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Welcome Home Jack...

Posted on Sun Feb 16th, 2014 @ 1:39am by Captain Jack Solomon

409 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 85 - Q-uality Time Aboard Starbase 400
Location: Crew Quarters

Jack had piloted the Runabout USS Avon back to Starbase 400 after spending the past several months on Earth. He had been serving on board the USS Venator during the Blockade mission when he had recieved orders from Admiral Stone to return to Earth immediately, without reason.

However when he had arrived back on Earth, Stone explained everything. Jack's remaining family, his Uncle, brother and sister had all been killed in a civilian transport accident. His Uncle had suffered a heart attack whilst at the controls and careered into a tanker hauler. All three were killed in the ensuing explosion.

Jack had spent the time on Earth finalising their affairs and state, making sure that nothing was left unsettled. He had also met with Stone and asked for his assistance in making sure that any belongings Jack had gained could be transported back to SB400.

When asked why, Jack gave a simple answer.

"Theres nothing left for me on Earth anymore. Starfleet is my home sir. Starbase 400 is my home. Thats my final decision on the matter."

During his journey back to SB400, Jack took the time to remember those he had loved and lost during his life and his career: His parent were killed aboard the USS Gage during the Borg attack on Wolf 359, his partner on the Wildcat, Colonel B'eta Dalton, was killed by a Jem'Hadar assault force during the Dominion War, his friend Luke Walker was killed during the raid on the terrorist cells on Korriban Prime and now his remaining family had been taken from him.

As Jack contemplated the cruel twists and turns that the Universe and Life had thrown at him, he remembered something his Uncle had said...

"The Universe has a sick sense of humour and is laughing at you my boy... So laugh right back at it..."

Jack spent a good two hours laughing on the way back home before sending a message to Admiral Bremer, Vice Admiral T'Lar and Lieutenant Gillo regarding his arrival time for SB400. He had landed the Runabout safely and had sent all his things to his quarters, where he now sat, staring at a family picture from several years ago. He looked around at all the boxes to be unpacked and sorted and smiled. Soon he would have his quarters just like a home again. He felt the familiar feelings of comfort, safety and relief return after several months absence.

He was home.

"Welcome back, Jack."


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