on the nerves to have several of these ‘normal’ kind of days.

Alpha shift was already off duty, but Bremer was fully recovered from his wounds and was in Ops late reading over a reply from Starfleet Command to one of his reports. Mike was also still getting used to the total redesign of Ops, the new module had only been installed a few days ago. It was larger than the previous, offered a few more consoles of on duty crew, a larger main view screen, a Master Situation console in the middle with a holographic interface, bigger Officers for he and Vice Admiral T'Lar, Lounges for Officers and Enlisted personal on duty where they could take a break or get something to eat or drink, but one of the best new additions were two new transporter pads that would allow faster access to docked ships or incoming VIPs.

As Mike passed through Ops, he noticed three ships approaching the Station.

“What ships are those?” Mike asked out of curiosity.

Archer looked at one of his monitors, “USS Boston, she’s docking to take
on a handful of new crew replacements as well as replenishing engineering
stores before heading off on a two year exploration mission and the
Federation Freighter Munson, she's delivering supplies for the shipyard
and repair docks, general goods. The USS Kas’ta is arriving in two hours
to take on addition supplies before heading for Hunster II to continue
rebuilding efforts.”

Mike nodded, “What about that small ship, looks like a Klingon shuttle.”

Archer scanned through his database, “I have nothing on it Admiral. It just
docked in Shuttlebay Six. I show one Klingon was on board, he’s already
aboard the Station.”

“Have a Security Team report to that shuttle and check it out.” Bremer
ordered, but before he could continue his communicator beeped.

“Admiral Bremer, please report to the Promenade” A nervous Security
Officer requested.

“Bremer here, what’s going on?” Mike replied.

“Um, sir, there’s an intoxicated Klingon asking to see, quote, ‘The petaQ
in charge of his veQ’, sir.”

Mike let out a deep breath, “I’m on my way.”

A few minutes later, Bremer arrived on the Promenade and saw a couple of
young Security Officers trying to calm down a drunk Klingon. The Klingon
wasn't wearing the body armor of a Warrior, he had on civilian clothing,
but did have a d'k tagh.

Mike walked up and said in a voice of authority, “What’s going on here?”

The two Security Officers took a step back as the Klingon turned to look
at Bremer.

“You in charge around here?” The Klingon asked.

Mike’s eyes widened, he knew who the Klingon was someone he
thought he'd never see again, “I am. Admiral Mike K’Wor Bremer. What can I
do for you?”

The Klingon looked Bremer up and down for a moment, “K’Wor? I...I know
that name.”

Mike was concerned that the Klingon didn’t seem to really recognized him, maybe it was just the alcohol, but it was possibly something much worse. “My Father was Klingon, ma’gh, son of...Worf.”

The Klingon cocked his head to the side, “Worf?”

Bremer stopped him in mid thought, “What is your name?”

“I’m...I’m...” Was all the Klingon could say as he rubbed a bruise on his

“Aren't you Rodek, son of Noggra?” Bremer asked, trying to trigger the
Klingon’s memories.

The Klingon looked around for a moment, it was obvious he was confused.
Mike then took a breath, “These men are going to take you to Sick Bay,
Doctor Brislan is going to give you a medical exam, see if we can find out
why you can't remember. You're going to cooperate, understood.”

The Klingon straighten up and looked deep into Bremer’s eyes, “I will
cooperate, and not kill them.”

“Good, I'll be down to see you soon.” Bremer added as the Klingon headed
off to Sick Bay with the two Security Officers.

Mike quickly made his way back to Ops. As he entered, Archer stopped him.

“Admiral, Security looked over that shuttle. It’s registered to a Klingon
named Rodek. According to the logs, the ship was caught in an ion storm
about a month ago and took heavy damage, Rodek injured. He was treated by
a Klingon Doctor, diagnosed with a Grade Three Concussion and released.
Seems he then went to DS9, then here, but no additional logs were
recorded.” Archer reported to Bremer.

Mike shook his head, “Open a channel to DS9, and open another channel to
the USS Warrior. I’ll take both in my office.”

A moment later, the channel to DS9 was open. Since DS9 was on the other
side of the Federation, it would take a little time to get a reply. He
marked the message urgent for Admiral Sisko and Dr. Bashir, and asked for
any information they had on Rodek’s recent visit. He also asked for Bashir
to send over all Medical information on Rodek’s procedure nineteen years
ago and his brief visit to DS9 fifteen years ago. After securing that
message and sending it, Mike opened the other channel to the USS Warrior.

“USS Warrior, Captain Worf here.”

“Worf, I need you to alter course and report to Starbase 400 at once.”
Bremer replied.

Worf could tell the matter was serious, “Understood. We're in Klingon
space, it will take us about two days to arrive at Starbase 400.”

Mike nodded, “Get here as soon as you’s about Rodek.”

Worf paused, his eyes widened for a moment, “Understood. Warrior out.”

When the channel closed, Mike tapped another button and requested T’Lar,
K’Temoc, Brislan, Lokran, and Baratan to report to Ops. He didn't want to
tell them everything, after all the only people that knew of Rodek’s true
identity were Sisko, Bashir, Worf, Dax, Martok, Klag, and himself.



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