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Posted on Sat May 30th, 2015 @ 11:07pm by Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Lieutenant Commander Holly Gillo

989 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Lt. Gillo's Quarters
Timeline: MD1 Minus 5-1735hrs

Marine Country

Two things are noted for being irritating upon returning from a mission. One, weapons and equipment cleaning and checks. Second, mission debrief. In the world of Marines, both have to be done before they can be released from duty. In the mind of a certain Staff Warrant Officer and MARSOC Operator, there was a third item that needed to be done after the other two were completed. Gaius has not seen Holly for days, and he felt the need to clean himself up, and see her immediately. Colonel Jackson wasn't even finished saying the word "Dismissed" when Gaius was already on his way to his quarters to clean up.

Residential Section

Holly was off duty at the moment and in her quarters. She didn't see the need to be out and about as she was not one with social graces. Even after being transferred out of the marine division and into operations service she still held the mind set of one unit one goal. Always constantly working on the next thing to do with herself and ways to just let go she was in her room getting out of her uniform and into something more relaxed.

Moments later, her door chimed.

Holly heard her chimes go off and went to the door. Not necessarily dressed the neatest right now but dressed all the same. Her hair was still up in regulation style so she didn't mind the dress being not regulation at the moment. Opening the door she wondered who it was.

Gaius stood at the doorway, visibly exhausted, but definitely wearing a joyful smile as he looked at her.

Just about forgetting herself she almost flung herself at him, but she held back and just settled for hugging him. Welcoming him as though they were doing this for years. Breaking the hug she looked at him a light in her eyes that couldn't be described other than her soul making an appearance, " Come inside you must be dead on your feet." Piratically dragging him inside she let the door shut before she gestured to the couch, "Please sit. Anything you need to drink?" She was attempting to be a good hostess in her quarters but it was hard when all she wanted to do was sit next to him on the couch and just listen to his heart beat while hearing about what he could talk about.

"Just water my Love", he managed to say. "But before you get it...", he pulled her closer, and gave her another hug, followed by a tender kiss. He looked at her eyes without saying anything. He then released her, and took a seat on the couch.

Taken by surprised she melted into the kiss almost standing there too long before going about going to the replicator and getting a glass of water for him. Seeing him on the couch made her quarters feel less standard and more like a living space. He brought a warmth to them that she missed while he was away. "Hope you don't mind but I told the replicator to make it cool." She then walked over to the couch offering the glass to him. She then took up a seat beside him on the couch. "Forgive me for being out of uniform already but for some reason today it was bothering me more than normal."

Gaius managed to smile at her. "Trust me, being out of uniform is not a problem at all." He sipped on the water. The coolness contrasted with the water produced by the combat hydration systems that were part of a Marine Combat Kit. Over the years, he appreciated the little things. On the other hand, Holly was not a little thing to appreciate, but what was becoming a big thing in his life. He wrapped his arms around her, and said nothing. He just held her in silence. There was really nothing he could say that Holly did not already know.

The smile then the movement told her enough about how she rated with him. He was becoming apart of her so his arms around her was natural. She cuddled into him letting her ear rest on his chest and hear his heartbeat. That is how she knew that he was real and this wasn't some dream of her's. Putting a hand on one of his arms she rubbed it a bit. "When you're ready will get you out of uniform as well. Leave work behind you for a bit and just enjoy the time."

Staring her in the eye, Gaius replied, "Holly, I was ready to get out of uniform for you yesterday." He slowly got up, and took her into his arms. He gave her yet another kiss.

Holly moved with him and allowed him to hold her without a fight and the kiss she returned. Smiling at him she spoke, " I think some of your cloths might be in the other room, but I can't say for sure because...haven't been sleeping much lately."

Gaius could tell she was worried about him, and he appreciated that very much. "Lead the way Hun."

Taking his hand in one of her own she lead the way back into the bedroom part of the quarters, "Should be on the left hand side of things if they're here. That's were I normally put things that have meaning." She then systematically started opening drawers and the closet so he could see if there was something he would recognize as his own. "Sorry if things don't looked live in, but you know the saying...can take a marine out of the core but can never take the core out of the marine."

Gaius laughed at the remark. "True my love. Now since we are habitual Marines, I think we need to do a personal equipment check." He stared deeply into her eyes. "Computer, reduce ambient light to 20 percent."


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