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Posted on Fri May 29th, 2015 @ 4:23pm by Major Percival 'Percy' Morris & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt

891 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Promenade, SB400
Timeline: MD2-0800h

Jewel got up early and decided to get some breakfast before going on duty, she kissed her husband and then got ready for the day. Once she was ready she tugged on her uniform and then headed out there quarters. She headed for the promenade, after awhile she finally reached the restaurant she always ate at, the Skyline Lounge. She took her seat and sat there waiting on her meal.

Percy had been up and decided to get a coffee on the promenade himself. He was sitting at the bar of the lounge there when another marine walked in - an officer, and not one he recognized from the 1st, right away at least. Then it dawned on him. 'That must be her,' he muttered to himself. He took his coffee over to her as Jewel was waiting. He got to the table and almost dropped his coffee - not out of nerves, but because he needed to salute and didn't want to toss the cup into the air. He set the coffee down.

"Ma'am," Percy said, coming to attention and adding the marine salute.

She looked up and saluted back at the Major "Yes Major?" She asked looking at him.

"Major Percy Morris, the new 1st Marine Division executive officer." Morris finished his salute and stayed at attention. "Permission to continue my morning joe, general." There was a slight curl of his mouth in lieu of a grin.

She looked at him. "At ease Major, I am not on duty at the moment. Please have a seat I don't bite." She teased a bit looking at the new officer. "Brigadier General Jewel Hurd the Stations Chief Diplomatic Officer." Jewel replied extending her hand.

Morris nodded and relaxed a bit. He sat as she mentioned and then accepted her hand before taking his coffee mug back. "An honor, general. I had read most of the dossiers of the 1st, but I had not had time to read over your portfolio." He noticed her physical state and cocked his head as he sipped. "And I would likely have still been aware you are carrying."

She nodded as she looked at him curiously, "It's alright Major." She stated looking at him at took a drink of her tea. "So, when did you arrive aboard?" She asked looking at him not aware of anyone new coming aboard but then again she didn't always know who was new to the station until they meet.

"Two days ago," replied the major. He had just had his briefing with Jackson yesterday. "After serving in the same capacity on the Maryland for a few years, Colonel Jackson and the brass thought it was time I step it up a notch." He sipped his tea. "I agreed," he said with a bit of a grin.

She nodded, "Never a dull moment here on the Base that's for sure." Jewel stated with a smile. "So, I welcome you aboard and enjoy your stay." She added as she looked at him. "So, tell me about yourself?" She was always interested in getting to know fellow crewmembers whenever she got the chance.

Morris shrugged. "Been a grunt all my life, but for the last few years I've been a grunt officer." He grinned, setting the teacup down. "A bit different from the rest of the family, in the navy. But none of them can sharpshoot like me, I can tell you that."

Percy looked up into nothing, pondering the next thought. "But I am always up for more work. Keeps things interesting. And from the looks of it, there will be plenty of interest here." He returned his gaze to here. "So tell me how a general gets to be our lead ambassador?" It was not a doubtful tone - but inquisitive.

She looked at him, "That's a long story that only a few people really know about." She stated as she really didn't want to explain loosing her leg due to cancer and having a prosthetic leg. "Thought, it was time for a change and a Challenging one at that." She said with a smile looking at him.

"I can only imagine." He paused, twiddling the cup as it was empty. He had to go on duty again so no refill was necessary. "You are of mixed heritage, I see - does that help you in your role?" It seemed like an interview question, but he was indeed curious.

"You can say that, my mother was Klingon and Vulcan and my father is human." She stated looking at him. "Also so it's not a shock later on, Admiral Beemer is my Brother-in-law, he married my half sister Janice." She said with a smile, she finished her drink and her meal.

She was an interesting one, for sure. "I suppose I'll have to get used to a few dynamics like that on this station, eh?"

She nodded with a smile, "Indeed." Jewel replied then looked at the time. "Well, it was nice meeting you Major I think it's time for me to go I have a few things to take care of." She stated as she stood up and extended her hand towards him.

Morris stood to accept the hand. "A pleasure, ma'am." He waited for her to depart before he relaxed, grabbing his cup to head out himself.


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