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Meeting The Right Hand

Posted on Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 2:50pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & Major Percival 'Percy' Morris

956 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Marine Comand Post
Timeline: MD1 Minus 5, 1600hrs

Marine Country

Upon the Saratoga's return to base, Jax ordered the ship to stand down, and his Marines to disembark. When the process was well underway, he was informed that he finally had an Executive Officer report to the base, a Major Morris. He tapped on his combadge.

"Jackson to Major Morris, please report to my office."

=^= On my way sir, =^= came the reply within seconds. Morris was just two decks below going over supply chain processes for the division.

After instructing Major T'Lyn to see the stand down to its end, he left the ship, and made his way to his office.

Percy made his way as well. He may very well have beat the colonel there, but he had to finish the last tracking record. He arrived at the office and found Jackson, recognizing him from his dossier. He came to a firm attention and saluted. "Colonel Jackson, Major Percy Morris reporting for duty, sir."

Jackson looked at the young Major, and returned the salute. He then extended his hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you Major Morris."

Morris accepted the hand and nodded. "Likewise, sir."

Jax then took a seat on his desk, and punched up the Major's orders, and 201 File. He left the Major standing in front of his desk as he read the file. It took him about ten minutes to read it. He was impressed, which was not easy to do. The Major started out his career as a working Marine, enlisted. Once he finished OCS, he seemed to have flown through the ranks. Not too much on the combat experience, but that experience, even though valuable, he would not wish on anybody. "Oh, I am sorry Major. Have a seat."

Percy was only mildly miffed at the 'forgotten' courtesy - superiors tended to do that especially in the enlisted ranks to test the gumption of the inferior. In this case, it may have been sincere absentmindedness. "Thank you." Morris sat, but stayed somewhat stolid.

"We seem to have two good things in common Major. First, we both started out in the enlisted ranks. Second, we were both crazy enough to join the Marines." Jax smiled at him as he made his last statement.

"Crazy is as crazy does, sir." Percy cracked a half-smile. "My family is navy - my cousin over in flight ops and the like. I was never as smart - you know, book smart as they say - as the rest of the lot. I felt a more applied approach was needed."

Morris shook his head as he paused, then looked back up at the colonel. He honestly didn't feel any regret or guilt any longer. He was proud of who he'd become and he was much smarter than he gave himself credit for actually. "So speaking of, what should I be applying myself to first?"

"Unfortunately, you have a couple of things to do, but not necessarily in any order. First, get acquainted with our Marines. That includes the officers. Major T'Lyn is CO of First Regiment, but she has been doing a great job keeping me on my feet in the absence of an XO. Captain Lennox is green, but he is a go getter with a brain. He is a good company commander so far. Staff Warrant Officer Acquila is kind of rough around the edges, like most MARSOC operators, but he is good at what he does. Our NCO's are top notch. Second, if we go into space, you get to command the Tirpitz, an Excelsior Class starship. She is pretty much configured as a heavily armed troop transport. Most of the labs and science spaces have been converted to either hold troops, or equipment. The crew is mixed Marines and Fleeters. In this case, the fleeters have their place. Most of our arms are pretty new, thanks to yours truly, so the line companies have been focusing on training up on them.

"Now this is kind of important. Some of our marines are kind of problem children, as far as their past is concerned. To me, that has no bearing on their performance, and dependability presently. We have an 18,000 strong family here, so pick your battles as far as the rule book. They are still professionals, just not the spit and shine you would see at Camp Archer. And you can call me Jax unless the occasion calls for formality. Are there any questions?"

Percy was busily taking mental notes - those were a lot of names and details. Much of it he had studied and read a tiny bit on, but it was tossed at him quickly. The deluge left him unable to answer the last question very well. "Well, I'm sure I will have many, sir." He paused, forgetting the casual name. "I think I will make myself familiar with the Tirpitz, maybe take some of our crew for a spin. I've commanded a ship before, but mostly in training runs. So going with some of our own will let me get to know them, and get to know the ship."

"What an excellent idea. Just try not to cram everything at once. The last thing we would need is a suicidal XO. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to get a hold of me. " Jax started liking Percy more, and more. But he also saw a borderline workaholic. Jax was sure that Percy would find his personal pace.

Morris nodded and stood. "Of course, sir." He came to attention and saluted. "Permission to get to back to work?"

Of course Major. Again, welcome aboard. As he saw the Major walk away, Jax felt really good having him as a right hand man.


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