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Better Late Than Never

Posted on Mon Jun 1st, 2015 @ 11:03pm by Major General Thomas Jackson & Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 88 - Memories Lost, Trouble Found
Location: Admiral Bremer's Office
Timeline: MD2 0900 hrs


Colonel Thomas is normally a man of professional courtesy. But since arrival to Star Base 400, he has been spinning on his head. Getting a division command dropped on his lap, a VIP visit, and an SAR mission following that, the only person he got to report to, he technically out ranked. He made it a point to finally report to the Commanding Officer himself, Admiral Bremer.

This was only his third time visiting the command center of the starbase, and he still had to get used to all of the "fleeters" walking around. Jax was also not sure if the good Admiral knew who his cousin was, who regarded Admiral Bremer as one of his best friends. It would be interesting to pass Phelan's message of "Hello" to him. As he entered Ops, he asked a crewman where the Admiral might be, and the crewman pointed to the office in the back of Ops. Jax walked up, and hit the door chime.

Mike was in his new Office, getting all of his personal items in order while he could. He's just finished reading a reply from Doctor Bashir and Rear Admiral Sisko at DS9 regarding Rodek. Seemed the Klingon had visited there unannounced, was seen wondering the Promenade, and was reportedly 'lost' before suddenly going to Ops. There, he was confronted by Sisko, Kira, and Bashir before being taken to the Infirmary where the good Doctor had confirmed the concussion. When Bashir turned away to advise Sisko of Rodek's condition the Klingon had left departed the Station. They had tried to send a message to Worf aboard the USS Warrior but were unable to make contact. Mike made a note for Worf and then sent Doctor Brislan all of the medical data DS9 also sent along.

As Mike adjusted a family picture, he heard his door chime, and he made a note to have the chime sound changed back to the tone his previous Office had. He liked, really liked, the new Operations Center module with his new stations and facilities...and his larger Office...but that default chime sound was annoying.

"Enter." Mike said as he turned toward the door.

Jax came into what appeared to be a new office. He pulled down the jacket on the duty uniform that was popular with the fleeters, and stepped in front of the Admiral. Presenting a salute, "Good Morning Admiral. Colonel Thomas Jackson reporting Sir."

Bremer offered a proper and sharp salute in reply to to the Colonel. "Colonel Jackson, welcome aboard Starbase 400. I know things have been rather busy for you since you arrived, I guess it's better late than never that we'd actually meet." He flashed a smiled and motioned toward a few chairs and a sofa in an informal area of the Office.

Jax took up the invitation, and had a seat on the couch. "Yes Sir, it has been busy. But I am happy to report that the Division is ready when you need it, with upgraded equipment. Oh, before I forget, an old friend of yours told me to say "Hello"."

Mike took a seat in one of the arm chairs, "An old friend?"

"Yes. He said you had him spank some Breen that got too close to Epsilon Indi."

Mike smirked, "How is Phelan doing?"

Jax tried to keep from laughing. "Well, um, Sir..." He was trying really hard not to laugh. He took a deep breath. "After he retired, and dropped to Reserve Status, He..." Jax took another deep breath. "Well, it is kind of my fault. We are cousins. I talked him into relocating to Alpha Centauri. After a short while, he ran for governor, just to see how far he could go. He is now Governor of Alpha Centauri, on his second term in fact." Jax could no longer contain himself, and he let a chuckle escape his mouth. Then he regained his composure, and looked at the Admiral for a reaction.

Mike let out a laugh too, he needed to laugh about something. "Never would have thought he'd get into politics. What did he do with the USS Sentinel?"

"Well, he gave her to Captain Richard Tenson, who ran her for awhile. Then the Federation did some downsizing, including some of the ships that were not obsolete at that time. They were actually scrapping Sovereigns, Akiras, Intrepids, and Defiants. Unbelievable. Instead of letting her rot in a ghost yard or worst, Phelan arranged to have her stored in one of the out of the way space docks at Avalon. No one even knows she is there, except the occasional security check, but even most of the security staff only knows of her as Reserve Dock 23. He took me on a tour of her once. Still pristine. He used to joke that if they ever activated his commission, he would take her back out."

Mike nodded, "I'll see if I can get her moved here if Governor Ward would like." Mike couldn't imagine seeing the Pegasus sitting in mothballs anywhere, so he had an idea of how Phelan might feel.

Jax sat there, letting the Admiral's last statement make it through his brain. Phelan would be speechless. "I am pretty sure that he would love the idea. Of course he would probably ask "What would be the Devil's due?" " Jax laughed at the thought that Phelan would be a marker that can be called. But then again, from the stories his cousin told him, Phelan already owed quite a bit to the Admiral.

Mike smirked, "Just tell him to be waiting for my call."

"I sure will Sir." Jax replied, knowing fully well what that could mean.

After a moment, Mike shifted in his chair before changing the subject. "What's your view of the First Marine Division? The new Division XO and it's current Regiment COs. I know we're missing a few."

"First Division is Combat Ready, despite the shortage in the officer staff. The new equipment was a morale booster to say the least. The new XO is a little wet behind the ears, but so far, he shows great potential. The only Regimental CO that I really had a chance to interact with, Major T'Lyn, is an excellent officer. She will go far. As for the vacant slots, the subordinate officers are doing a great job filling in for the absence of senior officers. Same goes for the NCO's in the division. They are making due, and doing it well. Since Third Regiment has the Senior CO, I have been using it the most, with Fourth Regiment as a Reserve under Captain Lennox."

Mike nodded and made mental notes. "Very good. At one point, plans were in place to create a training base on one of the other planets in the system. I'd like for you to move forward with that plan. I believe Kaleb II, III, and VII would be the best choices."

"That is an excellent idea. I cannot recall what class of planets they are, but I would make due, whatever environment the would present. I would also like to use the training base as a cache point for some equipment, just in case we could not use this star base for resupply. Maintaining a small detachment garrison down there would not hurt either. "

"Agreed." Mike replied. "Looks like you have some work to do." Mike added as he stood.

"Keep me updated on progress."

Jax stood up, knowing the Admiral was a busy man. "Yes Sir." He snapped a salute, and left the office.


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